摘要:最高人民法院制定的《人民法院信息化建设五年发展规划(2016—2020)》,对建设人民法院信息化3.0版提出了要求,明确了全国法院信息化建设应完成的四大类55项任务。本报告以山东法院信息化为视角,分析了人民法院信息化3.0版的建设应用成效。山东法院信息化历经全面启动、整合提升、迈进3.0三个阶段的发展,在全面覆盖、移动互联、跨界融合、深度应用、透明便民、安全可控等方面取得了显著成效,努力实现以互联互通为主要特征的人民法院信息化2.0版向以智慧法院为主要特征的人民法院信息化3.0版的转型升级。在实践做法上,山东法院重视顶层设计,加强法院专网、开放云、科技法庭等方面的基础建设,通过网上办案、电子送达、电子卷宗同步生成等机制为诉讼活动提供全方位服务。另外,其在注重数据管理、开展智慧创新方面的做法更是可圈可点。在推进路径上,山东法院以人为本,注重培养、增强互联网思维,提升信息化素养;针对一些地方信息化建设“两张皮”、重建设而轻应用的问题,山东法院凸显业务与技术的高度融合,注重让信息化服务司法各方群体真正落地,实现了便利当事人权利行使、成为审判智能化帮手、助力破解“执行难”问题、促进司法管理精细化诸多功能。今后,山东法院信息化向纵深发展还应当继续按照建设智慧型法院的要求,以服务公众需求为导向、以满足业务应用为本位、以提升数据治理能力为目标、以保障机制为支撑,不断提升信息化应用水平。关键词:法院 山东省 信息化 智慧型法院 人民法院信息化3.0版
Abstract:The Five-Year Plan for Information Construction at People's Courts (2016-2020),adopted by the Supreme People's Court in February 2016,provides for specific requirements on the construction of Version 3.0 of the People's Courts Informatization System. According to the plan,people's courts throughout the country must complete a total of 55 tasks of informationization construction,which are divided into four main categories,within the five-year period. This report analyzes the results achieved by China in the construction and application of Version 3.0 of the People's Courts Informatization System from the perspective of the informatization of people's courts in Shandong Province. The informatization of people's courts in Shandong Province has undergone three stages of development:all-round initiation,integration and upgrading,and upgrading to version 3.0. In this process,the courts have achieved remarkable results in such aspects of informatization as full coverage,mobile connectivity,cross-border integration,in-depth application,transparency,convenience for the people,safety,and controllability,and are endeavoring to upgrade the system from the current version 2.0,which takes interconnection as its main characteristic,to version 3.0,which takes “smart court” as its main characteristic.With respect to practical method,people's courts in Shandong Province have attached high importance to top-level design,strengthened the construction of court website,Open Cloud,technological court and other infrastructure constructions,and provided comprehensive services to parties to litigation through such mechanisms as on-line handling of cases,electronic delivery,and automatic generation of electronic case files. And their practices of attaching importance to data management and carrying out wisdom innovation are also commendable. With respect to the approaches to informatization,people's courts in Shandong Province have adhered to the people first principle,laid emphasis on the cultivation and enhancement of Internet thinking and the increase of imformatization literacy,and,in light of the double-skin phenomenon and the tendency of laying stress on construction at the expense of application in informatization construction in some localities,given prominence to high-degree integration of judicial work and technology,and endeavored to ensure that informatization is truly able to perform the functions of servicing all parties to judicial proceedings,facilitating the exercise of rights by all parties,providing intelligent assistance to the court in the trial,helping courts overcome difficulties in the enforcement of judgments,and promoting the refinement of judicial administration.To promote the further development,both in depth andwidth,of informatization,people's courts in Shandong should continue to raise the level of application of informatization in accordance with the requirement of constructing smart courts by taking servicing the public as the orientation,meeting the need of operational application as the standard,raising the capacity of data governance as the goal,and the relevant safeguarding mechanisms as the support.Key Words:Courts; Shandong Province; Informatization; Smart Court; Version 3.0 of People's Court Informatization System
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