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长期以来,学术界有这样的看法:荀子是站在儒家立场上对先秦诸子百家进行批评吸收而成为诸子思想的集大成者。但是,荀子集大成形成的途径和环节仍需进一步探讨。本书拟从比较荀子与诸子思想的复杂关系入手,探讨荀子对战国各种学术思潮的回应,力求揭示荀子对百家思想的吸收与发展,从而再现荀子综合百家思想形成的具体过程。战国时期是中国历史上最为灿烂的文明发展时期。诸子蜂出,百家争鸣,构成战国学术的繁荣之貌。与天下一统的时代趋势相呼应,战国晚期思想学术开始兼容会通,各家各派在相互争鸣中相互吸收,由“学术为天下裂”向学术综合的方向发展,荀子思想是这一趋势的产物。本书讨论了战国学术兴盛的时代背景和原因,认为夏、商、西周、春秋以来的文化积累,春秋晚期私学兴起所带来的文化普及,诸侯兼并争霸引发对人才的重视,经济发展积累的雄厚财力和带来的便捷交通,士人社会地位的提高等多种因素,共同营造了百家争鸣的战国学术盛世。基于对战国百家学术思想的分析,荀子认为,孔子儒学思想标志着治理天下的正确方向。荀子在仁义、礼治、正名、为学、天人关系、品德修养等方面全面继承和丰富了孔子思想。荀子站在孔子儒家思想立场上,批判和吸收了其他各家学说。从荀子思想的形成与内涵看:在正名问题上,荀子通过对孔子、墨子正名思想的吸收和对邓析、惠施等辩家的批评,提出了依实而制名的制名原则和以礼为则、以仁为用的思辨方法,归纳了辨析奸言的“破惑三法”,强调名实相符是构成社会共识、实现天下一统的基础;在天人关系上,荀子从孔子“天人有分”思想出发,吸收了墨子的“非命”思想和老子、庄子的天道自然观念,批评了老子、庄子的无为思想,提出天人有分,人明分而自强;在人性问题上,荀子从墨子人性为恶、告子性无善无不善等对人性的理解出发,批评了孟子人性源于天命、人性本善思想,提出性恶论,同时主张人通过学习可以“化性起伪”,成为圣贤。通过对陈仲、史、它嚣、魏牟的批评,荀子提出了“化性起伪”的礼义原则和修养方法;在社会理想上,荀子继承了先秦诸子“天下”理念中地域上的无边界、制度上的完整、文化上的包容思想,发展了儒家道德与人文并举的天下理念,采用老子“以天下观天下”的思考方式,吸收法家制度统一观念,借鉴墨子精英治国的尚贤思想,在对儒、道、法、墨各家思想的综合会通中,提出了“王道”社会这一天下理念,阐述了王道社会的具体内容与规范;在学习和修养上,荀子全面接受了孔子对学习的看法,汲取了老子的辩证思想,吸收了黄老学派会通儒道法各家的学术精神和“虚静”、“别宥”的学习方法,并对子夏、子思、孟子等孔门后学发展儒学的态度与方式进行了批评。荀子对战国学术进行了全面的回应与批评、传承与发展,既批评百家,又兼容百家,形成了他综合会通的思想学术特色。本书认为,长久的积累、多样的因素造成了战国学术的繁荣,荀子以开放的学术态度、强烈的社会责任感和自身的努力成为战国学术的集大成者,是战国学术走向兼容会通的典范之一。荀子思想既是战国社会与战国学术发展潮流的产物,又开启了此后学术思想综合会通的风气,他隆礼重法的天下治理思想影响了两千多年的中国封建社会。 关键词:荀子 战国 学术思潮 诸子 融合 发展

For a long time,there are ideas from academic field like this Xunzi criticized and absorbed the ideas of hundred of thinkers of Pre-Qin from the standpoint of Confucianism and became the big carrier of them.But,the way and links which Xunzis accumulation took need to be discussed further.This paper is going to start from comparing the complicated relationship Xunzi and thoughts of hundred of thinkers,discuss the responses Xunzi took to different tides of academic ideas.It also tries to reveal how Xunzi absorbed and developed the thoughts of hundred of thinkers.So it will reappear the specific process how Xunzi has mingled the thoughts of hundred of thinkers.The Warring States are the most brilliant developing period in civilization in Chinese history.Schools swarmed and hundred of thinkers struggled to say.They are made up of the prosperous academic outlook during the Warring States.Responding to the trend of unity,the academic ideas began to mingle and connect with each other during the late Warring States period.Every school absorbed each other while they struggled to say.It developed from“academic ideas separate for the world”to academic ideas combined to each other.The thoughts of Xunzi were the product of this trend.This paper discusses the time background and reasons that academy was prosperous during Warring State.It believes that the cultural accumulation from the Xia,the Shang,West Zhou,Spring and Autumn,cultural popularity because of private schools at late Spring and Autumn,the stress to elite caused by rulers struggling to power,the great wealth and convenient traffic caused by the economic development,the social rise of bachelors,all of these together created the great time of the hundred of thinkers’struggling to say.Based on the analysis of academic thoughts of hundred of thinkers during the Warring States Period,Xunzi believed that Confucianism marked the right direction of ruling the country.Xunzi inherited and enriched Confucianism from these:benevolence;ruling by rites;rectifying the Names;studying;relationship between heaven and human;moral education.Xunzi criticized and absorbed the other thinkers’ideas from the standpoint of