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随着现代化的不断高级化,后发国家的后发劣势递增,使后发国家的工业化赶超更加困难;全球化在促进技术扩散、产业转移、全球分工的同时,也导致后发国家经济的更大依附性发展,传统社会的瓦解,使传统的经济赶超战略失效;极端消费主义与个人主义价值观在促进人类社会进入丰裕社会的同时,也导致弥漫全球的能源、生态与社会危机,使传统现代化模式不可持续。只有突破传统的工业化模式、传统的经济赶超战略、传统的现代化模式路径依赖的束缚,积极地进行文化创新、战略创新,把现代化建立在以人为本的基础上,通过适宜的技术进步和适度市场调节来实现人与自然、人与社会、物质文明与精神文明的和谐发展,在新型现代化基础上通过新型工业化和新型经济赶超战略转型,才能最终实现中国的现代化赶超。首先,本书对后发劣势理论进行了全面总结。指出,与后发优势相比,后发劣势对后发国家的经济发展影响更大,现代化的高级化使后发国家后发劣势递增,导致后发国家的经济赶超更加困难。由于认识后发劣势是制定后发战略的客观依据,克服后发劣势是实现经济赶超的前提,因此,后发劣势的客观性、动态性、相对性与递增性特征要求后发战略也必须不断进行调整,以适应变动的环境,克服递增的后发劣势,才能实现现代化的赶超。其次,本书对传统经济赶超战略进行了实证分析。指出,后发战略的时代性,动态性与阶段性特征要求后发战略必须根据国内外环境的变迁而不断地进行调整,使后发战略符合现实的需要。在传统赶超战略已经失效的今天,后发国家对于新自由主义与东亚模式的盲目模仿已经造成巨大的危机,使经济依附性发展加深,政府失灵严重,严重影响经济发展。因此,对于今天的后发国家来说,只有突破新自由主义与东亚模式的束缚,积极地进行战略创新,才能克服当前的发展困境,实现工业化的赶超。再次,本书对全球化与世界性的能源、生态与社会危机对后发国家及其发展战略造成的影响进行了认真分析。指出,全球化在促进技术扩散的同时,也导致后发国家经济的长期依附性发展,使经济发展差距长期化;全球化也使后发国家的经济发展丧失独立性,导致全球贫富差距扩大和世界经济严重失衡,使世界性经济危机不断深化,威胁文明的持续。只有突破新自由主义发展战略的束缚,通过有限产业政策不断优化产业结构,通过分配制度改革不断扩大内需,后发国家才能摆脱经济的依附性发展;只有尽快建立全球经济协调机制,加快全球政治一体化的发展步伐,才能防止世界性经济危机的频繁爆发。世界性的生态与能源危机在恶化后发国家的发展环境的同时,也使西方的现代化模式难以持续,只有突破传统现代化的路径依赖,积极地进行文化创新,确立以人为本的全面发展观,后发国家才有可能在新型现代化基础上实现现代化的反超,维护文明的持续。后发国家由于对传统现代化的路径依赖较浅,完全有机会率先实现现代化转型。最后,本书指出,中国作为最大的发展中国家,深受后发地位的损害,并受到经济全球化和全球性能源与生态危机的冲击,教条主义战略模仿的危害,使传统的工业化模式、传统的经济赶超战略、传统现代化模式不可持续,导致严重的发展危机。只有对东西方文明进行合理扬弃,吸收西方文明中民主市场经济体制的精华,抛弃其极端个人主义与消费主义文化的糟粕,保留东方文明中天人合一、精神至上的优良文化传统,抛弃传统制度糟粕,在兼容并蓄基础上积极地进行文化创新,才能确立新型的现代化目标,把工业化建立在以人为本的目标之上,并通过新型工业化战略,不断提高国民福利,最终实现人与自然、人与社会的和谐共处,促进人的全面发展,实现新型现代化的转型。关键词 后发劣势 经济赶超战略 政治转型 新型现代化 文化资本

With the continuous advancement of modernization,the increased disadvantage of backwardness in the developing countries has made it more difficult for them to catch up with the industrialization. While promoting the spread of technology,globalization also leads to the country’s economic development in dependency. The collapse of traditional society causes the failure of strategy of economy surpassing.Extreme individualism and consumerism promote the human values into the affluent society,at the same time,it brings the global energy,ecological and social crisis,so that the traditional model modernization is not sustainable. We should break through traditional mode of industrialization,the traditional strategy of catching up and surpassing the economy,the traditional path of modernization models,and actively conduct cultural innovation,strategic innovation. We should establish modernization on the people-oriented basis and realize the harmonious development between man and nature,man and society,material and spiritual civilization through the appropriate technological advances and appropriately market regulation.On the basis of the new modernization,through the use of new industrialization model and new-type industrialization strategy can we achieve modernization of catching up.First of all,the book gives a comprehensive analysis of the disadvantage of backwardness,pointing out its dominant position in the national development. The advancement of modernization causes the disadvantage to increase,which becomes the main obstacle of economic surpassing. Because of objective,dynamic,relative,incremental and other characteristics,we must also be continuously adjusted to the environmental changes,overcoming the increasing disadvantage of backwardness and realizing the modernization of catching up.Second,the book gives an empirical analysis of the traditional economic strategy of catching up and surpassing,pointing out that because of the modern,dynamic and periodic features,it’s difficult for the strategy to adapt to today’s needs and we must reasonably adjust development strategies according to the changes of time to meet after the country’s national conditions. To today’s developing countries,the breakthrough of the current global popularity of neo-liberalism and the East Asian model of restraint can overcome the double predicament of the dependence of economic development and the government failure to achieve industrialization of catching up.Third,the book gives a careful analysis of the impact globalization,the world’s energy,ecological and social crisis have on the country and its development strategy,pointing out that globalization can not only promote the spread of technology,but also will lead to the country’s economy after the long-term dependency so that the long-term development gap between is cure,and globalization also lets the country lose independence of economic development,leading to the widening gap between rich and the poor global economy and the serious imbalance in the world,so that the global economic crisis approaches and threatens the continuing civilization. Only through breaking up the shackles of the new liberalism development strategy,through limiting industrial policy to constantly optimize the industrial structure,through reforming the distribution system to expand domestic demand can the developing countries to shake off the economic dependence of development. We should establish a global economic coordination mechanism as soon as possible and accelerate the global political integration of the pace of development in order to prevent the global economic crisis from breaking out frequently.The world’s ecological and energy crisis are deteriorating the environment for the development of the country,also make the modern Western model unsustainable. Only by changing the traditional model of modernization,breaking the shackles of neo-liberal strategy will it be possiblefor the countries to achieve modernization and maintain the sustained development of civilization on the basis of new modernization. Now the countries of backwardness rely shallowly on the traditional modernization,so they totally have the opportunity to take the lead in realizing modernization in transition.Finally,as the largest developing country,China is deeply damaged by the inferior status and impacted by the economic globalization,the global energy and ecological crisis. It is also harmed by imitating the strategy against dogmatism,which makes the traditional mode of industrialization,East Asian catching up and surpassing economy strategy,Western model of modernization become unsustainable and lead to serious development crisis. We must reasonably abandon Eastern-Western civilizations and actively conduct cultural innovation in order to establish a new goal of modernization. We also must establish industrialization on the basis of a people-centred objective,and through the new industrialization strategy and constantly improving people’s welfare,building up the harmony between human and nature,human and society,promote the comprehensive development of people,and achieve the ultimate realization of modernization in transition.Key words:disadvantage of backwardness; strategy of catching up and surpassing the economy; political transition; new modernization; cultural capital





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