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Embodied Being:Body-Media Interaction in the Age of Intelligent Communication








基金信息: 中国社会科学院创新工程学术出版资助项目;全国博士后管理委员会资助项目 展开




跨学科理论视野下的研究方法也趋于多元化与融合性,因此本书采用混合研究方法来分析身体与媒介的互动实践,根据问题本身来布局研究方法。本书的研究方法主要包括两类:在身体与媒介互动的历时性考察中,采用以既有文本资料为基础的文献分析、历史比较方法;在智能传播中的身体与媒介互动考察中,本书聚焦于智能化新闻传播、沉浸式娱乐传播及智能化社交传播三个场景,采用“线下”与“线上”相结合的方式,以新华社等智能化新闻媒体及智能新闻受众、VR游戏玩家QQ 群、智能语音机器人用户为研究对象,具体研究方法以实地参与式观察、访谈为主并辅以网络问卷调查和数据统计。




(3)结合上述研究框架,研究者将智能传播的身体与媒介互动实践聚焦于新闻、娱乐及社交,进而发现身体与媒介互动发生于智能化新闻传播、沉浸式娱乐传播及智能化社交传播的三个传播场景。通过这三个场景中的身体与媒介互动实践考察结果发现:其一,智能化新闻传播中身体与媒介互动的本质为人机互动,其中身体呈现“物质态身体” “文化态身体”及“技术态身体”三种形态,媒介呈现“身体化”特征并由“中介”转向“传播者”,身体的“在场”与“离场”为互动表征,互动逻辑为由“去身体化”转向“回归身体”,这对于新闻生产与传播产生影响,人机协同为主要特征。其二,沉浸式娱乐传播中呈现具身进路,从“意识沉浸”转向“具身沉浸”,具身互动成为以VR 技术为支撑的沉浸式传播的身体与媒介互动本质,通过VR游戏案例研究发现具身互动的特征为:身体在“知觉场”与“空间场”之间徘徊,以“虚拟代理”与“化身”等图式存在,这种具身参与的本质为主体共在与意义建构,具身互动逻辑为“参与式互动—感知觉互动—全身互动—VR 社交”,这对于娱乐内容的叙事方式也产生影响,以VR纪录片为例发现,“互动叙事”成为沉浸式娱乐内容的主要叙事方式。其三,智能化社交传播以社交机器人为技术支撑,作为媒介的社交机器人成为独立于身体而存在的“它者”,同时身体也更具社会性并以“交往”姿态呈现。在此条件下,人际交往转向人机交往成为一种必然,社交传播中身体与媒介的互动本质为人机交往,以戈夫曼的互动秩序理论为参照发现,人机交往是一个“褪去面具”的过程,身体以更为本真的姿态存在,人机信任成为实现人机交往的关键,以智能语音机器人为例发现,人机交往逐渐常态化并对情感、角色、信任及隐私等社会要素产生浅层影响。




With the advanced technology development,science fiction and reality are almost neck and neck.Therefore,most of“futuristic tech”begin to walk out of the ivory tower of Laboratory and are applied to even every corner of life.Especially,the artificial intelligence as a temper of era has been ubiquitous.The field of journalism and communication with technology as the core driving force has been marked with the intelligence,triggering a series of effects.Therefore,the relationship between human media and technology would be reconstructed.Human-computer interaction will become a new approach for in-depth research on the law of intelligent communication.The key to human-computer interaction is the initiative of the interface,which is mainly embodied in the overall activation of body senses from hearing to touch.Given this,the body is considered as one important elements of human-computer interaction,and the body-media interaction becomes a new way to understand human-computer interaction and human-technology relationship.So,what is the interaction between body and media in the era of intelligent communication? Based on this,a series of questions have subsequently emerged: Is the body-media interaction exclusive to the era of intelligent communication? If not,what about the diachronic body-media interaction evolution? From a synchronic point of view,what is the nature of body-media interaction in the era of intelligent communication? What is the impact on communication and social development? What does this mean for the understanding of intelligent communication? What about human-machine relationship in the era of intelligent communication in the future? These issues deserve our exploration and study and a theory is expected to explain these issues.

However,the body is“looming”in the mainstream communication and sometimes it is even marginalized,which seems to be inadequate for the current interpretation of the ever-changing body-media interaction practices.In view of this,the research would examine the phenomenon of human-computer interaction in intelligent communication from the perspective of body,focusing on the theme of“body-media interaction”,based on media's non-neutral theory,the theory of humantechnology relationship and concepts of body from(post)phenomenology and sociology.The nature of the interaction between body and media is revealed from the diachronic and synchronic dimensions.Synchronically,body-media interaction experiences in three communication scenes of journalism,entertainment and social communication and their influence on the communication pattern and social development in each scene are discussed in this dissertation.

