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基金信息: 本书获得国家社科基金项目“‘人—水’和谐机制研究——基于太湖、淮河流域的农村实地调查”(项目编号:07BSH036)与江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划“苏北农村工业污染的社会学分析”(项目编号:CX10B_047R)资助。 展开



Chen Ajiang Luo Yajuan told me that her doctoral dissertation was about to be published after revision and invited me to write the foreword, and I am willing to share her doctoral dissertation and some stories of her growing up with readers. In 2006, Luo Yajuan was sent to the Department of Sociology of Hohai University and followed me to graduate school. In 2007, I applied for the National Social Science Foundation project "Research on the Harmonious Mechanism of 'Human-Water'", and the students also participated in the research project. According to the design of the project, some students choose the direction they are interested in from the two ideal types of "human-water disharmony" and "human-water harmony", and independently find corresponding cases to carry out research. Luo Yajuan and several other students chose the northern Jiangsu region of the Huaihe River Basin to study some cases of industrial pollution. Because after several years of attracting investment in northern Jiangsu, the problem of rural industrial pollution has become increasingly serious, causing a profound social impact. In empirical research, it is important to find cases with good academic value. The ability of researchers to judge the academic value of cases is often related to their knowledge reserve, thinking about problems and sensitivity to discovering problems. In the summer of 2007, Luo Yajuan visited several villages that were harmed by industrial pollution through the Internet, and used this as a clue to select two of the case villages where pollution disputes had occurred and were called "cancer villages" by the media, and carried out exploratory fieldwork with her classmates. In 2008, he went to Higashii Village again with his classmates and decided to choose Higashii Village as the topic for his master's thesis. Since then, Luo Yajuan has visited Dongjing Village many times to carry out investigations, maintained close contact with villagers, continued to follow and observe the development of pollution disputes, and completed a master's thesis using Dongjing Village as a case. The paper takes the environmental protests of villagers as a clue, discusses the various obstacles that villagers encounter when seeking solutions to problems through enterprises, governments, media, and lawsuits, and explores possible solutions to social problems caused by industrial pollution. The master's thesis initially showed her solid and delicate investigation skills and deep thinking ability, and became a classic of "Chen Men" master's thesis, which is a must-read text for subsequent students. After graduating with a master's degree, Luo Yajuan was admitted to the Department of Sociology of Hohai University and continued to study for my doctoral degree with me. Compared to the master's thesis, the doctoral dissertation is more difficult. Through training, students should be proficient in a certain field, and they should discover and create on the basis of the research of previous people. In this process, students may "hit a wall" and encounter setbacks at every step, from topic selection, investigation, to analysis of the framework architecture, feel the "bottleneck" state in wandering, and finally break through the "bottleneck" - grow in various trials. At the beginning of her doctoral dissertation in June 2010, Luo Yajuan proposed the title "Cultural Structure, Social Structure and Environment: A Sociological Explanation of Ecological Environmental Change in Northern Jiangsu". Years of life experience in northern Jiangsu and the foundation of her master's degree have made her feel that compared with southern Jiangsu and other regions in China, northern Jiangsu has its own uniqueness in terms of history, economy, society and culture, and is also closely related to regional environmental changes. Based on the case study of her master's thesis, she hopes to expand to the overall study of northern Jiangsu, and study the relationship between environmental change and the society and culture of the region. After the thesis, although she carried out a more extensive and in-depth investigation in northern Jiangsu, visited many industrial parks, villages polluted by industry, as well as local governments and relevant functional departments of cities, counties and districts, she expanded and deepened her understanding of industrial pollution in northern Jiangsu, but she felt that it was difficult to make the expected progress when she really wanted to write. In the "bottleneck" state, she abandoned the study of environmental sociology in favor of the "unit system" study. The idea of studying the "unit system" grew out of a casual conversation between teachers and students. Some of my doctoral students' "Chinese Social Studies" course was dedicated to the unit system, but I couldn't find a good case for students to learn, so I wanted to do a classic unit system case. One day in May 2011, when I said that I wanted to go to a mine to figure out the "unit system", Luo Yajuan said that she had been very "fascinated" by the units in the city since she was a child, and wanted to find out, and wanted to try to complete her doctoral dissertation on the theme of the "unit system". Finally, we discussed and identified the Jinping phosphate mine in Lianyungang, one of the 156 key construction projects during the "First Five-Year Plan" period, as a case study of the "unit system". She read a lot of literature and also went to Jinping phosphate mine to investigate for a while. The "unit system" is a difficult topic to study, and her experience lacks the experience of typical units in the early days, coupled with the tight time, she finally gave up and returned to the research on industrial pollution in the rural areas of northern Jiangsu that she was familiar with. Luo Yajuan's setbacks in the process of doctoral dissertation may have reference significance for young scholars. In the first two years of her doctoral studies, she stagnated, changed topics, was frustrated, and wandered in the "bottleneck" state, but it was in this process that she gradually had a better grasp of the research questions of the right size and size of her doctoral dissertation, gradually cleared her understanding of the problems, and improved her academic research ability as a whole. In fact, the process of young people being frustrated and exploring is also the process of becoming talented. After Luo Yajuan