On the basis of existing research conclusions,this book conducts an exploratory study on the formal reform process of internal governance of Chinese family business in the period of institutional transformation and its impact on the dual goals and innovation strategies of family business.Specifically,this book attempts to study three issues:
(1)The first study explores the core logic behind the formalization of family business governance by using the database(2000-2014)of the Chinese Private Enterprise Survey.The results show that there is an obvious trend of formal governance among family enterprises in recent years.The formal governance of family businesses is mainly driven by rational factors,specifically the logic of legality.However,when organizations are faced with different internal and external environments,the legality and efficiency,as two important rational factors,will be reflected differently.
(2)Family businesses pursue both internal and external legality.Hence,they should balance the selection of internal legality(family goals)and efficiency(economic goals)Based on the Goal System Theory,the second study used the database of the ninth survey of Chinese private enterprises to investigate how family business governance affects economic goals and their selection and balance.The results show that: ①family businesses can employ informal governance to achieve e conomic goals as well to maintain constrained and extended socioemotional wealth.Furthermore,for family enterprises at different development stages and with different operation expectations,there are differences in the two types of governance models and the approaches to realizing these two goals.②formal governance transformation of family businesses is conducive to long-term competitive advantage while maintaining economic goals.
(3)The third study,based on the framework of organizational ambidexterity,investigated the influencing process and effect of the two governance models on exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation of family enterprises with the data of listed family enterprises in China from 2004 to 2017.The results show that: ①family enterprises can promote exploratory innovation and guide exploitative innovation activities by using formal governance.②When the internal and external environment of the enterprise changes,the paths to promote ambidextrous innovation will be different.③Balance and Combined between exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation can significantly improve the growth of enterprises.
This book investigates the process and effect of the transformation of the governance structure among Chinese family enterprises during the institutional transformation and reveals the logic behind it as well as the actual results.Accordingly,in terms of contributions,this research:①reveals the logic behind the formal change of family business governance in the China,studies beyond the research perspective based on the hypothesis of environmental dichotomy advocated by some neo-institutionalist scholars,and finds that the logic of efficiency and legality are not always mutually contradictory but co-exist or are integrated in different situations; ②emphasizes the importance of balancing economic goals and family ones in family enterprises,and identifies the specific ways for them to achieve dual goals by family business governance thus providing a new theoretical perspective for the in-depth understanding of the setting and realization of dual goals of family enterprises and enriching the research context of dual goals; ③explores how family businesses combine exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation with formal and informal governance,expands the research perspective of dual-innovation of family businesses,and responds to the call of the academia to“pay attention to how family governance affects the balance of corporate exploitative and exploratory innovation”; ④by reviewing the literature on family business governance,points out the influence of preservation motivation of constrained and extended socioemotional wealth on family business governance formalization process and the balance between exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation,which enriches the literature on family business socioemotional wealth.
This book also has practical enlightenment.The sustainable development of a family business cannot be achieved without the constraints of formal governance on personified relationship.But it may be uncommon or invalid to adopt formal governance only.In most cases,a combination of both formal and informal governance serves as a vital means to balance family and corporate goals and propel exploratory and exploitative innovation.When Chinese family enterprises adopt modern corporate governance experience,it may be the best practice with Chinese characteristics to take the essence and discard the dregs and effectively integrate rational thinking and Confucian cultural thinking into the governance process.
Key Words: Family Business,Formal Governance,Informal Governance,Dual Goal,Dual Innovation
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