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The Research on Organizational Commitment: Measures,Antecedents and Consequences










在现代工作场所,承诺可以在招聘、培训、效率、留住人才等方面为企业获取更多竞争优势。但由于裁员、组织重构、兼并收购等组织行为破坏了员工对组织的承诺。因此,研究组织承诺的形成机制、效应机制和作用机制显得非常重要。本研究将一般员工作为研究对象,对员工组织承诺进行测量,在此基础上,分别对组织承诺形成机制、作用机制和效应机制进行研究。著作共分九章,可概括为四个部分:概述部分、文献综述部分、实证研究部分和总结与展望部分,其中概述和文献综述部分由第一章组成,实证研究由第三、四、五、六、七、八章组成,总结与展望部分由第九章组成。第一章主要交代了研究的背景、研究意义、研究范围、研究方法、研究框架以及文献综述,目的是对全文起一个概括作用。第二章主要对组织承诺的形成机制进行探讨,阐释了两个重要的问题:(1)服务年限对组织承诺水平有显著的影响;(2)组织承诺水平如何随着服务年限发生改变?研究结果表明,组织承诺显著地划分为五个阶段:震荡期、认同期、稳定期、反刍期、固化期。第三、四、五、六、七、八章主要是对组织承诺的作用机制进行研究。第六章探索组织承诺产生的直接效果,第三章探讨了组织承诺的交互效应对角色绩效和角色外绩效影响,第四、五、七章则是探讨组织承诺的中介机制、第八章探讨组织承诺的影响机制。第三章通过实证研究探讨了组织承诺与工作绩效之间的关系。验证性因素分析显示,工作绩效是一个四维结构模型。在此基础上,通过回归分析发现,感情承诺和规范承诺与工作绩效的四种成分有不同的相关关系,而持续承诺只与学习绩效相关。此外,持续承诺修正感情承诺和规范承诺与关系绩效和学习绩效之间的关系。第四章主要探讨组织承诺交互效应,通过267份组织承诺和253份工作绩效匹配的问卷调查数据的验证性因素分析显示,组织承诺是一个三维结构模型。在此基础上,通过回归分析发现,感情承诺通过规范承诺中介效应对角色绩效和角色外绩效产生影响,而持续承诺与角色绩效不相关,与角色外绩效负相关。第五章进一步通过实证研究检验组织承诺、工作满意度和目标定向对工作绩效的综合影响。对来自全国的1066位雇员进行了施测,运用AMOS软件,对工作绩效结构进行验证性因素分析,并对文中提出的假设进行了检验。研究结果显示:工作满意度、组织承诺和目标定向对工作绩效的各个子维度的影响是不一致的。工作满意度越高,员工的工作绩效越好;另一方面,组织承诺和目标定向对雇员工作绩效各个子维度的影响不一致。第六章主要是通过实证研究探索组织承诺对创新行为的影响。回归分析发现,感情承诺不仅直接对创新绩效产生影响,当员工表现出成绩目标定向时,这种关系被弱化。另外,持续承诺也对创新绩效产生负向影响,并受学习目标定向调节,规范承诺则对创新绩效没有影响。成绩目标定向调节感情承诺和创新绩效之间的关系,但学习目标定向则调节规范承诺和持续承诺与创新绩效之间的关系。第七章在文献综述的基础上,深入分析了中国国有和民营两种不同体制下,员工组织承诺与离职倾向之间的关系,并对工作绩效和离职倾向之间的关系提出假设。研究结果发现,工作满意度、组织承诺并不影响绩效和离职倾向之间的关系。国有企业员工工作绩效通过其他中介对离职产生负相影响,而民营企业员工工作绩效通过其他中介对离职产生正向影响。最后利用push-pull理论总结了国有企业和民营企业员工的不同离职倾向动力,并结合具体的管理方法来讨论了更好的管理国有企业和民营企业员工离职倾向方法。第八章综合政治技能理论、圈内人感知理论、认知资源理论和员工承诺理论,建立和测试了一个理论模型。模型通过中介变量圈内人感知和心理授权链接了领导政治技能和员工承诺之间的关系。利用6家银行员工调查数据,使用结构方程模型,研究发现政治技能积极影响圈内人感知,并进而影响心理授权和员工组织承诺。研究结果普遍支持假设。最终,也讨论了管理贡献和实际意义。 关键词:组织承诺;感情承诺;规范承诺;持续承诺;形成机制;效果机制;中介效应;交互效应

