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基金信息: 中国社会科学院创新工程学术出版资助项目;全国博士后管理委员会资助项目 展开









从“以物为载体”“以权利为内核”“以关系为本质”“公私权界的相对模糊性”“在市场化中适用中性竞争原则”“以增进民众福祉为价值归宿”等方面来看,财产和公共财产具有逻辑起点的一致性、概念要素的同质性、保护路径的相同性、意义指向的趋同性特点。就此而论,乡村公共财产具有“物” “权利” “关系”三重内涵。在当代中国乡村公共财产治理理念、方式、模式变革上,存在着“国家、集体、农民利益相协调,效率与公平相统一,城乡一体化均衡配置”三重考量,存在着“更好地发挥政府作用”的新时代中国特色社会主义行政主导治理、“市场在资源配置中起决定性作用”的社会协同治理和“党组织领导的自治、法治、德治相结合”的乡村自主治理等多元治理主体和治理客体规范化相统一。在“历史向世界历史的转变”进程中,正确认识、全面把握中国特色社会主义公共财产问题实质,在方法论上确立财产治理的问题意识、效率视野与公平理念,有助于抵御绝对平均主义、全盘私有化、纯思辨化的冲击,进而为科学社会主义财产价值观的树立、新时代中国特色社会主义乡村公共财产的有效治理提供重要的方法论启示。









At all times and in all countries,the origin,legitimacy,legitimacy,status and necessity of“public/private property”constitute the central topic of human social life and the core topic of moral debate.The poverty of property rights can be described as an indicator of violence,revolution,turbulence and conflict,and the return of its legitimacy can be described as a barometer of stability,prosperity,order and civilization.In view of this,people are born with infinite yearning and unremitting pursuit of“Great harmony”,“Utopia”and“common prosperity”.In the context of smallholder economy´s closeness,limitation,conservatism and simplicity,rural public property plays an extremely negative role-limited agricultural surplus,scarcity of public property and lack of public awareness;Under the impact of industrialization,modernity and market-oriented transformation,the governance of rural public property shows confusion,hesitation and confusion.In the torrent of history,the reconstruction of rural public property governance logic is put on the agenda.

Since the founding of the People´s Republic of China,for the socialist public-owned countries and people who have experienced tortuous cognition and yearning for ideal society,rural public property is endowed with revolutionary idealism,public interest supply and value guidance.In the discourse of communist revolution,rural public property is endowed with the transitional nature from collective ownership to ownership by the whole people.From the perspective of common prosperity of socialism with Chinese characteristics,rural public property has the efficiency dimension of providing public goods and services and the fairness dimension of co-construction,co-governance and sharing.In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,forming a scientific socialist rural public property governance methodology consciousness,correctly understanding and scientifically grasping the essence of rural public property governance,establishing problem consciousness,efficiency vision and scientific value concept in methodology,and shaping the diversified governance structure of rural public property and the community of rural destiny with benign interaction of rule of virtue,rule of law and self-government are helpful to resist the impact of wrong values such as absolute equalitarianism,total privatization and pure speculation.It provides important methodological enlightenment for the solution of“shortcomings and weaknesses”of agricultural and rural farmers,the integrated supply of basic public services in urban and rural areas,the effective solution of unbalanced and inadequate development and common prosperity in the view of Chinese modernization road.

“Transition and reconstruction: the logic and methodology of rural public property governance”is an important interdisciplinary theoretical topic on a scientific socialist property theoretical level.There are three connotations of property,right and relation.“Rural public property”refers to a relatively narrow public range,only involving the interests of all the villagers or some villagers public property.It includes rural collectively owned land,forests,wastelands,beaches,houses,businesses,copyrights,patents and other tangible and intangible property.From the signifier perspective,rural public property coincides rural collective property roughly.Mainly because of expectations of breaking the urbanrural dual system ills on the value demands to construct the entire country to be unified Public property,public finance sense(such as public health,public health,public education,etc.),and ultimately to achieve public goods and public services in urban and rural balanced configuration,this topic has been adopted the term of rural public property.Rural public property generated in agricultural production co-operative movement,grew in history,the policy and institutional factors.It has increasing the value and the provision of public goods,public service functions for rural residents.It has a non-normative,group members naturally acquired property,binary structural and relationship with the government,regardless and other features.In the scientific theory of socialist property and the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the organic unity of meaning,context the so-called“Management of Rural Public Property”,that is,realize the nature of public property requirements and basic values in the value of urban and rural demand levels in accordance with the provisions of the rural public property.The essence of his theory is to discuss the organic unity of the scientific socialist property theory and the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the context of the double changes of the property attributes of productivity and relations of production,such as marketization,industrialization,informatization,urbanization and globalization.To realize rural modernization,public property management capabilities and management system to adapt to the marketization of property rights clear boundary and the free flow of factors of,equal exchange,credit contract,industrialization of core technology,orientation and scale operation efficiency,expansion of land value requirements,improve their value,provides the rural public products and public service ability,to better release economic vitality,and developing the collective economy,safeguard the rights and interests of farmers,achieved the integration of urban and rural fair orientation and Realizing common prosperity from the perspective of Chinese modernization road.