From the perspective of interdisciplinary theory,research methods tend to be diversified and integrated.Therefore,Mixed Research Methods are applied to analyze the body-media interaction.In this research frame,the specific methods are used in accordance with the research question.In the synchronic investigation of the body-media interaction,the literature analysis and historical comparison method based on the existing texts; Synchronically,the empirical research on body-media interaction practices is focused on specific intelligent communication scenarios in the three fields of journalism,entertainment and social interaction,namely,intelligent journalism field,VR games and VR documentary and Social Robot.Specifically,“offline”and“online”research fields are used together in this research.The research objects are intelligent news media and the intelligent news audience,QQ group of VR game players,users of intelligent speaker robots.The specific methods are consisted of participatory observation,interviews,questionnaire and content analysis.

There are some results from this research as follows:

(1)Based on McLuhan and Manovich's theoretical resources on body-media relationship,this study concludes that the body-media interaction modes in communication can be divided into“internal passive interaction”and“internal active interaction”,“external passive interaction”and“external active interaction”,which are not completely independent but integrated.Secondly,the evaluation law of communication is redefined from the perspective of body.The time when the intelligent technology is applied in the field of journalism and communication is the node of the history of communication which is divided into“preintelligent communication era”and“intelligent communication era”.Meanwhile,this evolution is expanded to both paths:“Early homo sapiens era-Homo sapiens era-Modern human era-Container man era-Cyborg era-Intelligent subject era”and“Analog communication-Oral communication-Writing communication-Audio-visual perception communication-Network communication-Intelligent communication”.Thirdly,the mode of body-media interaction in the historical context adheres to the rule of“Strong body-media interaction-Weak body-media interactionStrong body-media interaction”.Accordingly,the body-media interaction in intelligent era is characteristic of“Strong interaction”,which is expressed by“Body-media(body)”,namely medium of internal/external active interaction.

(2)Regarding the construction of the strong body-media interaction in intelligent communication,on the basis of“Body-media(body)”,the researcher combined with Don Ihde's theory of human-technology relationship,such as“interpretive relationship”,“embodied relationship”and“other relationship”to reconstruct the theory frame of bodymedia strong interaction,which is expressed by[body→(media-environment)],[(body-media)→environment],[body→media-(-environment)].Therefore,the three core elements of“body”,“media”and“environment”are obtained.

(3)Focusing the above theoretical framework on news,entertainment and social communication,it is found that:

Firstly,the interaction between body and media occurs in intelligent journalism communication,immersive entertainment communication and intelligent social communication.The results show that: the interaction between the body and the media in intelligent journalism communication is human-machine interaction.Among them,there are three body forms such as“physical body”,“social body”and“technical body”; the media also presents the“body”feature,its role is“communicator”,the body's“presence”and“absence”are interactive representations,the logic is from“disembodiment”to“embodiment”.This has an impact on news production and communication with the feature of human-computer collaboration.

Secondly,the immersive entertainment communication presents an approach of embodiment,from“conscious immersion”to“embodiment immersion”.Embodiment interaction is the logic of body-media interaction of immersive entertainment communication supported by VR.Through VR games,it is found that body is moved between“perception field”and“space field”; the body schema is constituted of“virtual agent”and“avatar”; the nature of embodiment is the coexistence and meaning construction; the rule of embodiment interaction is“participate interaction-perception interaction-whole body interaction”.From the VR documentary,the results show that“Interactive narrative”is becoming the mainstream narrative in the entertainment content.

Thirdly,intelligent social communication is supported by social robots.As a media,social robots become“others”that is independent of human.At the same time,the body is also more social and is presented as a communicative body.The results prove that Human Machine Communication is nature of the body-media interaction,which is the process of“getting rid of the masks”according to Goffman's theory of interactive order.Besides,Human Machine Trust is important to Human Ma chine Communication.Taking the intelligent speaker robot as a case,the researcher found that the Human Machine Communication has made a subtle social influence,including the emotion,roles,trust and privacy in the society.

(4)The research conclusion shows that the evolutionary logic of the interaction between the body and the media in communication is actually a body return; the essence of body-media interaction in the intelligent communication is the embodied presence.Besides,the intelligent communication has a new explanation which is breaking out the traditional communication paradigm.The turn of human-computer integration was found from the logical changes of media integration.The internal mechanism of human-computer integration reveals the essence of“human-machine integration”,namely the physicality and autonomy regression of the intelligent communication subject.This research investigates the practice of human-machine fusion in the intelligent communication era in China and reveals its development form presenting the path of sensory fusion,cognitive fusion and value fusion.On this basis,the prediction is that consciousness interaction is the tendency of human-machine relationship in the communication.Meanwhile,human-machine ethical relationship,especially the issue of human-machine trust,have become the focus of future communication studies.

Key words: Intelligent communication; embodiment; body-media interaction; human-machine interaction; embodiment interaction; human-machine communication





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