While in themodern workplace,commitments to organization have great impact on individual-level outcomes,such as recruiting,training,performance,remaining talented person to gain competitive advantage,many of the changes(e.g.,downsizing;reengineering;merger and acquisition)have the potential to undermine that commitment.Therefore,it is important for us tomake a study on organizational commitment of the development,antecedents and mechanism.This book consists of eight chapters and was summarized into four parts:introduction and literature review(chapter 1),empirical study(including chapter 3,4,5,6,and 7),summary and further direction(chapter 8).Chapter 1 is a stand-alone chapter,in that it outlined research background,significance,scope,method,framework and literature review.The purpose of the chapter 1 is to direct and arrange the whole dissertation in general.In chapter 2,I explore the developmentmechanism of organizational commitment and sheds light on two questions:(1)which tenure has the greatest impact on employees’organizational commitment level,and(2)how does the significance of organizational commitment vary with time?The presentmodel indicates that organizational commitment level changes with time displays a cycle:shock,cognition,stability,rumination,and entrenchment period.The second section of the report contains five chapters,each focusing on the organizational commitmentmechanism.chapter 6,addresses direct effect on organizational commitment,and chapter 3,explores the interaction effect of commitment on role performance and extra-role performance.The other chapter in the section,chapter 4,chapter 5 and chapter 7 discusses the mediator of organizational commitment,and chapter 8 examines the antecedents of organizational commitment.In chapter 3,the relative contributions of organizational commitment to the four-dimension performance was examined.Confirmatory factor analysis of survey data from 1453 employees and 768 supervisors’dyads supported the distinction among the four-component of job performance.Regression analysis found that three organizational commitment componentswas differentially related to the four forms of job performance,which affective commitment(AC)and normative commitment(NC)is related to job performance,while continuance commitment(CC)was not associated with TP,CP,and IP,butnegatively correlated with LP.Moreover,CCmoderated the relationship between AC,NC and CP as well as LP.The objective of this study was to present and demonstrate the fourdimension model of employee job performance,and examine the impactof organizational commitment on job performance.In chapter 4,interactive effect of organizational commitment is examined.Confirmatory factor analysis of survey data from 267 employees and 253 supervisors’dyads supported the distinction among the three-componentof organizational commitment.Regression analysis found that three organizational commitment componentswas differentially related to in-role performance and extra-role performance which affective commitment(AC)and normative commitment(NC)is positive related to them,while continuance commitment(CC)was not associated with in-role performance,but negatively correlated with extra-role performance.Moreover,NC moderated the relationship between AC,and in-role performance aswell as extra-role performance.The objective of this study was to present and demonstrate the three-dimension model of Allen and Meyer(1991)'s organizational commitment,and examine the impact of organizational commitment on in-role performance and extra-role performance.Further,in chapter 5,I use a sample of 1066 employees from 12 firms to examine whether job satisfaction and organizational commitmentmediates the relationship between goal orientation and employee job performance and its outcomes applying structural equation modeling analysis.Research result indicated that job satisfaction,organizational commitment,and goalorientation are significant not uniform for the influence of every sub-job–performance-dimension.In particular,job satisfaction had significant positive effects on the different dimen-sions of task performance,contextual performance,learning performance,and innovation performance.Organizational commitment had significant positive effects on the dimensions of task performance,contextual performance and learning performance,and negative effects on the dimensions of innovation performance.Job satisfaction and organizational commitment was not found to mediate the relation between goalorientation and job performance,but effects directly on job performance.In chapter 6,using empirical study to explore how organizational commitment influences on innovative behavior.Regression analysis found that three organizational commitment components was different which affective commitment(AC),was positive related to,continuance commitment(CC)was negative correlational,innovative performance,while normative commitment(NC)was not associated with it.Moreover,performance goal orientationmoderated the relationship between ACand innovative performance(IP).Yet,learning goalorientation enhanced the relationship between NC and innovative performance as well as the relationship between CC and IP.In chapter7,on the foundation of literature review,it deeply analyseswhat influences the employee turnover intention under the two different ownership systems:state-owned enterprises and private enterprises,and proposes the assumptions of critical relationship between performance and turnover intention.A contrastive empirical research had been done amongst four state-owned enterprises and four private enterprises excluding the influence of industry and region,in which one thousand of questionnaires are sent out.The data were processed with the tools of SPSS12.0 and AMOS5.0,and examines the assumptions on the premise that job satisfaction and organizational commitment are taken asmoderaters.The result shows that job satisfaction and organizational commitment do not moderate the relationship between performance and turnover.Further research also finds that the relationship between performance and turnover intention aremediated by perceived alternative job opportunities,think of quiting,intentions to search,and state-owned enterprises and private enterprises show different path model of the relationship between performance-turnover.Finally,it summarizes the different turnovermotivation between state-owned enterprises and private en-terprises by using the push-pull theory,and unifies concrete managementmethods to discuss the better way tomanage them.In chapter 8,Synthesizing theories of leader political skill,perceived insider status,psychological empowerment,and employee commitment,this research built and tested a theoreticalmodel linking leadership political skill with employee commitment via several intervening variables.Using survey data from professional employees and their supervisors in six large banks in China and structural equation model,we found that,as anticipated,political skill positively affected perceived insider status,which in turn influenced both psychological empowerment and employee commitment.The results generally supported our predictions.Finally,implications formanagement theory and practice were discussed.The final section,it summarized the whole report and indicated directions for the future study. Keywords: organizational commitment;affective commitment;normative commitment;continuance commitment;developmentalmechanism;casualeffect;mediator;moderator





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