Historically,rural public property,as a small community,has played an extremely negative role in traditional Chinese political discourse.Since the Qin and Han dynasties,due to the limitation of national capacity and resources,the rigid defect of official governance and the insufficient governance ability of the bureaucratic system,public power always needs the coordination and support of private power to jointly maintain the governance of the huge countryside,and the rural governance structure of“officials,owners and gentry supplemented”emerged at the historic moment.But,he who rules lives by mental perplexity in and by physical labor,normative behavior order between natural technical knowledge and separation of identity“should be”,jointly led to the order of the behavior of normative knowledge developed and natural in the stagnation of the weakening of technical knowledge,lead to the lack of(property)between man and nature is scarce,ultimately affect the property after the coordination of interpersonal relationships.Furthermore,the paradox between the limited output of land and the infinity of population growth,the private nature of“each supporting the other”and the public nature of“the world for the common”causes the rural public property to fall into the“crack”situation from time to time.In the modern times,under the impact of the modernity of European style and beauty,the countryside shows its confusion,hesitation and confusion,the awakening of public consciousness,the shaping of public connotation,and the efforts of“guan,gentleman and people”to cope with the triple governance,which represents the irreparable plight of traditional rural public property management.

The founding of the People´s Republic of China marked the successful end of the historical task of“facing difficulties and difficulties”and“saving the nation from subjugation”.To a certain extent,the founding of the People´s Republic of China marked the beginning of the transition from a self-sufficient natural economy to an industrialized economy,from“Chinese people have stood up”to the exploration of the path of socialist modernization and prosperity.Complete new democratic revolution in 1949-1956 legacy burden at the same time,open the link for the center with priority to the development of industry,“the backward agricultural country”as“advanced industrial country socialism”the socialist construction of a new journey,through the way of“transform”establish the yuan under the administration of the rural public property,centralized and unified the country by means of administrative and political limited surplus,lay the indispensable material basis for the reform and opening to the outside and solid premise condition.

Reform and opening up took the lead in rural areas in 1978.When the poor rural people at the bottom push forward the“bottom-up”spontaneous change,and the imbalance between the rising income and cost index at the national level drives the“top-down”self-conscious change,the benign interaction between the two makes the policy looser and the system reform become a consensus.Rural reform era formed“rural politics”of“dual-track governance”,namely,the weakening of political governance,farmers autonomous governance incipience,participation in community governance is limited,shaping the rural reform era relative public property.Firstly,relative to the plan time rural low efficiency,insufficient economic growth and relatively abundant public property,reform era“rural politics”of“dual-track governance”rural modern rapid economic development and public property is relatively abundant.Secondly,compared with the relatively rapid development of farmers ´ agriculture and rural economy in the reform era and the abundance of urban public property in the same period,the rural public property in the reform era presents a relatively insufficient,unbalanced and even poor and scarce situation.

According to the property theory of scientific socialism,the production of material means of life reflects the“relationship between man and nature”and the“common mode of activity”between people,which indicates that property has dual attributes of productive forces(material content)and productive relations(social form).Property is the result of people´s continuous objectification and materialization of their intrinsic power in the process of production.With the change of technology and the improvement of tools,people ´s ability to control nature and create wealth is constantly improved.Property also contains the property of relations of production.Property is essentially the relationship of rights between people after things.Property relationship is just the legal term of relations of production.Although property is embodied in an object,the object itself is not property.Only when the object is in a certain social relationship can it become property.For that matter,marketization,industrialization,industrialization,informationization,urbanization,modernization change factors such as belongs to the category of the same sequence,but the industrialization is the first cause,a country of“four modernizations propulsive synchronous”began,pilot,fundamental factors)essentially shape on the change of the contemporary Chinese countryside public property governance productivity and production relationship attribute interweave the era of economic position.If we take expanding middle-income groups as the starting point and promoting common prosperity in the vision of Chinese-style modernization road,more from belongs to the change of production relation level,then to technological changes as the kernel,efficiency as the purpose,with humanistic implication of industrialization,more and more change from belongs to the productivity level.For the purpose of this thesis,with the property of the double change of production relations and productive forces,“possession-the author note(property),you must adapt to productivity and communication of the universal nature”,the marketization of rural public property must adapt to the free flow of factors of competition,equal exchange,neutral,credit ethics,integration of right protection,homogeneity,industrialization of technology upgrade,scale operation,the efficiency of paradigm,“humanistic”implication,the call of the knowledge economy,the urbanization of rural land and other public property value extension of reality,improve its value,providing rural public products and public service ability.So as to better release the economic vitality,develop the collective economy,protect the rights and interests of farmers,realize the integration of urban and rural equity and even realize common prosperity from the perspective of Chinese modernization road.

