As a special legislative action,it should be restricted in specific scope for the implementation of delegated legislation.In traditional view,the scope of delegated legislation only generally refers to the scope of delegated legislative power.Analyzed on the theory and practice of delegated legislation,besides the scope of delegated legislative power,the scope of delegated legislation should include the scope of authority and the term of delegated legislation.The scope of delegated legislation has went through the evolution from broad to explicit at home and abroad.
Theauthority of delegated legislation include the delegating authority and delegated authority.Based on the observation of the practice of delegated legislation of countries,it has not been asked for explicit normative requirements for the authority of delegated legislation.The authority of delegated legislation should be set scope and the qualification of authority of delegated legislation by a certain principles and the actual demand and responsibility.The scope of delegated legislative power also is the confine of competence of delegated legislation and the authorized and unauthorized matters in legislation.The theory of law reservation,especial the materiality theory,is the theoretical support for the scope of delegated legislative power.In China,the determination of the scope of delegated legislative power has obeyed the law reservation in a certain extent,but it still had flaws such as regulation ambiguity and without Logic self-consistent.The scope of term of delegated legislation stimulate the extent of empowered term,which is very important for delegated legislation.In practice,some countries claimed that delegated legislation must be specified the term of ment explicitly.But another countries who had not specified the term of empowerment explicitly.In earlier time,in our delegated legislation,not only specialized delegated legislation but also generalized delegated legislation had not regulated the demand of delegated term which made numerous puzzles in practice.In 2015,When the Legislation Law of P.R.C.was amended,it was added to the provision of term which improved the rule of scope of term of delegated legislation in China.
In order to control the legislative activitieswhich transcend the scope of delegated legislation,it is necessary for delegated legislation to be established effective supervisory mechanism.There are mainly legislative supervision and judicial supervision in The Western.In legislative supervision,based on legislative process and principle of ultra vires,the legislative authority supervised the implementation of empowered legislation in the scope of empowerment.In judicial supervision,for supervising the delegated legislation without transcending the scope of empowerment,the judicial authority carried out judicial examination and supervision by a certain standards.In China,it mainly includes approval,recordation and examination to control the behavior which would transcend the scope of delegated legislation.In the effect of supervision,the supervisory mechanism still has roomage to improve in China.
For specifying the scope of delegated legislation further and normalizing the implementation of authorized legislation,the paper suggested that we should unify the scope of conception of delegated legislation,prescribe a limit to the scope of theauthority of delegated legislation,determine the scope of delegated legislative power,normalize the scope of the term of delegated legislation,complete the scope of the supervisory mechanism of delegated legislation to improve the interrelated institution.
In the composition of contents,the paper includes three parts which are introduction,principal argument and conclusion.Principal argument is the body of the paper which includes six chapters:
ChapterⅠstated a general theory of delegated legislation.It was started from the definition of delegated legislation,discussed the scope of theoretical and legal ground of delegated legislation,analyzed the function of scope of delegated legislation from longitudinal and lateral angle and retrospect the evolution of the scope of delegated legislation.
ChapterⅡ studied the scope of the authority of delegated legislation.In the chapter,the paper concluded the types and character of the authority of delegated legislation.By viewing the practice of delegated legislation in China and The Western,the thesis reflected the principle and gist which were used to ascertain the scope of authority of delegated legislation,and qualification of authority of delegated legislation.Then,the paper pointed out the deficiency of the authority of delegated legislation in our country.
ChapterⅢ researched the scope of delegated legislative power.The scope of the delegated legislative power is the core of the scope of empowered legislation.Through reviewing the division of the delegated legislative power,the paper viewed the practice of delegated legislation in China and The Western,discussed the theoretical and practical issues,and reflected the scope of Chinese delegated legislative power based on the Legislation Law of P.R.C.article 8 and 9.
ChapterⅣ studied the scope of term of delegated legislation.The scope of term of delegated legislation is very important for empowered legislation.In this chapter,the paper researched the concrete action for the scope of term of delegated legislation in China and The Western and discussed the processing mode after the expiration of the scope of term of delegated legislation.
ChapterⅤ studied the issues of restrict to transcend the scope of delegated legislation.It was important approach for efficient supervisory mechanism to control to transcend the scope of delegated legislation.The chapter began from the classification of transcending the scope of delegated legislation,viewed legislative monitor mode and concrete standards in China and pointed out the issues and drawback of legislative supervision in China.
ChapterⅥ proposed some suggestions to improve our scope of delegated legislation.In this chapter,facing the questions in the scope of delegated legislation,it was suggested that our scope of delegated legislation should be improved from five aspects.
Key words: Delegated Legislation; Scope of Delegated Legislation;Scope of Authority of Delegated Legislation;Scope of Delegated Legislative Power;Scope of Term of Delegated Legislation;Legal Supervision
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