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The Research of the Audit Market Welfare of Listed Companies in China







基金信息: 中央高校基本科研专项资金项目;校教学研究项目;校科学基金项目;湖北省高校人文社科重点研究基地 展开









To maximize the benefits of the auditing market for listed companies in China(hereinafter abbreviated as“audit market”),proper government policy controls are needed.At the same time,appropriate policies must be made based on a clear understanding of China's audit market welfare and its determinants.At present,China's auditing market is still in the process of development.The research on the welfare of China's audit market is also in the exploratory stage.This paper conducts a systematically theoretical and empirical research on the audit market welfare under government control.Through comparison and analysis of the structure of our country's audit market with that of Western countries,our country's unique audit market structure determines that our government's policies need to learn from Britain,the United States,and other countries,but also combine with our own characteristics.Therefore,the direction and degree of the Chinese government's control and guidance of the audit market has attracted the attention of the society.This paper uses a combination of normative analysis and empirical test to explore the economic effect of relevant policies of the Chinese government in recent years on the basis ofPublic Interest Theory,Welfare Economics Theory,Industrial Organization Theory and AuditingDemand Theory.First of all,this paper uses the discrete selection model,based on the characteristics of the company and the audit firm in the audit market,and builds the demand model of China's audit market.This model better simulates the selection of audit firms by listed companies in Chi na,and the forecasted accuracy rate is as high as 82.27%-99.58%.Subsequently,based on the audit demand model,this paper focuses on the impact of three types of related policies that our government has promoted and explored in recent years on China's audit market welfare.

First,through the analysis of the structure and competition of China's audit market,it was found that the gap of market power between non“Big 4”audit firms and“Big4”audit firms,the current state of competition in China's audit market will undermine consumer surplus.Through counterfactual reasoning,it was found that any“Big4”audit firm's withdrawal from the audit market would lead to a more severe fragmentation of the audit market structure in China,resulting in a surplus of consumer surplus of 418.229 million yuan(KPMG quitted in 2013)to 433.751 million yuan(PwC quitted in 2015),which accounted for 17.41%-21.97% of the total sum of the audit fees of all sample companies for the year.Research shows that by making the small audit firms bigger and stronger,the supply of the audit market can be more satisfied with the needs of the company,and comprehensive and healthy competition in the audit market can be promoted to ensure the audit market welfare.

Second,the paper discusses the impact of the promotion of the audit firm's mandatory rotation policy on all listed companies on consumer surplus.On the one hand,the long-term cooperation relationship between the audit firm and the company will“be agrowing love”.The mandatory rotation system of the audit firm can ease its damage to the independence of the practice and increase the value of the audit service received by consumers.On the other hand,the accountant's affairs the long-term audit of specific companies will be“learning effects”and the firm's mandatory rotation system will increase the audit costs of successor firms,while the professional competence will decline.At the same time,consumer costs will increase and the value will decline.The results of the study show that the additional costs incurred by the promotion of the policy to consumers exceeds the value.For example,the 10-year rotation period will result in an audited consumer residual loss range of 421.313 million yuan-423.837 million yuan,accounting for all sample companies of the year.The proportion of the audit fees and the sum of 17.56%-21.67%; and 4 years of rotation loss range from 433.910 million-441.240 million yuan,accounting for the 18.28%-22.32% proportion of the total audit fees of all sample companies in the year.

Third,using the natural experiment provided by the transformation of audit firms in China as an opportunity to quantitatively study the impact of the transformation of audit firms into special common systems on consumer surplus,combined with the uniqueinstitutional environment in which the legal environment in each region of China is uneven.The company has in-depth analysis of different business risks.The results of the study show that after the conversion of audit firms,the consumer surplus in the audit market has risen significantly,that is,the utility brought by the conversion of audit firms to the audit market is greater than the cost,which is conducive to the sound operation of the audit market.The effect of this policy is even more pronounced in companies with a better legal environment and higher operating risk.It can be seen that the special general partnership system is suitable for the institutional environment in China and is conducive to safeguarding the audit market welfare.In order to better achieve the effect of this policy,the regional legal system should be further improved.

The main contributions of this paper are three points.First,this article explores China's audit market from the perspective of welfare,and expands the scope of China's audit market.The existing research focuses on the traditional elements such as audit quality and audit pricing.This paper provides a new perspective for China's audit market research and provides a reference for the quantitative study of audit market welfare.Second,the research in this article has enriched the government's understanding of the guidance and regulation of auditing market policies in recent years,and also provided a more general and intuitive theoretical reference for regulators.By studying three representative policy orientations,the study in this paper not only discusses the impact of implemented policies on auditing market welfare,but also simulates the impact of non-implemented policies and the scope of implementation policies on auditing market welfare,which provides a new direction for quantitative study of policy.Third,this article enriches and expands the research on the audit market structure from a dynamic perspective.The current study studies the structural characteristics of the audit market by static analysis.This paper analyzes the unique audit market structure in China from a dynamic point of view,discusses the entry barriers for large and small customer markets and analyzes the fragmented state of imbalance between supply and demand in the market,which provides a reference for optimizing China's audit market structure and promoting a healthy competition in the audit market.

Key Words: Audit Market; Consumer Surplus; Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation; Special General Partnership Audit Firm





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