returned to the research on industrial pollution in northern Jiangsu, I did not interfere too much in the specific content of her research, except for frequently inquiring about the progress of her thesis and telling her precautions. On the one hand, because she has a good foundation in environmental sociology at the master's level and is also familiar with the region of northern Jiangsu, I believe in her ability. On the other hand, I have always tended to let go and let students explore more freely, because what the teacher teaches is essentially the teacher's, and the harvest they "toss" out is their own, and only then can they have vitality. When the first draft of her doctoral dissertation was handed over to me, I was fascinated by it as soon as she read it. I put aside my other business for a few days and concentrated on reading her doctoral dissertation. I am relatively clear about the village and the incident at the investigation point. On March 27, 2009, four classmates, including Luo Yajuan, and I went to the factory and village to conduct a brief investigation. Because the pollution incident was too sensitive at the time, he was driven away by the local government and had to leave. According to my experience, such a pollution incident may be written as a master's thesis, but how Luo Yajuan can unfold this incident and a village into a story of more than 100,000 words, I am curious. I think every reader who has read this book will be impressed by Luo Yajuan's storytelling ability. On the surface, storytelling is telling the story itself, but in fact it hides the storyteller's understanding and interpretation of the story, that is, the storyteller's cognition of the story. From this book, we can see that Luo Yajuan strives to describe and explain the social process of the occurrence and development of pollution problems in the context of the local area rather than in the theoretical and conceptual framework of the local society. First of all, she systematically sorted out the unique history, economy, society and culture of northern Jiangsu, understood the problem of rural industrial pollution in the unique regional economic and social background of northern Jiangsu, and depicted the relationship between the thought-provoking regional social background and the problem of rural industrial pollution. Second, efforts are made to analyze the logic of the actor's own action based on his own empirical world and normative system, and show the significance of specific actions to the actor himself. For example, in the analysis of peasant actions, we focus on explaining villagers' actions from the world of peasant experience and the normative system in village society, highlighting the local significance of peasant actions. The unique normative system of villagers characterized by differential order and etiquette and the analytical framework of reasonable struggle were extracted, and the popular interpretation of villagers' behavior from the perspective of rights protection in accordance with the law and legal struggle formed a dialogue. In the analysis of the actions of business owners, it is observed how business owners use rural norms, modern legal norms, human favors, "relationships", and power shelter to seek the largest sewage space in a social environment with local characteristics. In the analysis of the government, it focuses on the local political and economic system, social background and cultural environment, and analyzes the action logic of government officials in the management of their power and interests. Finally, in terms of narrative structure, following the progress of pollution disputes in Shagang Village, the interaction logic between social subjects in each specific social interaction is shown, and the social structural reasons behind environmental problems are naturally shown. It is not easy to elaborate on rural social phenomena in a rural context. On the one hand, at present, Chinese society is in the midst of rapid changes, all aspects of social life are undergoing rapid changes, social phenomena present multifaceted and complex characteristics, and it is not easy to grasp the essence of social phenomena. On the other hand, the mainstream concepts and explanatory frameworks from the West are difficult for young scholars to break through, and it is not easy to understand rural phenomena without following the trend and putting forward original insights. In this book, Luo Yajuan can explain the social logic of rural industrial pollution in a rural context, thanks to her years of living experience as a Northern Jiangsu in northern Jiangsu, which helps her understand the regional society, the normative system of villagers, and the significance of villagers' actions. Thanks to her solid fieldwork in northern Jiangsu for many years, it was possible for her to enter the contaminated rural community in a real sense and understand the real thoughts of the villagers; It is also due to her ability to think and explore the relationship between the villagers' life practices and the local society and traditional culture. In the face of the rise of the Western world, in order to avoid the fate of colonization, China has chosen to rise up and catch up with modernization. The problem of environmental pollution has a common side in the world and a side that is unique to China. When I analyzed the causes of the deterioration of water pollution in the Taihu Lake Basin in just a few decades, I found that it had special socio-historical roots and characterized it as "secondary anxiety". Northern Jiangsu, compared with southern Jiangsu is a post-developed region - in terms of the average situation of the whole country, northern Jiangsu is not backward, but compared with southern Jiangsu, there is a clear gap in the level of economic development of northern Jiangsu - so the development of northern Jiangsu has another layer of "social anxiety" to catch up with southern Jiangsu. From the current perspective of China, after the coastal areas took the lead in development, the central region and the western region are also rising. In Jiangsu's relatively late-developing northern Jiangsu region, the problems and characteristics that have emerged in the development process may provide reference for other regions in the process of gradient development from east to middle and west. Academic research is not only to solve cognitive problems, but also to contribute to the current rapidly developing reality of China. That's what this book is about. is the order. August 2014 in Nanjing apartment(AI翻译)





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