Confucianism.From the forming and contents of Xunzis philosophy:On the rectifying Names,Xunzi absorbed the ideas Confucius and Moti,criticized the debaters Denxi and Huishi,promoted the ideas that Names should fit facts,the ritual should be principle,and the benevolence should be used.He summarized the“three ways of breaking confusion”to tell the truth from false.He also stressed that“names fit facts”is the base of building up social common sense and unity.On the relationship of Heaven and human,Xunzi started from Confucius“Heaven and human separate”.He absorbed Motis thoughts“not fate”and Lao-zi,chuang-chous opinion that Heaven is Nature.He also criticized Lao-zi and chuang-chous thoughts“do nothing”.He hence promoted that nature and human are separated,human know the separation then they will be strong themselves.On human nature,Xunzi stared from Motis“human nature is evil”and Gaozis“there is no good or bad in human nature”,he promoted that“human nature is bad”at the same time he believed that human can transform the original nature by learning and become sage.By the criticism to Cheng-Zhong,Shiqiu,Taxiao,Weimou,Xunzi raised the ritual principle and educational ways of“changing the basic nature by education”.On the idea of social ideality,Xunzi inherited the ideas of thinkers in pre-Qin“all over the world”—borderless in geographical concept;complete in systems;covering in culture.He also developed the ideas into that Confucius morals and humanity work together all over the world.Further more,he adopted Lao-zis“Watch the world by the world”.At the same time,he absorbed Laws ideas on the unity of systems.He borrowed Motis thoughts on worshiping sage that“elites govern the country”.On the accumulations to Confucianism,Taoism,Lawism,Mohism,he promoted the“kings way”society“all over the world”.In it he demonstrated the specific content and regulation in the“kings way”society.On education and morality,Xunzi completely accepted Confucius’idea on learning.He got Lao-zis dialectical thoughts and absorbed the academic spirit of Huanlao school combining Confucianism,Taoism and Lawism plus learning methods of“a heart that has the qualities of emptiness,unity and stillness can understand the way”,“without these qualities,the heart is liable to fall into various blindness”.He also criticized the attitude and way Zixia,Zisi and Mencius(who were all later Confucian philosophers)developed Confucianism.Xunzi completely responded and criticized academy during the Warring States Period.He also inherited and developed it.It means he both criticized the hundred of schools and mingled them.It shapes his academic character in thought—mingling and joining.The paper believes that long time accumulation,varied phenomena resulted the prosperity of academy during the Warring States Period.Xunzis open learning attitude,strong social responsibility and his own effort made him becomes the big carrier of academy during the Warring States Period.He was one of the typical examples that academy during the Warring States went to mingle and join together.Xunzis thought is not only the product of the development of society and academy,but also started the trend that academic thought mingled and joined together.His thoughts which stresses on rituals and laws in ruling the society had affected Chinese feudal society which had lasted more than 2000years. Key Words:XunZi;the Warring States Period;trend of thought;thinkers of the Warring States Period;Syncretism;develop





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