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基金信息: 国家自然科学基金 展开




基于审核问询制度嵌入治理,本书以2014—2018年中国沪深 A股上市公司及其年报问询函和并购问询函为研究样本,从公司过度投资视角考察了问询监管的决策动因及其经济后果,研究发现:(1)在控制公司财务业绩和治理特征的基础上,交易所问询监管能有效甄别上市公司的过度投资行为。具体表现为历史过度投资行为严重、产能过剩的公司更易于被监管问询。这说明,交易所在问询决策中关注了国家金融风险防控范畴中的公司过度投资行为,并将供给侧结构性改革重点事项之产能过剩化解问题融入问询监管决策函数中。












The report of 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)emphasizes that “it is necessary to transform the functions of the government,deeply streamline administration and delegate power,and reform the methods of supervision,improve the financial supervision system and hold against the bottom line of systemic financial risk”.This policy indicates that financial supervision plays an important role in risk prevention from the perspective of national strategy.Under this background,regulatory agencies will be committed to deepening the new reform of supervision system in the capital market.With the formal implementation of the information disclosure train system of listed firms in 2013,the front-line regulation of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges have changed from “pre-checking”to “post-checking”,and the inquiry system has become an important tool of“post-checking”.Since 2019,China Securities Regulatory Commission(CSRC)has actively launched the “SSE STAR market centered on information disclosure”to promote the high quality development of capital market,which makes the market-oriented supervision mechanism of comment letters become more important in the registration era.Inquiry system,as a mode of non-penalty regulation in the background of China's transition economy,is an important reform about the mode of information disclosure supervision,and is also the implementation of the concept of “deregulating regulation and strengthening supervision”in the capital market.Comment letters is one of the important way to supervise the compliance of accounting policies,the quality of information disclosure,the daily investment behaviors,mergers and acquisitions(M&A),other financial decision-making behaviors,and even prevent financial risks in the capital market.As an important change of supervision conception in the capital market,the regulatory effect of the inquiry system has been greatly attracted attention by regulators and academics.How is the regulatory effect of the “getting to the root”of China's comment letters? The research on comment letters is initially emerging in China.Most importantly,the identification and governance effect of comment letters on firms investment behavior are still blank.

As the micro-foundation of macro-economic growth,the investment activities are important strategic decisions and the source power of the firms' value creation,which are crucial to the firms'sustainable and healthy development.However,many listed firms are facing the dilemma of inefficient resource allocation and overcapacity in the development of China's transition economy,and the efficiency of investment decision-making is largely affected by information asymmetry and agency problems.The behavior of over-investment is harmful to the firms'value creation,financial risk and the overcapacity,the two stock exchanges'comment letters may focus on those important problems.The comment letters issued by Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges in 2014-2018,about 46% of the listed firms are inquired about “investment behaviors”in the sample of firms'over-investment,and the number of M&A inquiries are the same as the number of “investment characteristics”comment letters in the annual reports.The inquiry policy provides a good research opportunity for further exploring the effectiveness of the exchanges'comment letters mechanism from the perspective of firms over-investment.Therefore,based on the research framework of the motivation and economic consequence of comment letters supervision,this paper investigates the following important research questions:(1)Could the stock exchanges'comment letters effectively identify the behavior of firms over-investment,that is,whether a firm with serious historical over-investment behaviors is more inquiried? Could comment letters pay more attention to the overcapacity firms characterized by the consequence of over-investment behavior?(2)After the identification of over-investment from comment letters,could comment letters effectively restrain the future over-investment behavior? Is this kind of inquiry governance more obvious in comment letters with “investment characteristics”?(3)If comment letters could play a positive governance role in future over-investment behavior,what is the influence mechanism of comment letters?(4)After examining the direct effect of firms over-investment by comment letters supervision,from the perspective of deterrence effect,this paper explores whether the comment letters supervision has a deterrence “spillover effect”in the capital market? We will investigate the spillover effect of comment letters on over-investment behavior related to receive non-comment letters firms in the same industry,the same regions and the corporation groups.

Based on the embedded governance of comment letters system,taking Chinese A-share listed firms and those received annual reports'comment letters or M&A comment letters from 2014 to 2018 as our samples,this paper investigates the decision motivation and economic consequence of comment letters supervision from the perspective of firms over-investment behavior.The empirical results show as follows:

(1)After controlling the financial performance and governance characteristics of the firms,comment letters supervision can effectively identify firms'over-investment behavior.That is,the firms with more historic overinvestment or excess capacity are more likely to be issued by comment letters.This findings show that the stock exchanges pay attention to firms'overinvestment behavior belonged to the policy of national financial risk prevention,and integrate the overcapacity problems of supply-side structural reform into the decision-making of comment letters.

(2)In terms of the economic consequence of comment letters,we find that comment letters supervision has a significant governance effect on firms' future over-investment behavior.Specifically,this governance effect is more pronounced in the sample of comment letters with “investment characteristics”.After employing a difference-in-differences design to control endogenesis,the main results are still held.Futhermore,based on the textual analysis of the annual reports'comment letters,the “investment characteristics”of annual reports'comment letters are divided into the historical investment of annual reports'comment letters and the forward-looking investment of annual reports'comment letters.We find that the historical investment of annual reports'comment letters and forward-looking investment of annual reports'comment letters have all significant governance effect on firms'future over-investment.It shows that those two kinds of regulatory inquiries have incremental governance effect on the firms over-investment,and reflect the influence mechanism of the exchange's precise inquiries by focusing on the firms'historical investment or forward-looking investment.

