移动通信与互联网的高速发展与融合,使得电信业进入了移动互联网时代。电信运营商面临着更加复杂的竞争环境,语音和数据业务趋于饱和,OTT业务对传统业务产生巨大的冲击,虚拟运营商加入产业竞争,互联网平台企业日渐崛起,电信运营商迫切需要寻求新的业务增长点,企业转型势在必行。移动互联网为电信运营商提供了良好的发展机遇,也使运营商面临着前所未有的挑战。移动互联网的价值链与传统移动通信业务的价值链相比,具有复杂性、开放性的特点。由于价值链的分解与重构,产业格局发生了变化。随着产业中价值转移,各参与者之间的市场力量也在变化。电信运营商原有的商业模式已经不适合移动互联网业务的发展,商业模式的重建是运营商转型所面临的首要问题。现代企业的竞争不再是单个企业之间的竞争,而是企业生态系统之间的竞争,因此商业模式的设计必须与企业生态系统的研究相结合。关于商业模式的研究目前理论界还未形成完整的体系。本书采用企业生态学的理论,建立了商业模式的分析框架,对运营商的商业模式中的关键策略进行了分析,并结合实际对如何构建合理的商业模式提出了建议。本书共分为七章。第一章为绪论,第二章为理论综述,第三—六章为本书的核心部分,其中第三章提出了基于企业生态学的商业模式分析框架,第四章对移动互联网产业生态系统进行了分析,第五章讨论运营商的企业边界问题,第六章分析商业模式中的部分关键策略,第七章是对本书的总结和进一步研究的展望。具体内容如下:第一章:绪论。综合分析了当前移动互联网的发展概况,阐述了本书的研究内容和研究意义,概括了本书的研究方法和结构安排。第二章:理论综述。对本书中所应用的企业生态学理论、价值链理论、网络外部性理论进行综述。企业生态学理论通过对企业之间以及企业与其所处的商业生态环境之间关系的研究,揭示企业生存、发展、创新的规律。价值链理论揭示了企业价值活动的规律。网络外部性理论揭示了网络产业所具有的“正的消费外部性”和需求方规模经济,主要用于研究信息技术与网络产品的需求特点。第三章:移动互联网商业模式分析框架。本章归纳了商业模式现有的研究成果,并从企业生态学的视角,解释了商业模式的内涵,提出了商业模式的分析框架和构成要素。同时,本章分析了移动互联网的经济学特性,结合典型企业案例,分析了移动互联网商业模式的特点。第四章:移动互联网产业生态系统。企业生存发展策略与其所在的商业生态环境密不可分。本章对移动互联网的产业生态系统构成、特点、成员之间的相互关系进行了总结,分析了运营商的市场势力和在产业生态系统中的地位及作用,研究了决定商业模式的外部因素。第五章:运营商的企业边界研究。企业边界决定了运营商在价值链中所参与的价值活动的范围,是运营商商业模式的首要问题。本章通过企业生态位理论揭示了企业边界的内涵,分析了决定企业边界的因素,并建立了企业边界决策的三维模型。对运营商的纵向一体化策略和虚拟一体化策略进行了分析,并根据企业边界的不同,对运营商商业模式进行了分类和对比。第六章:运营商的移动互联网商业策略。商业模式是企业商业策略的完整体系,涉及面较广。本章针对移动互联网产业的特点,选取了对商业模式中比较重要的定价模式、互联互通、合作模式进行了分析,对商业策略的制定提出建议。第七章:总结和展望。 关键词:商业模式 移动互联网 生态学 价值链 网络外部性
A confluence of technological leaps in devices,networks,and applications is setting the stage for mobile Internet to change our lives.In recent years,the mobile voice service and short message service market is nearly saturated.Waning ARPU pushes the network operators to search for other sources of income.Traditionally,the network operator managed and owned the entire value chain.Differ with the situation of voice service,the mobile Internet value chain is open and complicated.The value chain structure can change periodically and alters the relative market power and profitability of the encompassing sectors.Such dynamical nature presents new business opportunities for network operators to capture more value from other sectors by implementing new business models or satisfying the changed customer needs via the process of value migration.The most important issue faced by network operators becomes business model evolution.For the sake of the change in the competing environment,the relationship among enterprises nowadays has changed from only competion to both competion and cooperation.Correspondly,the research on the business model should base on the situation of enterprise ecosystem.The existing researches have explained the concept and structure system of business model.Because of the distinctness of view,the research result lack an united cognition and the theories frame didn’t yet set up.This paper attempts to explain the meaning of business model based on the enterprise ecology theory,establish the dimension of business model,and give suggestion to the network operators about the key business strategies in mobile network field.There are seven chapters in this paper.Chapter one is an introduction,chapter two is a summary of theory tools that this paper will use.The core of this paper is chapter three,four,five and six.An analysis frame of business model is proposed in chapter three and in chapter four we will analyze mobile Internet industry ecosystem.Chapter five discusses the enterprise boundary of network operator.Chapter six analyzes business strategic in detail.General summary is given in chapter seven,the last chapter.The first chapter is“Introduction”.In this chapter,this paper will introduce the background of mobile Internet development,expatiate the research content and research meaning of this paper and generalize the research method and structure of this paper.The second chapter is“Review and Summary of Relative Theory”.This chapter will summarize the enterprise ecology theory,value chain theory and network externality theory that are used in this paper.The third chapter is“Analysis Frame of Mobile Internet Business Model”.Firstly,this chapter analyzes the component of business model,redefines the concept of business model using ecology theory; then it explain the economic nature of mobile Internet; at last,it compares the differences of Internet and Mobile Internet.This chapter builds a frame with three dimensionalities for business model and analyzes the character of mobile Internet business model.The forth chapter is“Research of Mobile Network Industry Ecosystem”,it is made up of three divisions.The first part is to discusses the types and relationship of the mobile Internet population; the second part is about the form of value chain; and the last part analyzes the market power of numbers in the industry value system and discusses the role of network operators.The fifth chapter is“The Enterprise Boundary of Network Operator”.As the enterprise boundary defines the scope of value action,it is the crucial issue of business model for network operator.This chapter figures out the nature of enterprise boundary,discusses the influence factors and build up a three dimensiones model of boundary decision.Also,it figures out value miragration law and discuss the vertical integration strategy and virtual integration strategy,classifies the types of business model according to the enterprise boundary of network operator.The sixth chapter is“Research on Business Strategies of Mobile Internet Services of Network Operator”.Take account of the complexity of business model,the analysis of business model integrates many business strategies.This chapter selects three important business strategies to discuss,including pricing strategy,interconnection strategy,cooperation strategy.The seventh chapter is“conclusions”. Key Words: business model mobile Internet ecology value chain network externality
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