Heidegger longs for the quartic he harmonious existing state of Heave,Earth,God and Man,and he is eager to a“Poetic Dwelling”on earth. By the influence of a historical and cultural context in ancient times,Qu Yuans whole body shines poetic lights of romance and freedom.By his mythic thinking,by his unique,magnificent imagination of ethnic Chu,and by his aesthetic ideal and artistic will of“Long as the way is,I will keep on searching above and below”,Qu Yuan fugues the universe and inquiries the Heaven,explores the beginning,the evolution and the end of the world,introspects the fairness and absurdity of history,criticizes the synchronic principle and diachronic change of ethics and morality,seeking the reason for the sublimity and humbleness of spiritual personality,and advocates a politically good society which is people-oriented,empowerment virtuous and legal perfect.As a troubadour in the nature,pursuing“the beauty of aromatic grass”,Qu Yuan creates poetic images of aestheticism by his talented inspiration.In a fantasy realm,he has a psychic dialogue with gods and ghosts,and creates classics which combine poetry with philosophy,myths with language,and history with witchcraft.He is exiled twice,and roams about in a desolated barbarian land faraway. However,fulfilled with affectionate care to his king and his people,he remembers his motherland and dreams of a politically good society in the future.Nevertheless,his country is defeated and the home lost.This tragic experience makes him fall into the black cave of complete despair for his political ideals and the value of life.In order to practice his ethical principles and create a poetic,aesthetic life,he finally chooses suicide by the river of Mi-luo.In his poetry,he gets the meaning of his life forever.Following a methodological principle of a unity of history and logic,from the view of philosophy,aesthetics,hermeneutics and mythology,and by quoting thought resources of humanities,such as cultural studies,history,sociology and psychology,this book explores Qu Yuan and Poetry of the South macroscopically and microscopically,and deciphers them in a new historical context,so as to achieve these theoretical goals:a complement of east and west,a penetration of ancient and modern.Under the premise of a deep interpretation,this book puts forward a series of aesthetic ideas.It is divided into two logically related parts:First,a study on the author.It gives Qu Yuans psychological complex a logical analysis and a theoretical integration.It also deciphers the dialectical relation of the poet:his loneliness complex,irrationalism complex,aesthetics complex and death complex,so as to achieve a deep inquiry of his spiritual structure and state of mind in composition.Second,a study on the text.From the view of Phenomenology,Hermeneutics,and Reception Aesthetics,using traditional methods of Exegesis and Textology,this book gives Poetry of the Southa close reading of New Criticism and a deep concrete research,so as to acquire some new aesthetic view and further logic inference.Among all poets of Chinese nation,Qu Yuan has romantic feelings and philosophical spirits the most.He thinks poetically,speaks romantically and dies aesthetically.Relatively,Nietzsche is the western philosopher who has a poet temperament the most.He experienced three life stages:a camel-like perseverance,a lion-like roar and finally a return to an innocent child.Both Qu Yuan and Nietzsche have the hobby of roaming the landscape.However,the former behavior contains the reason of exile by power,and the latter is a free choice.In both minds,they all have love,worship and obsession to the nature,and they all have deep thinking about the fate of mankind.Both of their texts are perfect blend of poetry and philosophy——maybe the reason is——the nature gives them mysterious inspiration and passion.
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