(3)Information asymmetry and agency problems are two important reasons for leading to firms'over-investment.Based on those theoretical mechanism,we find that the governance effect of comment letters supervision on firms'over-investment behavior is more pronounced in the firms with high information asymmetry(i.e.,earnings information opacity,less analysts following and lower institutional investors shareholding)and serious agency problems.In terms of agency problems,this paper describes the agency problems of over-investment as the measurement of agency costs and the characteristics of agency behaviors.The characteristics of agency behaviors include management overconfidence,excess cash holding and radical debt behavior.For the agency costs,it is found that the governance effect of comment letters supervision on firms'over-investment is more pronounced in the firms with serious twin agency costs.In terms of the characteristics of agency behaviors,we show that the disciplining effect of comment letters supervision on firms'over-investment is more pronounced in the firms with higher management overconfidence,more excess cash holding and higher aggressive debt behavior.

(4)Based on the theory of deterrence effect,comment letters supervision has a deterrent spillover effect in the capital market.The governance effect of comment letters on firms'over-investment can spill over to non-comment-letter-receivers in the same industry and the same corporation groups.But we do not find comment letters supervision play a deterrent spillover effect on firms'over-investment in the same region.

Our findings have important theoretical value and policy implications:

Firstly,this paper provides empirical evidence for the characteristics of China's exchanges inquiry supervision,and contributes to the growing literature on the determinants of comment letters from the perspective of firms over-investment.Based on the new regulatory policy of annual reports'inquiries and M&A inquiries under the reform of registration system in China,this paper not only finds the stock exchanges'comment letters have a screening ability to identify firms'over-investment behavior,but also shows that the stock exchanges pay more attention to the overcapacity firms induced by over-investment.With the transformation and development of economic in China,when the stock exchanges carry out the policy of comment letters,it is more likely to consider the top-level policy design of the state and integrate firms'over-investment behavior belonged to the field of national financial risk prevention and the solving overcapacity issues of supply-side structural reform into the decision-making of comment letters supervision.Through the front-line regulatory,it will better promote the inquiry system to serve the high-quality development of real economy in the capital market.Our findings have an important enlightenment for promoting the supply-side structural reform by combining the information disclosure mechanism of comment letters supervision,such as effectively resolving the information risk of overheated investment and overcapacity risk through inquiry mechanism.

Secondly,this paper provides evidence for the effectiveness of comment letters from the perspective of firms'over-investment under the reform of registration system,and contributes to the growing body of research on the con sequences of comment letters.Previous studies on the regulatory effect of comment letters rarely focused on firms investment behavior.This paper explores the governance mechanism of comment letters supervision from the perspective of firms'over-investment,especially the governance effect of“investment characteristics”comment letters,which enriches the research on inquiry policy in the capital market,and also has an important enlightenment on improving the accuracy of comment letters supervision and constructing a classified inquiry mechanism.

Thirdly,our findings contribute to the growing body of research on the governance path of firms'over-investment behavior.Different from previous studies on the traditional governance of firms'over-investment,From the perspective of non-penalty and preventive regulation of the stock exchanges' comment letters,the inquiry system is introduced into the governance mechanism of firms'inefficient investment behavior under the framework of information asymmetry and agency problems,which enriches the relevant literature of firms investment decision-making.Meanwhile,this paper provides a new empirical for optimizing the information disclosure of firms investment,improving the value effect of firms investment and controlling the financial risk of overheated investment in the capital market.

Fourth,based on the influence mechanism of firms'over investment,from the perspective of “information asymmetry”; and the framework of “agency problems”,including “twin agency costs”,“management overconfidence”,“excess cash holding”and “aggressive debt behavior”.This paper examines the different governance effects of comment letters on firms over-investment.To a certain extent,it can enrich the literature of the information mechanism for firms over-investment,more clearly understand the internal impact mechanism of the stock exchange's inquiry,and provide an important implication for comprehensive interpretation of the comment letters mechanism in firms over-investment behavior.In practice,when the stock exchanges carry out the front-line inquiry regulation,it should focus on the firms with the serious degree of information asymmetry,prominent agency costs,and excess cash holding and aggressive debt behavior(excess debt).In those scenario,the firms have more motivation or ability to implement high-risk investment behavior,so it should give full attention to the accuracy of front-line inquiry regulation.

Finally,combined with the deterrence theory,we find the spillover effect of comment letters supervision on the governance of firms'over-investment from the same industry and the same corporation groups,which enriches the research on deterrence effect of inquiry policy in the capital market.Meanwhile,this paper has an important implication for the risk management of corporation groups from the perspective of inquiry mechanism.Prior studies find that there is a high level of over-investment and high contagion problems of risk in corporation groups.From the perspective of information embeddedness of comment letters supervision,we examine the spillover effect of comment letters on the over-investment behavior in corporation group members,which is of great significance to prevent the investment risk within the corporation groups,and also provide an important empirical evidence for the external risk management in corporation groups.In addition,from the perspective of limited regulatory resources,the empirical evidence on the spillover effect of comment letters can provide useful reference for regulators in allocating limited regulatory resources and improving the efficiency of comment letters supervision.

In conclusion,based on the research paradigm of new institutional economics,this paper investigates the effectiveness of comment letters supervision from the perspective of firms over-investment under the reform of registration system in China.Our findings expand the research on the non-punitive supervision of inquiry system from two aspects: the influence factor of comment letters and its economic consequence.The conclusions of this paper are of great practical significance to prevent the financial risk of firms'over-investment,resolve the risk of firms'overcapacity through the comment letters supervision,so as to better guide the firm's ecological and healthy investment decision-making and improve investment efficiency,and finally promote the high-quality development of the capital market.This study also provides empirical evidence for improving the accuracy of comment letters supervision,establishing classified comment letters mechanism,and strengthening the front-line supervision policy represented by the stock exchanges' comment letters.

Keywords: Comment Letters Supervision; Over-investment; Information Asymmetry; Agency Problems; Spillover Effect





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