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As an island nation in East Asia, during the Tokugawa shogunate before the Meiji Restoration, Japan had long been outside the Huayi order dominated by the Chinese Empire, and enjoyed peace exclusively in a closed state. In the middle of the 19th century, the Meiji Restoration movement, which imitated Western powers as the strategic goal of the new country, completely changed the historical course of the country. From the beginning of the Meiji Restoration, the three major national policies introduced by the new government, namely "civilization", "prosperous production and industry", and "rich country and strong army", all strongly expressed a social psychology of urgent westernization. This social psychology of rushing to catch up and imitate the West contrasts strongly with the mentality of small countries that were content with the status quo during the closed era of the Tokugawa shogunate. The social psychology of catching up with the West is strongly expressed in the "Appeasement of Billions of Mega Mega Tales and Declaring the Mighty Emperor of the Kingdom" promulgated by the new Meiji government on April 6, 1868: "At this time when the government of the dynasty is new, there are billions of trillions under the world, and one person has no place to go. Today, he will work hard for himself, work hard in his heart, stand before difficulties, step in the footsteps of his ancestors, and be diligent in his political achievements, so that he can fulfill his vocation and not be contrary to the king of billions of trillions... Therefore, he swore with the princes of the hundred officials, intending to inherit the great cause of the ancestors, regardless of the difficulties, personally camped in the four directions, pacified Ru and other billions of trillions, opened up thousands of miles of waves, declared the national prestige in the four directions, and put the world in the peace of Fuyue. "Edited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Vol. 1, Vol. 1, Vol. 1 of the Japanese Foreign Affairs Papers, Japan International Association, 1936 edition, pp. 557-558. The ambition of the new Meiji government to expand its territory and establish an empire was not without water, and many thinkers in Japanese society, such as Hayashi Kohei, Sato Nobuchi, Hondolimei, Fujita Yotani, Yoshida Shoin, etc., repeatedly put forward the idea of expansion to dominate Asia and establish an imperial kingdom. For example, Sato Nobuchi proposed in "The Secret of Confusion": "The Emperor's kingdom is the country that was first formed by the earth, and it is the foundation of all the nations of the world... The whole world shall be counties, and the ruler of all nations shall be a servant... Appeasing the lives of all the nations of the world has always been the priority of the imperial monarch. [Japanese] Masahide Oto, Takao Shimazaki Proofreading: The Great School of Japanese Thought 45 "Masahiroshi Ando, Nobuchi Sato", Iwanami Shoten, 1977, p. 426. Yoshida Songyin also clearly pointed out: "The plan today is to carefully guard the territory, strictly enforce the treaty, and reclaim Ezo by reclaiming Ezo, harvesting the Ryukyus, taking Korea, pulling Manchuria, crushing China, and conquering India, so that those who have failed to achieve divine merit will succeed, and those who have failed to achieve fruitful results will gain results." [Japanese] Watanabe Kijiro, "A History of Japanese Diplomacy during the Choji period," Chikura Shobo, 1937, p. 8. The expansionist ideas and imperial consciousness of these intellectuals and thinkers in the late Makujin period had a great influence on the new Meiji government. The external world of hegemony after the founding of the country further stimulated the original sense of expansion in Japanese society, and the establishment of an empire became the national strategic goal of the new government. The formation of a dominant social consciousness cannot be achieved overnight, it must depend on a certain state of social development. Modern Japanese society has developed an imperial consciousness and has become the mainstream social consciousness, which the author believes mainly stems from two aspects: internal and external, and the first is undeniable the situation of the external world. Japanese culture has a cultural gene that is unusually sensitive to the outside world and receptive to outside influences. In the 60s of the 19th century, the capitalist countries of the West were in the most frantic period of colonization around the world, as Marx pointed out: "The treasure obtained outside Europe directly by plunder, enslavement and murder flows into the metropolis and is transformed into capital here." The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, vol. 23, p. 822. With the establishment of the capitalist system, the Netherlands, Britain, France, etc. successively established vast colonial empires. By the last 30 years of the 19th century, capitalism had transitioned