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Study on the Transferring and Upgrading of China’s Trade Structure:Based on New-new Trade Theory








基金信息: 中国社会科学院创新工程学术出版资助项目;全国博士后管理委员会资助项目 展开



第一,为解释包括中国在内的众多发展中经济体出口增长主要以传统产品为主的原因,本书使用农业剩余劳动力非农转移作为结构转型变量,对单要素产品结构新—新贸易理论模型进行拓展,结果显示:农业剩余劳动力的非农就业有利于已有传统产品生产企业的扩张,不利于新产品生产企业的成长,是导致发展中经济体出口增长以少数传统产品为主的重要原因之一。使用1998—2013年中国微观企业数据和1995—2017年HS -6位码数据进行多种实证检验后,农业剩余劳动力非农转移的确具有促进“老”企业传统产品出口增长,而不利于潜在生产者进入市场成立“新”企业,研发和出口新产品扩张的作用。


第三,将单要素模型拓展为偏向性技术进步的双要素(劳动、资本)模型后,本书发现偏向于密集使用要素的技术进步与比较优势一起使本国(或地区)不同行业的企业相对销售收入更大,相反偏向于原本稀缺要素的技术进步可能带来比较优势的升级。使用1995—2017年中国出口的 HS -6位码商品贸易数据、2000—2013年中国工业企业数据库与海关统计数据库的匹配数据以及细分行业数据进行实证检验后,偏向资本的技术进步对资本技术密集型产品出口增长有利,而对劳动密集型产品出口增长构成“负担”,或许可以解释中国劳动密集型产品出口增长放缓、资本技术密集型产品出口不断“扩张”这一现象。







关键词:中国 外贸结构 转型 升级 新—新贸易理论


It is important of trade opening to China,s economic development.However,with China,s economy entering the new normalcy,the growth of foreign trade has also entered the new normalcy.Its inherent characteristics not onlyare larger fluctuations under -by the external demand shocks,but also are facing the new challenges of major developed countries against globalization.Stabilizing exports has become one of the important works of the country,s macroeconomic regulation.What are the structural characteristics of China,s trade growth? What causes the fluctuation of the trade? What effective measures should be taken to realize the sustainable development of export growth? The study of these problems is the key to not onlyunderstand the differences in the relative exports of different products,but also take policies that are beneficial to stabilize exports and promote the sustainable development of foreign trade.In 2015,we applied for the general project of the National Social Science Foundation of China,which name is“Study on the Transferring and Upgrading of China,s Trade Structure:Based on New-new Trade Theory”.This book is the final result of the research project.In the book,we try to make some useful discussions with the theoretical and practical value in the following aspects.

First,in order to explain why many developing countries,(or regions,)export growth mainly depends on traditional products,this book used the agricultural surplus labor as a structural transformation.After expanding the new-new trade theory model of single factor,we found that the agricultural surplus labor is more benefit to the tradition al product enterprises than the new product firms,which is one of the important reasons for the developing countries,(or regions,)export growth dominated by a small number of old products.Based on the data of China,s micro enterprises from 1998 to 2013 and the HS -6 data from 1995 to 2017,we also found the above conclusions should be right in the samples.

Second,using the variables of economic structure transformation to analyze the structure of trading partner countries(or regions),this book found that the developing countries(or regions)have the larger the intensive margin and the smaller the extensive margin of export growth when they have the more agricultural surplus labor,i.e.there was a phenomenon of a large number of traditional products exported to a few partners of these developing countries(or regions).Using the dual marginal data of China,s export to the 209 partners from 1995 to 2017,the above conclusions should be existed which indicates that the growth of China export a few traditional products to a few developed countries(or regions)in the past should be consistent with the economic structure transformation at that time.

Third,expanding the single factor model to the two factors(i.e.labor and capital)with biased technological progress,this book found that the biased technological progress make the larger revenue with the comparative advantage.On the contrary,if the country(or regions)took technological progress with biased scarce factor,which may lead to the upgrading of comparative advantage.Using the HS-6 data of China from 1995 to 2017,the matching data of China,s industrial enterprise database and custom statistical data from 2000 to 2013,and the data of different industries in China,we found that the biased technological progress with capital is benefit to the export growth of capital-intensive products,while is not benefit to the export growth of labor-intensive products,which may be explained that China has less export growth of the labor -intensive products and more of the capital-intensive ones.

Fourth,expanding the two factors into the three factors(i.e.labor,capital and intermediate products),this book found that due to the existence of import trade costs,in order to obtain non negative profits,only the enterprises with higher productivity can take the imported products as the intermediate input to produce the final products.If an enterprise which import intermediate products and export final products is defined as a processing trade firm,the zero profit condition requires a higher level of productivity.On the contrary,if the processing trade enterprise pursues the lowest production cost rather than a higher level of productivity,it should be prone to“productivity paradox”.After using the above matching data for empirical test,the phenomenon of productivity paradoxis easier to appear in processing trade.

Fifth,after expanding the three factors into the four factors(i.e.labor,domestic capital,foreign capital and intermediate products),this book found that if processing trade enterprises of the foreign firms pursue the lower cost rather than the higher productivity,they would also appear“productivity paradox”.Similarly,after using the matching data of China,s industrial enterprises and custom statistical data from 2000 to 2013,the result should be that although the foreign -capital enterprises generally do not show obvious productivity paradox,the processing trade of foreign-capital firms are prone to the paradox,especially for the imported,incoming and outgoing materials firms.

Sixth,differing the goods trade from the service,this book also expanded a service trade export growth model with the potential advantages of human capital.Theoretically,the more human capital countriescould appear the greater service export.Using the export data of China,s industrial service trade from 1997 to 2018,we found that there are the significant role of human capital in promoting the service export.But when we differentiated produce and non -produce services,the human capital had a significant role in the former other than the latter,which meant that China,s service trade sector may be a mismatch of the human capital.

Seventh,taking the Belt and Road into the new-new trade theory,this book found that the marginal role of export growth will gradually be reflectedwith the gradual deepen cooperation between China and the other countries(or regions).Using the 92136 data of China and the other countries(or regions),there also had a significant role in trade growth of both countries(or regions),but it might be more benefit to the intensive margin than the extensive.

Eighth,further incorporating the quality of free trade areas(i.e.FTAs)into the new-new trade theoretical framework,this book could draw a conclusion that the higher standard FTA has trade growth effect,and improving the institutional quality of FTAs might play a role in promoting the dual marginal export growth.Using the data of 188 countries(or regions)in the world,we found that the FTAs should be conducive to the export growth of all countries(or regions).However,the further test results of the cross items showed that the quality of FTAs has no effect of the high-income countries trade growth,and also no effect of the European and American countries(or regions).It seemed that the high-income countries(or regions)may have conservatism and limitations in signing high -standard FTAs.These conclusions might explain some reasons of the high -income countries often requires other countries(or regions)to transfer part of their sovereignty in FTAs negotiation.

Final,combining with the above theoretical and empirical analysis,this book gave the relevant policy recommendations and future study prospects.

Key words: China;Trade Structure; Transferring; Upgrading;New-new Trade Theory





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