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基金信息: 国家社会科学基金项目;湖南科技大学马克思主义理论博士点经费资助;湖南省中国特色社会主义研究湖南科技大学基地成果 展开



Since nineties,20th century,upon the rise of Internet culture which is compound on its strong vitality,unique features,the rapid pace of development,unprecedented influence and depth,reflects its value of existence and unique features,and is hailed as “the third culture”, “the fourth media”,and rapidly and effectively builds “the second survival space” which is outside the physical survival of humanity and has a profound impact on the construction of our party's ability to govern.Since the Eighteen CPC National Congress,with the comrade Xi Jinping as general secretary of the CPC Central Committee leadership,we focus on the fundamental issues such as “what is socialism and how to build socialism,” “what kind of party,how to build the party”and “to achieve what kind of development,how to develop”,and constantly deepen the understanding upon the discipline of construction of our party in new period,proposed series of major strategic thoughts including with the construction of party's governance capability and advanced nature as the main line,the spirit of reform and innovation to strengthen the construction of Marxist learning party.Under the background of rapid development in network culture,contacting the era circumstance in which the Party now finds itself and the historic mission,a pratical and major issue is laid out,which is how to understand the relationship between the Internet culture and strengthening the Party's governance capability,and then seize the opportunities,meet challenges,promote the Party's construction of governance capability get the enchance in level in the aspect of informatization.In this paper with the construction of the interaction between the construction of the party and the development of culture as the logic line,exploring the Internet culture's significant impact on the construction of the party's governance ability,analyzing the Internet culture's positive and negative effects on the construction of the Party's govenance capability,absorbing the basic experiments of other countries in the world in the aspects of network governance ability,reveal basic discipline of the interaction between the construction of the Party's governance ability and the Internet culture,try to choose and innovate the target'location,content's setting up and mechanism's fostering and in the end find a scientific development platform with strong and practical value for the interactive “win –win” between the Internet culture and strengthening the construction of the Party's governance ability.In addition to introduction,the paper is divided into eight chapters.In the first chapter with the interation between the Party's construction and development of culture as logic line, the paper mainly clarify the issue from three angles,one is that clarifying the ruling party's subjectivity in the culture's running from the aspects of the ruling party as the creator of advanced culture,promoter of the development of culture and defender of cultural safety;the other is that the development of governance culture promotes the construction of ruling party;another is that demonstrating the construction of the rulling party promote the development of governance culture from the aspects including the construction of ruling party promote the development in principle of governing,governing behaviour,culture of governing system.In the second chapter based on the reality of the Internet culture's promotion in the construction of the Party's governance ability,it conducts the interpretation from the following three aspects: review of political philosophy,exploring in the value's rationality of Internet culture and the observation of practical vitality of the Internet culture's promotion in ability of the Party's governance;based on defining cultural identity and nature of the Internet culture,revealing that the Internet culture expand the existence pattern,construct the virtual the relationship between subject and object,analyzing the unity between rationality of value as tool and value as purpose,and then discourse the practical vitality of the Internet culture's promotion in ability of the Party's governance from three points of views:the Internet culture expand the sources of the Party's governace,improve the environment of the Party's governance and optimize the Party's way of governance.The third chapter is based on the attentive theme of our party improve its ability of governance in the development of governing culture and mainly demonstrate it from three points:one is inheritance as basis of the development of governing culture,innovation as the certification,and inheritance and innovation as the development of governance culture;the other is demonstrating that the Internet culture promote the development of governance culture from three points of views:the inheritance,transcendence of the Internet culture and the developent of Internet culture and governance culture;another is clarifying the scientific form of construction of the Party's ruling ability under the Internet circumstance from three aspects: the versatility,transcendence and autonomy of the Internet culture's promotion in the construction of the Party's governance ability.The fourth and the fifth chapter are listed “dissension and disorder”and “derangement and imbalance” as universe of discourse and demonstrate the negative effects of the Internet culture on strengthening the construction of the Party's rulling ability.Based on the defining and clarifying the sorts and characteristics of dissension in Internet information,cultural disorder imposed by the dissension of the Internet information,informational imbalance generated by the derangement of conception of Internet and harm to strengthening the governance ability of the Party,exert efforts to three points of views:probing the great challenge in strengthening the construction of the Party's ruling ability generated by the disorder of Internet culture based on the challenge in strengthening the Party's ability to deal with domestic business and construction of comprehensive power in Party's business and the impacts generated by the imbalance in information moral,information law and information system on strengthening the ruling ability of the Party.The sixth and seventh chapter are lited “interation and harmony”and “autonomy and open” as domain of discourse and demonstrate the Internet culture's positive effects on strengthening construction in ruling ability of the Party.Based on make clear the interation between Internet culture and ruling ability of the Party,the harmony of the Party in promote the interation between Internet culture and ruling ability and the nationality and cosmopolitan of construction in the Party's ruling ability.It exerts efforts to three aspects to probe the strengthening of the Party's characteristics of ruling ability,construction of improvement in the Party's ruling ability and social relations and construction of the Party's ruling ability and beautification of natural circumstance.These chapters mainly probe the problem of the improvement in the Party's ruling ability in the interation with Internet culture,historic process and its basic characteristics of Internet culture's globalization and the improvement in the Party's ruling ability in the process of Internet culture's globalization.The eighth chapter mainly demonstrates and illustrates the Internet culture which is pointed to strengthening the Party's ruling ability,and deems that construction of ruling ability is a profound construction after our party comes into power.Construct the Internet culture pointed to strenggthening the Party's ruling ability is also a complicated project,and should not hope for quick success.Otherwise we should take great efforts to solve three basic problems very well,firstly make clear the obeject location of the Internet culture which is pointed to strengthening the construction of ruling ability,secondly build the setting up of content which is pointed to strengthening construction of the Party's ruling ability,thirdly build and complete breeding mechanism of Internet culture which is pointed to strengthening the construction of the Party's ruling ability and get prove that our party always walks in the forefront of “e” times in the interactive development of Internet culture and strengthening the ruling ability.Key Words: Internet culture; the construction of the Party's ruling ability; in the interactive development





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