高校教师评价由来已久,在众多高校质量评估和大学排名评估中,教师评价都在其评价指标体系中占有很大比重。但是高校教师评价制度很难得到公认,每一种教师评价制度都会受到很多批评,有人甚至怀疑高校教师评价的合理性,对其必要性和可行性提出质疑。本书在阐述艾耶尔价值判断死亡魔咒的荒谬之处后,论证了在一个相对具体的时间、环境内存在大众基本认同的价值,价值判断具有合理性,高校教师评价既必要也可行,而且转型时期的高校教师评价非常紧迫。本书在对高校教师需求调查结果进行因子分析后,按因子方差贡献值大小依次提取了包括成就需求、物质生活需求、学术发展需求、愉悦生活需求和安全感需求五种高校教师需求。此需求结构在人们需求愿望的强弱上,最底层的物质生活需求与最顶层的成就需求(自我实现需求)最强烈,整个需求结构形状呈酒杯形。在需求结构的基础上,构建了高校教师评价的人性假设:走向教育自觉的复杂人。在高校教师评价中,经常存在组织冲突,这些冲突有可能给组织带来冲击和损害,但冲突同时具有凝聚、激活、调节等积极作用。组织内部冲突的解决方式有回避式、强迫式、迁就式、协调式和妥协式五种。在解决组织冲突的博弈中,合理的游戏规则能够引导博弈参与者遵守规则,按规则出牌,而且能够超越零和博弈的思维局限。合理的高校教师评价制度能够引导教师按制度办事,减少功利主义和投机取巧的心理和行为,有利于促进高校教师走向教育自觉。当前的教师评价范式主要有两种:结果导向高校教师评价和过程导向高校教师评价,与前者对应的评价制度有终结性教师评价制度,与后者相对应的评价制度有形成性教师评价制度。转型时期通往教育自觉的高校教师评价倾向于后者,但并不全盘否定前者,主张兼顾过程与结果,结合发展与奖惩,调查结果也表明大部分高校教师明确支持这种主张。把当前评价制度中容易忽视的过程维度指标纳入评价之中,才能有效防止弄虚作假、投机取巧的行为,鼓励和支持那些成果暂时不显著却一直坚持积极孤独的教师。过程导向高校教师评价基本还停留在理论阶段,指标体系、方法技术都不成熟。为了推动这种评价范式在实践中的运用,增强其可行性,本书探讨了过程导向高校教师评价支持体系的构建,其构成成分包括制度支持、人员支持和技术支持三个部分。 关键词:高校教师 教师评价制度 转型时期 教育自觉
Faculty evaluation has a long history,and it is a large proportion in the various kinds of university assessment and rankings evaluation.However,the system of evaluation of university teachers has been widely recognized,criticized by the public,and some doubt is put on the rationality and necessity of the evaluation system.This dissertation,after revelation of the absurdity of Ayer’s theory,demonstrates the universal values in a given period and condition,which are considered necessary,feasible and urgent,during the transitional period.Each management system or evaluation system has a corresponding assumption of human nature.According to factor analysis of the demands for universities teachers,a structure of needs about university teachers is established,including achievement needs,material needs,academic development needs,pleasant living needs and security needs.The structure of needs is like a shape of cup different from Maslow’s structure of needs shaped like a pyramid.The strongest need is achievement needs not material needs; the latter one is the second strongest.On the basis of the demand structure,the assumption of human nature of university teachers’evaluation is proposed,or a complex man towards educational consciousness.Complex reality,in the face of potential consciousness,if applied appropriately,the potential educational consciousness can be transformed into reality consciousness.It is very important for managers and evaluators to understand the psychological feelings and organizational behavior of members of the organization.Organizational conflict plays a more direct and visible role in the process of the faculty development.During the faculty evaluation,organizational conflict also happens often,with a potential impact and damage to the organazation, but the conflict also has a cohesive,active,positive role in regulation.Conflict is inevitable,but the problem has to be solved continuously.There are five methods to solve the conflict:avoiding,enforcing,accommodating,coordinating,and compromising.The first three are negative,failing to solve the problem,only a temporary cover-up,while the latter two can get positive results through consultations and negotiations.Thus,the concept of game theory is introduced,according to which reasonable game’s rules can guide the game participants to play according to the rules,and also be able to transcend the limitations of zero-sum game thinking.Similarly,appropriate universities teachers’evaluation system can guide teachers to work according to the system,reduce utilitarianism and speculating behaviors and promote the faculty to the educational consciousness.The current teacher evaluation paradigms can be divided into two kinds:results-oriented university teachers’evaluation and process-oriented university teachers’evaluation.The former one is corresponding to summative teachers’evaluation system,or rewarding-punishing teachers’evaluation,while the latter corresponding to developing teachers’evaluation system,or formative teacher evaluation.Faculty evaluation towards educational consciousness during transition is inclined to the latter,but it does not totally negate the former.And it proposes considering both process and results as well as development and reward together with punishment.The results of the survey also support this claim.Therefore,determining the criteria of the faculty evaluation should combine both paradigms,pay attention to the process dimension indicators which are overlooked easily.This is the only way to prevent fraud opportunistic behavior effectively,while encouraging and supporting those efforts of the teachers who have no obvious achievements temporarily but positively persist for a long term.If we stick to this,it helps the faculty to go towards educational consciousness,and also guides others toward educational consciousness.The evaluation criteria,methods and techniques of results-oriented faculty evaluation system,are already quite mature.However,process-oriented faculty evaluation still lies in theoretical stage,and the results are not satisfactory,hardly put into practice.The author extensively explores support system of process-oriented faculty evaluation,including institutional,personnel,and technical supports in this dissertation.With highly advanced information technology,constructing policy-making system of the teachers’evaluation enables us to solve the problems effectively due to process dimensions in terms of time and space.With the more perfect supporting system of the policy-making of the university teachers’evaluation,the evaluation system will be able to play a more important role in promoting the faculty towards educational consciousness. Key words: faculty; faculty evaluation system; transitional period; educational consciousness
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