From“as the carrier the object”,“to the right is the kernel”,“relationship as essence”,“relative fuzziness of public and private law”and“is neutral in the market competition principle”,“home”to enhance the welfare of people value perspective,such as property and pub lic property has the consistency of the logic starting point,concept elements of homogeneity,to protect the identity of the path,meaning to convergence characteristics.From this point of view,“rural public property”has three connotations: property,right and relation.In contemporary Chinese rural public property management concept,methods,mode change,there is a“state,the collective,coordinate the interests of farmers,efficiency and fair unity,integration of urban and rural balanced configuration”triple considerations,there is a“give full play to the functions of the government”in a new era of political governance,socialism with Chinese characteristics“market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources”social collaborative governance and“the party leadership of autonomy,the rule of law,the combination of rule of virtue”of rural autonomous governance and the governance body and governance object standardization unity.

In the process of“the transition from history to world history”,a high degree of methodological consciousness of contemporary Chinese Marx´s property theory is formed,the essence of socialist public property with Chinese characteristics is correctly understood and fully grasped,and the problem consciousness,efficiency vision and fairness concept of property governance are established in methodology,help resist the absolute equalitarianism,wholesale privatisation,speculative shocks,thus for property values set up scientific socialism,the common property of socialism with Chinese characteristics of effective governance provides important methodology.

Reform,in the process of marketization,industrialization,urbanization and informationization,the concept of property,property logic relation with socialism,property possess great changes have taken place in truth,in the ownership of the property,value aim,significance,appeared a series of governance of path and lead to chaos,system arrangement and way out of the property is becoming more and more highlighted.In the modern rural market economy society composed of mobile and strangers,moralizing and maintaining the property order of the village rules and covenants are increasingly powerless,and the“good law”and“good governance”with rights as the logical core have become effective ways to maintain the rural public property relations.Change the traditional administration of one yuan,market-oriented management of one yuan,artist management of one yuan,reconstruction of decentralization,participation,fairness,multiple way of public affairs management,implementation of administration under the rule of law,morality,autonomy effectively present,reshaping rural community of fate(interest),to achieve“the equilibrium configuration of urban and rural integration”,“to get rich on the road are not left behind”the rural fair value end-result of the governance of public property.

On the basis of collective economic development,rural public property abundance,industrialization and urbanization,market participation,etc,Baiquanyu in Shandong Province,Huaxi Village in Jiangsu Province,Da Lang Village in Dongguan,Guangdong Province and Gujia Village in Panxian County,Guizhou Province were selected as typical research examples,and questionnaire was designed.Through field investigation,questionnaire survey and in-depth interview,the experience and lessons in rural public property governance practice were summarized,and the effective governance mode of rural public property was reconstructed to form a regular understanding of rural public property governance practice.

In summary,the“Contemporary Chinese rural public property effective governance”is based on logical framework of“what,why,how”on the basis.

1.What is rural public property?What effective governance of rural public property is? According to the point of“From the phenomenological point of view,the property is nothing more than the power of human nature,life,will,wisdom,externalization,materialization and objectification.In essence,it is the relationship between people and property”,we can define“public property”: from the point of the phenomenon rural public property is externalization,materialization,object-oriented of the nature of power,life,will,wisdom of a person(collective).Therefore,public property is land,hills,beaches,rivers,businesses and other tangibles and the aggregate stocks,bonds,patents and other intangibles(fictitious product).But in essence,it is the relationship between rural public property,not only referent relations between human and objects(natural),but also referent the relationship between people,especially the relationship between the villagers,collective,social,countries.Since the villagers referent relations,collective,social,rural nature between countries on public property,then the effective governance of rural public property,of course,inseparable from the executiveled governance,the villagers self-governance,benign tripartite between market forces and socialization interaction.

2.Why do we need public property in rural areas?Why do we need to bring about change in rural governance of public property? From a technical perspective,the quasi-public property under management in rural areas,profitability sexual surge conditions,increase the offer(basic)public goods and public services such as the ability for rural pure public property,so as to solve the rural non-competitive,non-ex-clusive public consumption problem.In essence,the reason for the need of public property in rural areas,the key lies in the rural countryside to protect public property“socialist nature”to achieve all enjoy the fruits of reform,to effectively deal with the“market failure”and the resulting lack of fairness problems.But in the traditional context of contemporary China marketization,industrialization,information technology,urbani-zation,agricultural modernization,restructuring the context of globaliza-tion,management of rural public property fall into trouble,even face dual threat between“market failure”and“government failure”so that rural public property features and properties faces a“coloring”danger.

3.Under the premise of rural public property preventing from chan-ging the nature,how to achieve effective governance of rural public property? It should be recognized that,under the context of industriali-zation,marketization,information technology,urbanization,traditional governance in rural public property encountered efficiency bottlenecks,fall into providing more and better public goods and public service,and thus it is difficult to achieve integration equity of balanced development between and urban.Thus we should start rural public property effective governance sticking to the principle of“country,farmers,coordinated collective interests,equity and efficiency of unity,under balanced allocation of urban-rural integration”,by strengthening rural public property laws and regulation and promoting the construction of rural public property governance.

Key words: The governance of rural public property; Transition and reconstruction; Theoretical logic; Marx property theory methodology consciousness





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