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“I know that two problems can endanger the stability of the society and the consolidation of power.One is corruption,and the other is the price.” Prime minister’s warning still exiss.Throughout history,no matter past or present,excessive price rising,especially the fluctuation of price on the people’s wellbeing is the basic reason that affects social stability and harmony.The price will not only affect the overall development of the economy,but also affect social stability.Therefore,solving the price problem has become a strategic choice to promote harmonious society.After the international financial crisis,rising price has become the hot issue that Chinese people are most concerned about.Reassuring the public is the base of social stability,but commodity price will bring people’s fluctuations,and affects social expectations,even People will fear for the future situation,then produce negative emotions What will impact the normal social psychology and cause the interest-impaired to have an expectation to change the present situation.Once something changes,the group events will happen and affect social stability.The rising price makes the most social members’ wealth shrink dramatically.In particular,rising price will be the most direct and serious factor that affects the low-income groups,because they have no ability to take effective measures to avoid financial risk but the rich persons can.According to “bucket effect”theory,the bucket’s volumn,does not depend on the longest piece of wood but on the shortest one.When the society can’t make the low-income groups who are like “short board”longer and in good condition,“bucket”will not be filled with water,then that will limit the development of society.The rising price will seriously affect people living and inhibit consumption of urban and rural residents,then impact the realization of the basic state policy of expanding domestic demand.The price question in essence is stilla interest problem and the real problem that involve the vital interests of people.Since the reform and opening up,the society has revealed defects about “distribution of interests”,the residents’ acceptability of rising price is the ruler of their interests.The price question has interests attribute,interest is the core of all social relations.Marx thinks: “what the people strive for,all related to their interests.” Under the market economy condition,the interest’s unbalanced distribution in different groups is inevitable,but must be moderate.If it exceeds the bear ability of a social group,it will affect social stability and even cause social crisis.The price question can’t be a new problem,but under the background of economic and social transformation,it has been endowed new features.Under the background of the interest subjects’ excessive differentiation,we should pay attention to the problem which the rising price has caused and made the social strata some happy some pain,otherwise it will be easy to cause some new problem what we haven’t met,especially in the current circumstances: our country economy is developing fast,the polarization between the rich and the poor gets serious,there are more conflicts of interest,old and new contradictions are intertwined,uncertainty is increasing.Social unstable factors are increased obviously.The major consequences of rising price are: First,it expands the gap between rich and poor.Despite rising price will affect all of the people,but for different income levels influence is different.The assets structure of most low-income groups is single or even they have no assets,so they don’t have much ability to avoid risk.The negative effect of current price rising is that make part of the person’s benefit damaged,and the others’ beneficial.Second,it influences people’s psychological stability.The price problem is the factor that most easily influences social psychological stability.The production and spread for social discontent often stems from a rising price.When price overly goes up,the temptation of the wealth is also easier to be amplified,and then deepening the mentality for “resenting the rich”,aggravating the strong discontent with unfair distribution、monopoly of industries、abusing the power for personal gains and making fortune in illegal ways.Increase of some public goods in price that caused by rising price is bound to increase the dissatisfaction with difficulty in affording tuition、difficulty in buying a house and difficulty in seeking proper health care.Third,it destroys the social order.Rising price not only can lead to social psychological anxiety,and it is not also most likely to normally obey and maintain some social orders.Rising price in fact threatens the normal social order,it not only damage the public and social’s interest,if we can’t deal with this problem,it also seriously damage the government’s image and reputation,and disrupt the social and economic life’s order.The current China is in the time of obvious contradiction,the large sudden group events and collective appeal events which almost relate to the benefit continuously happen,however these conflicts are largely happened in the low-income groups.Just like Lewis Coser said,one of the causes which causes social conflict is that if the lower members doubt the legality of the way of scarce resources’ distribution,they likely struggle against it.When their legal rights and interests are infringed,they cannot maintain their legitimate rights and interests through normal channels,they will take some ways to damage and threaten others in order to solve the problems,even sacrifice themselves or arise group incidents,all these greatly increase the dangerous factors of influencing the social stability.Such as the previous events: people hit the buildings in Changsha and struggle against demolition,the farmers in Henan suicide because of the cheap corns,the taxi drivers strike in Chongqing and other places.Although these things happen in the local area,we should be vigilant.Stability is the China’s overall situation.The price question that we should properly solve is a great event,which is linked to the economic and social sustainability.On fact,the price problem is the problem of profit distribution.In the condition of over- polarization of interests subject,making the price stability more difficult.Amid macro-economic adjustment,government have to excessively take administrative measures to control the soaring price,and have to adopt too many administrative approaches for limiting price to take care of group in economic difficulty,as result of making marketization reform more difficult.However,we fail to rely on the market to solve the problem of fair distribution of interest.The history tells that market system can’t naturally achieve the balance of diverse groups’ interests,and rising price inevitably brings blindness and spontaneity of production,it is very likely to emerge economic crisis as social plaque,which gives economy,politics