from free competition to monopoly, a small number of capitalist powers had launched a struggle for colonies, and the competition to divide the world's territory had reached a very acute level. Since the beginning of the Meiji Restoration in 1868, Japan has rushed to join the ranks of marauders who have seized colonies from its Asian neighbors with the mentality of latecomers to the banquet. Becoming a colonial suzerainty like the Western powers was the national strategy of modern Japan. The so-called imperial consciousness has different values in various imperialist countries, but the common content is the same, that is, there is a consciousness of contempt for foreign nations, races and nationals, based on a strong narcissistic complex towards their own political, economic and social systems, and justified their own imperialist rule over foreign peoples. The premise of the emergence of imperial consciousness in modern Japanese society is how modern Japanese society consciously constructs imperial consciousness internally. Like the imperial consciousness of other Western countries, the imperial consciousness of modern Japan is undoubtedly compatible with the subjectivity consciousness of the imperial consciousness of other Western countries, such as the consciousness of ethnic and ethnic differences, the consciousness of great power (patriotism), and the consciousness of the missionary of civilization transmission. However, the accumulation of traditional Japanese culture and historical traditions have given Japan's modern imperial consciousness some specific values, such as imperial nationalism and the emperor system. The core value form of the imperial consciousness in modern Japanese society is the emperor system, a political and cultural phenomenon unique to Japan. The reason why the emperor system became a core value of modern Japanese imperial consciousness can be said to be because the modern emperor system and the development process of modern Japanese state complement each other. Japanese scholar Kenio Makihara believes that Emperor Meiji played an important role in the process of building the modern state, "First, without the existence of the emperor, it would be difficult to achieve the collapse of the shogunate system and the establishment of a centralized state in a short period of time. Second, as a promoter of civilization, the emperor took the lead in cutting off hair, drinking milk, wearing foreign clothes, and eating beef, and the Meiji Emperor played an important exemplary role; Third, it was precisely because the Emperor ensured ideological dominance that the radical Westernization was legitimized, and thus the Emperor's right to rule in modern Japan." Iwanami Shinsho Editorial Department: "History of Modern Japan (10) 日本の近現代史をどう見るか", Iwanami Shoten 2010 edition, pp. 36-38. It is precisely because of the existence of Emperor Meiji that modern Japanese society has achieved a perfect grafting of the so-called Japanese historical tradition with Westernized civilization while completing the Westernization. The loyalty creed of the Japanese Bushido spirit has also been transformed into the idea of absolute loyalty to the Meiji Emperor in modern Japanese society, and the imperial consciousness and the idea of respecting the emperor in the imperial consciousness of modern Japanese society are unique and deep-rooted values. In the 60s of the 20th century, looking back on Japan's success in the Meiji era, Yoshida Shigeru revered the Meiji Emperor, "so that Japan was able to barely escape the harsh international environment in which it found itself in the era of imperialism." Unfortunately, Japan had to fight the Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War, and in both wars, thanks to the leadership of Emperor Meiji and the concentration of national vitality that echoed it, Japan was able to defy the world's expectations and win both wars." Shigeru Yoshida, A Century of Agitation, translated by Kong Fan and Zhang Wen, World Knowledge Publishing House, 1981, p. 25. Japanese scholar Minato Kawamura said: "It is more appropriate to determine the origin of the Japanese 'imperial consciousness' in the Meiji 20-40s. [Japanese] Minato Kawamura: "Modern Japan における Imperial Consciousness", Kitagawa Katsuhiko and Hirata Masahiro, eds.: "Imperial Consciousness - Anatomy", World Thought Society, 1999 edition, p. 169. If it is explained that the Restoration was the starting point of Japan as a unified nation-state in modern times, then it is more objective to regard the Sino-Japanese War as the beginning of the formation of the Japanese Empire. The Meiji Restoration did not mean the emergence of the Japanese Empire, and national policies such as "rich countries and strong troops" only established the national concept of foreign aggression and expansion, and truly regarded the establishment of a Western-style empire as a national strategic goal, taking Japan's victory in the war against the Qing Dynasty as a major opportunity, and after the