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A Research on Professional Manager System of State-owned Enterprises in China

















Abstract:In the course of deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises,it has become the general trend to carry out prof essional manager system.Managers are the key minority to make SOEs stronger,better and bigger.Arousing their enthusiasm is of great significance to the overall reform of SOEs.Prof essional manager system is a key move to break the hiring mechanism of SOEs.To build a prof essional,market-oriented and international team of prof essional managers of SOEs is conducive to activating the vitality of the management team,further improving the modern enterprise system,and constantly enhancing the competitiveness,innovation,control,influence and anti-risk ability of the state-owned economy.Although there are still some problems and difficulties in the practice of implementing prof essional manager system in SOEs,this system is not only the urgent requirement for SOEs to introduce market-oriented mechanism,but also the existing demand for deepening reform and development,and it is also the call of duty to construct the theory of enterprises with Chinese characteristics.

From the theoretical perspective,this study defines prof essional managers of SOEs in a narrow sense,that is,senior managers,who should possess four key elements:political character,leadership ability,work style and psychological quality.The prof essional managers of SOEs are still prof essional managers in essence.They have the same general attributes as those of prof essional managers of other ownership enterprises such as private enterprises and multinational corporations,but they also have special characteristics in introducing motivation,basic principles,responsibilities,ability requirements,selection and employment,remuneration,incentive and exit mechanism.In deep mining incomplete contract theory,principal-agent theory,human capital theory in economics and management theory,we try to construct the prof essional manager system of SOEs in the new era from macro,medium and micro levels.

In terms of evolution process,corresponding to the initial reform and opening up period,economic transformation period,state-owned assets supervision period and in-depth promotion period,the development of SOEs prof essional manager system can be divided into the preparation stage from 1978 to 1992,the preliminary incubation stage from 1993 to 2002,the testing stage from 2003 to 2012 and the stage of promotion and deepening since 2013.At the same time,the development course of prof essional manager system in western SOEs is systematically reviewed,which can be divided into three stages:the managers are mainly subject to political policies,the managers gradually grasp the control of the enterprise,and the managers are subject to the enhancement of government regulation and market supervision.By comparing the development and evolution of prof essional manager system of SOEs in China and foreign countries,it is found that the reform of prof essional manager system of SOEs is essentially a redefinition of the relationship between the state and enterprises,and the incorporation of the CPC organization into the prof essional manager system of shows the characteristics of the manager system of SOEs in China.

In terms of reform progress,with the 18 th CPC National Congress as the main symbol,the policy exploration of prof essional manager system in SOEs presents an obvious transition from slow to quick.Taking pilot projects as the starting point,central and local SOEs are carrying out“self-revolution”reform,which has achieved initial results,gradually increasing the proportion of market-oriented recruitment,further improving the operating mechanism,and significantly improving enterprise performance.The implementation of pro fessional manager system in SOEs has promoted the coordinated operation of the corporate governance structure,standardized the corporate governance structure,and further implemented the functions and powers of the board of directors.Enterprises continue to improve the market-oriented operation mechanism,deepen the“three institutional reforms”of enterprises,and continue to release the vitality of enterprises.SOEs accelerate the pace of“de-administration”and the reform of the cadre system.Performance and compensation management mechanisms have been improved,incentives and constraints have significantly increased,and high-quality development of SOEs has been promoted.However,pilot prof essional manager system overall progress is not sufficient,prof essional manager system in SOEs is still something new,no mature experience for reference,the central SOEs,some provinces and cities at present is mainly carried out in a few companies,a lot of work is to try and improve,while improving,there are still shortcomings.In the process of promotion,there are still some problems,such as insufficient market-oriented identity of recruitment,room for improvement of management contract,gap of market-oriented differentiation of salary,insufficient institutionalization of exit,and improvement of training and supervision mechanism.

At the level of practice,according to the central and local SOEs' practice,the typical way to carry out prof essional manager system in SOEs can be summarized as four patterns,“four modernizations management approach”,“existing leaders turn around approach”,“market-oriented approach”,“market-based selection of individual positions”.Taking China Resources Holdings,Cof CO,Xinxing Cathay International Group,Shenzhen Investment Holdings and Henan Energy &Chemical Group as typical cases,this paper analyzes the practical exploration of prof essional managers in SOEs carried out by central and local SOEs.

This book holds that the promotion of prof essional manager system in China's SOEs is a systematic institutional innovation,which should be carried forward gradually according to the historical track and realistic basis.By adhering to the direction of macro reform,the strengthening of the CPC's leadership and market-oriented development should be unified.Following the principle of meso reform,we should carry out the reform in different categories,levels and stages,with priority and weight.We will promote the micro reform model,further improve the main aspects of“market-oriented selection and employment,contractual management,differentiated compensation,systematic training,market-oriented exit,and process-based supervision”and gradually form a prof essional manager system of SOEs with chinese characteristics.

Key words:Prof essional Manager;State-owned Enterprises;System Reform





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