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Division of Labour.Market.Institution and Industrial Cluster Upgrading-A Case Study of Shandong







基金信息: 聊城大学;“海陆经济联动下产业集群升级与区域经济发展”重点学科项目成果;山东省社会科学规划研究项目;“山东省产业集群升级机制研究——基于分工视角”结题成果;山东省产业升级与经济协同发展软科学基地成果 展开


本书在梳理现有研究成果的基础上,以价值链分工为逻辑起点,建立一个涵盖技术创新、市场创新、制度创新的分析框架,即 “分工——市场——制度”框架(DMI框架),具体分析分工、市场、制度对产业集群升级的影响。以山东为例,分析山东产业集群升级存在的问题,并提出对策建议,通过对山东纺织、家电和铝产业集群升级的实证分析,初步验证了这一分析框架的合理性。

This paper summarizes several major research views on upgrading of industrial cluster through the analysis and conclusion of recent major research on it,which are views from global value chain,innovation perspective and institutional perspective.The shortcoming of current research is the isolated analysis view because of lack of systematization,which requires building up the systematic framework of analysis containing the value chain,innovation and institution.With further strengthening of empirical analysis and practice value,the research on upgrading of industrial cluster can be further enriched.The essence of cluster upgrading lies in obtaining and improving of cluster competitive advantage.The competitive advantage for the cluster comes not only from cost advantage,but mainly from the division advantage form the interaction mechanism between technological innovation and cluster,market advantage for promoting competition and cooperation within clusters,and institutional advantage to ensuring technological innovation and effective competition.This paper attempts to establish an analysis framework covering technological innovation,market innovation and institutional innovation,which takes division of the value chain as the logical starting point.That“division of labour-market-system”model(DMI model)analyzes specifically the impacts on upgrading of industrial cluster by the division of labour,market and institution.There is a correspond relationship between division of labour and value chain.The value chain of a product can be entirely integrated into an enterprise,and also be part of that.Division of labour can be divided into technological division and social division based on existence conditions of value chain in the enterprise.The division of labour chain within the enterprise is mainly determined by technological level,which is known as technological division of labour.The various links of value chain of a product lying in the vertical distribution among several enterprises,or one part of the link of value chain lying in the horizontal distribution among several enterprises,can be known as social division of labour.Social division of labour is the externalization of technological division of labour,which depends on internal organization cost and transaction cost.Organization cost is determined by the technological division.If the internal transaction cost exceeds organization cost,the existing corporatewill be divided into two or more enterprises until the internal organization cost is less than(or equal to)transaction cost.Industrial division of labour is one kind of social division of labour in the macro level.When a products production technology is relatively mature,the total number of enterprise is relatively rich,the production scale is relatively huge,one is able to say that the industrial division of labour has been formed.Industrial division of labour concentrates social resources to one certain industry,leading the product into a state of specialization,improving labour efficiency and lowering production cost.When an industrys value chain is fragmentized and gathered in different geographical areas,regional division of labour and regional industry cluster are formed.When the chain is located in different countries,aglobal value chain is thus formed with the formation of international division of labour.Deepening division of labour and technological innovation are jointly promoting industrial cluster to embed more deeply in the value chain of the international division of labour,especially upgrading to high value-added link,obtaining the advantage of division of labour,promoting transition from labour-intensive industries to technology and capital-intensive industries,so as to the realize the upgrading of industrial organization of industrial cluster.According to Smith theorem and Young theorem,division of labour can promotethe market,and vice versa.Social division of labour leads to the formation of specialized markets,and the specialized market is deepe-ning social division of labour.The interaction between the social division of labour and market promotes continuous development of industrial clusters.There is a positive correlation between the development of regional industrial clusters and market integration.With the deepening of reform and opening up,the ratio of dependence on foreign trade(FTR)in China improves constantly,and international market becomes the major market for domestic industrial clusters.International market integration is in favour of integrating into the chain of international division of labour for manufacturing industry,attracting international industry transform and upgrading the competition of industrial clusters.The formation and evolution of industrial clusters is under a particular institutional environment.So institution becomes one of the indispensible elements to effect the upgrading of industrial clusters.The provision of institution is the result of constant deepening of division of labour.The major institutional elements effecting on industrial clusters include social capital,entrepreneurship and government functions,which restrict the division of labour and the development of industrial clusters.The optimization of institutional environment is a prerequisite for deepening the division of labour and market improvement.And institutional innovation is the ensuring of technological innovation.Revolving round the deepening of division of labour and bettering the market,we should innovate the institution from the aspect of social capital,entrepreneurship and government functions,then we can achieve the institutional advantages and institutional upgrading of industrial clusters.The combination of division of labour,market and institution constitutes a new competitive advantage of industrial clusters.And the ultimate achievement of industrial clusters upgrading depends on the upgrading combination of industrial organization,industrial structure and institutional framework.This paper applies the model of“Division of labour-Market-Institution”(DMI)to research on the issues of upgrading of industrial clusters in Shandong province.It points out the problems that the upgrading of indus-trial clusters confronted with,which includes the locking on the division of labour caused by low end situation of value chain about international division of labour,the locking on the market caused by market segmentation and blind competition,the low end of social capital value and the locking on institutions caused by the lack of innovation spirit of entrepreneur and the dislocation of government functions.So we should find a new nitching for industrial clusters from the perspective of division of labour,and pay more attention to technological innovation for promoting the upgrading of industrial clusters to the high end of division of labour chains,which will be helpful to overcome some constraints including the locking on the division of labour,market segmentation and the locking on institutions and enhancing the continous competitiveness of industrial clusters in China.With the technological innovation and embeding in the high end of global value chains,we can build industrial clusters with a regional division of labour characteristic and have the access to the advantages of division of labour,which will promote the upgrading of industrial organization in clusters.Taking the development of service as the premise and enhancing professional market,we can accelerate the integration of domestic and foreign markets to overcome market segmentation and acquire market innovation and market advantages,which will promote the upgrading of industrial structure in those industrial clusters.With the institutional innovation,we can enhance the value of social capital to foster innovative entrepreneurship,improve government services,improve the institutional environment for industrial upgrading,acquire institutional advantages and promote the upgrading of institutional framework in those industrial clusters.By positive analysis on the upgrading of electrical appliances industry cluster,textile industry cluster,aluminium industry cluster in Shandong province,it tests and verifies the rationality of this modle on the whole. Keywords:Upgrading of industrial cluster;division of labour;modle of DMI;Shandong province





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