Zhu Xi's theory about“Mind”has always been an emphasis and hotspot in the academic circles.This thesis aims to advance the research of this subject.Based on the research results obtained in the academic circles,this thesis divides the relevant issues into five parts,namely“function”,“principle of nature(性理)”,“characteristic and process”,“body,good and evil”,as well as the finally“self-cultivation(工夫)”,thus forming a system from shallow to deep with a beginning and an end,and then further explores the specific issues in this system.
In terms of“function”,this thesis mainly studied Zhu Xi's views on“mind and perception,thinking,feeling and intention”,as well as his views on the differences of human minds,and found that he believed“mind”was equal to“perception”,while“mind(perception)”would successively upgrade to“thinking”,“feeling”and“intention”when in contact with others,and there are differences in“wisdom”and“stupidity”between human minds.
Further,in the aspect of“nature principle”,this thesis mainly discussed the connotation of Zhu Xi's three propositions,XinJuZhongLi(心具众理),XinYuLiYi(心与理一),and XinTongXingQing(心统性情).It was found that the meaning of XinJuZhongLi(心具众理)was that“mind(perception)”served as the sufficient incarnation of the“principles”.The proposition XinYuLiYi(心与理一)was mainly used to describe the state of self-identity of the“superior intelligence mind”.The core connotation of XinTongXingQing(心统性情)lied in revealing that the“mind(perception)”collectively alleged the ability of“perception”(which was the sufficient incarnation of the“princi ples”),and the“thinking”,“feeling”and“intention”generated by it.The extended significance of XinTongXingQing(心统性情)lied in describing the state of“always be the master of itself”,which was owned by the“superior intelligence mind”.
Furthermore,in terms of“characteristics and process”,this thesis mainly discussed Zhu Xi's“mind characteristic theory”,“Mingde theory”,“new theory of Zhong-He(中和)”,and found that in Zhu Xi's point of view,human minds was overall endowed with the characteristics of invisibility,richness,flexibility,and extensiveness,but only the“superior intelligence minds”were able to demonstrate these characteristics fully,and thus were called“Mingde”.In the final analysis,Zhu Xi divided the process of mind into two stages:“the right thought has not yet appeared”and“the legitimate thought arises”,and Zhu Xi believed the two stages both had healthy and morbid states,which finally form intricate relationships.
Furthermore,in terms of“body,good and evil”,this thesis mainly discussed his“Renxin-Daoxin(人心道心)”and“the theory of mind,good and evil”.It was found that Zhu Xi believed that“Renxin(人心)”and“Daoxin(道心)”had different meanings in different situations of life,so there would be two different ways to dispose them.In terms of their existence,the human minds were all“good”,but in terms of contact with others,only“superior intelligence mind”could guarantee always“doing good”,other minds had the possibility of“doing evil”.
Finally,in terms of“self-cultivation”,this thesis mainly discussed his“theory of ZhizhiGewu(致知格物)”,“theory of esteem(敬)”and“theory of Zhi-Xing(知行)”.It was found that Zhu Xi believed that“ZhizhiGewu(致知格物)”was a method of self-improvement,also with the the effect of expanding real knowledge;“esteem”referred to a kind of self-stability and selfmaintenance power of the mind.“Theory of Zhi-Xing(知行)”in the first place was within the scope of the study,the core meaning of“Zhi(知)”was to self-improve to a certain height,the core meaning of the“Xing(行)”was to accustom oneself to this height by repeated training; through the continuous process of“uplift-continuous-re-ascension”,all minds were able to change themselves into“superior intelligence mind”,and the danger of“doing evil”could be fundamentally eliminated.
KEY WORDS:Zhu Xi,Mind,Function,Principle,Self-cultivation