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这是我第一次为人作序,但并非第一次受邀作序。我婉辞不受的原因是我一向认为自己学识不够,资历尚浅,从来都是以推荐大家作序为快事。不过,转念又想,作序之事虽然高雅,但序作者也可以读者自居,将有关背景信息和先读心得及早传递给后来者,而“读者”便是我此时的角色状态和心理状态。任晓霏教授邀我作序,我欣然应允,除有转念之功外,更为任晓霏教授的恒心和学识所感动,也乐意借此机会抒发胸臆。任晓霏教授从2008年至今,已经在中国社会科学出版社连续出版三部学术专著,分别是2008年的《登场的译者——英若诚戏剧翻译系统研究》、2014年的《语料库戏剧翻译文体学》和如今这部《语料库翻译文体学》。短短的几年时间,三部学术专著相继出版,唯持之以恒的学术探索精神所能为,这是任晓霏教授可贵的学术品质使然。任晓霏教授的“专”著,专业专攻,名至实归。仅以此前出版的《登场的译者——英若诚戏剧翻译系统研究》一书的学术地位而言,它就早已成了戏剧翻译研究领域,特别是英若诚戏剧翻译研究领域的扛鼎之作,成为后学者开展此领域研究之圭臬。《当代外语研究》(2010年第11期)曾以《戏剧翻译研究的新收获》为题评价为“及时填补了我国戏剧翻译研究专著‘缺场’的空白”。黄国文教授当时在序言中说:通读全书,我们可以深切地体会到作者作为一个年轻的翻译学学者的责任感和使命感,同时也感觉到这位年轻学者对学术研究的探索精神和研究视野。全书始终洋溢着她对翻译事业的热情、执着和信心。通过英若诚翻译戏剧的系统研究,努力验证翻译对于推动人类社会的和谐对话,促进多元文化的繁荣发展所做出的特殊历史功绩。我们期待着作者在翻译研究中取得更大的成绩。黄教授所言不虚,其良好期盼,已伴随任晓霏教授第三部学术专著《语料库翻译文体学》的出版而夯实。任晓霏教授从她最初涉足戏剧翻译、构建语料库戏剧翻译文体学研究体系,到如今将翻译文体研究拓展到多个领域,即使被称作“高大上”“高科技”或“拓荒者”,亦非溢美之词。据我所知,这部《语料库翻译文体学》历经数年心力,屡易其稿,实属不易。任晓霏教授治学极其严谨,一字一句,总要反复推敲和打磨。她在语料库文体学研究方面所做的实实在在的工作,为翻译研究和教学带来了诸多新思考。其研究维度在拓宽和纵向深入的同时,又努力结合现代文体学的最新研究成果,横向对比研究了各类文体,包括小说、散文、诗歌、儿童文学、新闻语体及典籍文论等,尝试构建了语料库翻译文体学的研究框架,其学术视域宽阔如是,立高望远。就专业而言,随着语料库翻译学的兴起,基于语料库的翻译共性和译者文体研究的一些研究成果已开始引起学界的关注,但目前学界尚未能够就翻译研究中的各种文体现象建立一套语料库翻译文体学的研究体系。所以,该研究不失为一次成功的尝试,并已实现了该领域理论和方法论探索的全新突破。具体而言,该研究独到创新之处在于采用最新语料库软件,借助自建双语平行语料库及多译本语料库,从功能文体学、叙事学、语义韵、陌生化、音义学、美学等视角,选取主述位结构、文体功能、叙事风格、修辞手段、性别话语等为检索项,运用语际对比和语内类比相结合的模式,从语音、词汇、句法、篇章等多层次对各语料的文体特征进行语言学的量化描写和分析,并在描写和分析的基础上从语言内、外对描写结果加以阐释。值得一提的是,在此期间,她敏锐地发现国内语音语料库翻译研究的滞后,在前期戏剧研究的基础上继续深入探索,从音高、音强、时长等维度实证考察了诗歌翻译的文体特征与审美效果。本书不仅是一部跨学科的理论研究著作,也是一部可读性极强的学术佳品。与其他许多专著一样,本书也会有不足之处,但不需我一一指出。我想,所谓“金无足赤”之理,对于该著而言,其学科地位闪现的灵光,必不会因瑕疵而伤损主体。作为同道中人,我衷心希望她继续保持这种敢为人先的干劲和学术创新的态势,在今后的学术道路上继续驰骋,在相关学术领域继续做出新的和更大的贡献!我作为“读者”,先作上述抛砖引玉之思考,交由后来的其他读者吧。中国英汉语比较研究会常务理事《翻译论坛》执行主编扬州大学教授、博士生导师 周领顺2016年1月25日于扬州

This is my first time writing a foreword, but not the first time I've been invited to do a foreword. The reason for my resignation is that I have always thought that I am not knowledgeable enough, that I am still junior, and that I always recommend everyone as a pleasure. However, I thought that although the preface is elegant, the preface writer can also pretend to be a reader, passing on the relevant background information and reading experience to the later ones early, and the "reader" is my character state and psychological state at this time. Professor Ren Xiaofei invited me to give the foreword, and I gladly agreed, in addition to the ability to change my thoughts, I was also moved by Professor Ren Xiaofei's perseverance and knowledge, and I was willing to take this opportunity to express my chest. Since 2008, Professor Ren Xiaofei has published three academic monographs in China Social Sciences Press, namely "The Translator Who Appeared - A Study of Ying Ruocheng's Drama Translation System" in 2008, "Corpus Drama Translation Stylistics" in 2014 and now "Corpus Translation Stylistics". In just a few years, three academic monographs have been published one after another, which can only be done by the spirit of persistent academic exploration, which is due to Professor Ren Xiaofei's valuable academic quality. Professor Ren Xiaofei's "monograph" is professionally specialized, and it is well deserved. In terms of the academic status of the previously published book "The Appearing Translator - A Study of Ying Ruocheng's Drama Translation System", it has long become a leading work in the field of drama translation research, especially in the field of Ying Ruocheng's drama translation research, and has become a guideline for future scholars to carry out research in this field. "Contemporary Foreign Language Research" (No. 11, 2010) once commented on "New Harvests in Drama Translation Research" as "filling the gap of 'absent' in China's drama translation research monographs in time". Professor Huang Guowen said in the preface at that time: "Reading through the whole book, we can deeply appreciate the author's sense of responsibility and mission as a young translation scholar, and at the same time, we can also feel the young scholar's spirit of exploration and research vision for academic research. The book is always imbued with her passion, dedication and confidence in the translation career. Through the systematic study of Ying Ruocheng's translation of drama, we strive