and everyone’s life a hard hit.The point that attract our particular attention is that the phenomenon of price rising emerged after successfully maintaining our economy growth rate by 8 %.It proves indirectly economy growth can’t address all the problems including price,and it is not more necessary to automatically bring general improvement of living standard.Seen from the theories and successful practice of maintaining social stability and defusing economic crisis,which all built on basis of economic development,promoting the society to maintain a state of relative solidarity and inclusiveness by effectively managing the society,responding to all kinds of social requirements,reducing social conflicts and unleashing the social tensility by institutional mechanism and arrangement,instead,it also created a favorable social environment for economic development and solution of crisis to a certain degree.So to speak,the market inefficacy of holding rising price provides space for playing a role of social administration in the process of promoting price stability.The price rising has complicated reasons which is related to overall development of social economy.Managing the price well through innovating social administration should become the most important target for the present Chinese social administration.The Chinese premier,Hu Jintao said: “the basic task of social administration involving in coordinating social relationship、standardizing social behavior、resolving social conflicts、promoting social justice、dealing with social risks and maintaining social stability ”.we can see that maintaining social stability is basic purpose of social administration.Seemingly the price is economic problem,but from the point view of reason of its formation and sphere of influence,price refers to people’s living condition and development environment as well as overall situation of social stability,which is one of the basic tasks of social administration.Our country is experiencing “great transformation” from completely releasing market power to protecting society,managing price will be served as the important part of social administration,which is decided by the idea of “people foremost” and basic logic of social embedability in the economic structure.“people foremost” is the fundamental starting point for managing price,concerning the problem of price stability from the perspective of comprehensiveness and long-term of social development,managing price will be regarded as the important part of social administration,concerning the relation between the price stability and ensuring wellbeing,which are important ways to hold price rising radically.The basic task of social administration is that maintain social order、promote social harmony and ensure the people to live and work in peace and contentment,Social administration has the social objective of direct relevance and non-economy with social members’ dairy life and fundamental interests,it can meet community members’ basic requirements,address social problems、maintain social justice,remain social stability and increase social welfare.The essential significance of regarding stabilizing price as the important part of social administration is that effective social administration can create a favorable working and living environment,coordinate group interest,comfort mentality of social imbalance,in this way,promote all-round developments of social and human being.Under the new circumstances of economic development,stabilizing price serves as an important content of social administration and a problem of solving living condition that people concerned,which embodies the core theory of “putting people first”.Only managing the price well can promote the social solidarity and lay the foundation of building harmonious societyThe price problem is economic problem and also a social problem,involving in every aspect of social life,tackling the price problem will inspire confidence and lay mental foundation for coping with financial crisis ,particularly in the key period of soaring price,stabilizing price means stabilize society,at the same time,promotes social justice,improves social conduct.Even though the balance of commodity supply and demand is the key in terms of stabilizing price,we must pay more attention to realize the balance’s psychological factors.People will create panic and engross the market in a society lack of social administration,price instability is inevitable,even if making a progress in production.In this situation,through social administration,coordinating and ensuring all interests according to law with country and society supports,grasping combination between common and concrete interests from policy orientation,thought interest integration,making every interest’s group fairly and reasonably share achievements of social development,shouldering the losses caused by price rising,and maintaining social equity and justice will become more necessary and urgent.Social administration in the process of price rising is able to close the wild connection between government and all levels of society by fully mobilizing social groups to participate,and create a good social environment for economic macro-control.Solving price problem is key step of innovating social administration,plays a very practical significance’s role in realizing social harmony.The necessity of social administration innovation is originate from inconsistency of social development and social intelligence in our country,resulting in producing lots of social problems and deepening social contradictions.The traditional social administration system that formed in the period of planned economy has not met the requirements under the new situation,seriously impeded harmonious development and progress of society,it needs to constantly innovate and reform.Currently,price problem has become the key of upholding social order and promoting social harmony,we must strengthen and innovate the social administration to manage price,requiring country and society to focus on effects and changes that brought by price rising for society and its members,in view of these effects and changes,adjusting ideas of social administration、policies and measures to create a good atmosphere in society,so as to curb non-economic factors of influencing price,preserve social stability,make social administration play a role in moderately reducing the negative effects caused by price rising.We should make system arrangements for stabilizing the price,create a good social environment for stabilizing price in timely、appropriately and comprehensively,cohere public felling,effectively solve social contradictions and conflicts caused by price rising,respond people’s requirements,coordinate relationship of interests,effectively guarantee the basic life of different income groups not to be badly affected by the price rising.Key words:price rising,social stability,interests,social administration,innovation





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