victory, Japan became a colonial suzerainty like the Western powers. Japanese scholar Keiichi Harada believes that the Japanese people have a sense of unity in participating in the war due to the fever of war, and this sense of unity has given birth to the emergence of Japanese national consciousness. See Keiichi Harada, "Modern and Modern History of Japan (3) Nisshin and Nisshin Battle," Iwanami Shoten, 2007. It is worth noting that with the help of war propaganda and the great victory over the Qing War, Japan's contempt and superiority towards China also arose at the same time. In this sense, the national consciousness and the imperial consciousness in Japanese society are a kind of consciousness that accompanies and mixes each other. The Constitution of the Empire of Japan, promulgated on February 11, 1889 (Meiji 22), defined the "Empire of Japan" as the national goal of modern Japan from the level of the fundamental laws of Japan. According to the summary of the Japanese scholar Minato Kawamura, "Since the Meiji 20s, there has been a wave of frequent use of the term 'empire' [in Japanese society]" ibid. Such as the Imperial University, the Imperial Parliament, the Imperial Library, the Imperial Academy, etc., various organizations and groups are named "Empire". The word "empire" became a buzzword, and as a suzerainty with colonies on the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan, and southeastern China, the consciousness of "first-class country" and imperial status in Japanese society, and the "imperial consciousness" of the Japanese people were also formed with the establishment of the Japanese Empire. The Empire of Japan existed for half a century from its formation around 1895 until the collapse of the Empire of Japan in World War II on August 15, 1945. During the half-century of imperial existence, all strata of Japanese society participated in the construction of the empire to varying degrees, but with different roles and roles. The emperor system and the imperial consciousness are undoubtedly two important contents in the ideological structure of modern Japanese society. As a member of the ruling class, Shigeru Yoshida, an imperial diplomat born in the Meiji era, is an important historical figure connecting the Meiji era and the Showa era, and in the process of education and career as a career diplomat serving the empire, his personal imperial consciousness not only has the imperial consciousness values that are common in Japanese society at the same time, but also because of his special growth experience and service experience in China, Yoshida Shigeru has formed a more complex imperial consciousness with personal characteristics, especially in his understanding of China and foreign policy. It has formed a cognitive system that has both the characteristics of the times and the individualization. Shigeru Yoshida's individualized view of China existed as a school of imperial diplomats before the war, and after the war, due to his long-term tenure as prime minister, the imperial consciousness expressed in his personal view of China became a major factor influencing his cabinet's China policy. Because Shigeru Yoshida was the originator of conservative politics in postwar Japan, his political philosophy and China policy outlook were inherited by his protégés Isato Ikeda and Eisaku Sato in the field of postwar Japanese politics, Ikeda and Sato not only successively served as prime ministers, but also were the leaders of the two major factions in the Liberal Democratic Party, and their political successors were many of the Japanese prime ministers, including Masayoshi Taihira, Kiichi Miyazawa, Kakuei Tanaka, Noboru Takeshita, Ryutaro Hashimoto, Keizo Obuchi, Ichiro Ozawa, Taro Aso and others. Shigeru Yoshida's political philosophy, especially his foreign policy outlook, has been inherited and developed, so it is obviously more academic value and practical significance to systematically discuss Shigeru Yoshida's foreign policy toward China under the control of imperial consciousness. It should be pointed out that the collective ideology and values that once dominated a society for a long time cannot become martyrs like a tangible empire due to the sudden collapse, and the imperial consciousness that has existed as the mainstream social value system for a long time will continue and spread in Japanese society after the war. Judging from the attitudes, words, and deeds of Japanese politicians toward the nature of the war of aggression over the past 60 years after the war, the historical outlook of the Kingdom of God and the sense of superiority toward its Asian neighbors still have a strong sense of presence. Is there a genetic causal relationship between the Asian leadership consciousness and great power aspirations of the new generation of contemporary Japanese politicians and the imperial consciousness that has dominated modern Japanese society? The answer is clearly yes.(AI翻译)





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