to verify the special historical achievements of translation in promoting harmonious dialogue in human society and promoting the prosperity and development of multiculturalism. We look forward to further achievements by the authors in translation research. Professor Huang's good expectations have been consolidated with the publication of Professor Ren Xiaofei's third academic monograph, Corpus Translation Stylistics. Professor Ren Xiaofei has expanded her translation stylistic research system from her initial involvement in drama translation and the construction of a corpus of theatrical translation stylistics, and now she has expanded her translation stylistic research to many fields, even if she is called "tall", "high-tech" or "pioneer". As far as I know, this "Corpus Translation Stylistics" has taken several years of hard work and has been repeatedly drafted, which is really not easy. Professor Ren Xiaofei is extremely rigorous in his studies, and every word must be repeatedly deliberated and polished. Her practical work in corpus stylistics has brought many new ideas to translation research and teaching. While broadening and deepening the research dimension vertically, it also strives to combine the latest research results of modern stylistics, and cross-the-horizontally studies various genres, including novels, essays, poetry, children's literature, news styles and classic literary theories, etc., and tries to construct a research framework of corpus translation stylistics. In terms of professionalism, with the rise of corpus translation science, some research results based on corpus translation commonality and translator stylistic research have begun to attract the attention of the academic community, but at present, the academic community has not been able to establish a set of corpus translation stylistics research system for various stylistic phenomena in translation research. Therefore, this research is a successful attempt and has achieved a new breakthrough in theoretical and methodological exploration in this field. Specifically, the unique innovation of this study lies in the use of the latest corpus software, with the help of self-built bilingual parallel corpus and multi-translation corpus, from the perspectives of functional stylistics, narratology, semantic rhyme, defamiliarization, phonology, aesthetics, etc., to select the main narrative structure, stylistic function, narrative style, rhetorical device, gender discourse, etc. as the search items, and use the mode of combining intertextual contrast and intralinguistic analogy to quantitatively describe and analyze the stylistic characteristics of each corpus from multiple levels such as phonetics, vocabulary, syntax, and passages. On the basis of description and analysis, the results of the description are explained from inside and outside the language. It is worth mentioning that during this period, she keenly discovered the lag in the translation research of domestic speech corpus, continued to explore in depth on the basis of the previous drama research, and empirically investigated the stylistic characteristics and aesthetic effects of poetry translation from the dimensions of pitch, intensity and duration. This book is not only an interdisciplinary theoretical research work, but also a highly readable academic masterpiece. Like many other monographs, this book has its shortcomings, but I don't need to point them out. I think that the so-called "golden inadequacy" principle, for this work, the shining light of its disciplinary status will not damage the subject due to flaws. As a fellow practitioner, I sincerely hope that she will continue to maintain this pioneering drive and academic innovation, continue to gallop on the future academic road, and continue to make new and greater contributions in related academic fields! As a "reader", I will first make the above thoughts, and leave them to other readers later. Zhou Lingshun, executive director of the China Association for the Comparative Study of English and Chinese, executive editor of "Translation Forum", professor and doctoral supervisor of Yangzhou University, January 25, 2016 in Yangzhou(AI翻译)





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