本书紧紧围绕和谐社会建设, 以分析和谐社会道德基础为出发点, 以和谐社会道德基础的理论维度、主体维度、关系维度、领域维度、实践维度为理论线索,以人应该怎么做才能达到人与人、人与社会、人与自然以及人身与心的和谐为切入点,以探索和谐社会道德基础的实践路径为落脚点,初步形成了构建社会主义和谐社会道德基础的基本理论框架。
Socialist harmonious society,is an ideal target for social development,is also a kind of value orientation of social development,but also is a kind of moral society permeated with ethical spirit.A harmonious socialist society contains and embodies the moral implication,therefore,should have a solid moral foundation.Morality,as an important dimension in the world of human life,of course,becomes an important foundation for building a harmonious society.However,the social life morally anomie moral foundation of a harmonious society to become a very important issue,its basic categories,theoretical framework,value,meaning,and practice building and so on in the exploration.In social life,the moral element in the construction of harmonious society in the development must be coordinated with the economic,political,cultural and other factors.The bucket theory decision to a harmonious society cannot rely solely on the huge economic success,and should include moral“soft power”huge boost.Not only do we want to see that there are deep-seated reasons behind disharmony in the social development,but also to use the concept of harmony to guide the construction of a harmonious society.This paper is tightly around the building of a harmonious society,to analyze the moral foundation of a harmonious society as a starting point,the main dimension,relational dimension,practical dimension to the theoretical dimension of the moral foundation of a harmonious society,as a theoretical clue how people should do to reach people,people harmony with society,man and nature,as well as personal and heart as the starting point to explore the moral foundation of a harmonious society practice the path to the end result,the initial formation of the basic theoretical framework of the moral foundation of building a socialist harmonious society.The main part of this article consists of five chapters:The first chapter is introduction.The second chapter is about the dimension of theory of the moral foundation of the socialist harmonious society.Interpretation of the meaning of harmony,harmonious society,moral,ethical foundation of several related concepts in this chapter;analysis of a socialist harmonious society and implications of its proposition;analysis of three from a moral perspective,the goal of a harmonious society,connotation of a harmonious society,moral implications of building a harmonious society;explore socialist morality on the basis of building a harmonious society and protection;elaborate the coexistence and progressive relationship between moral infrastructure and building a harmonious society;discusses the urgency and importance of the moral foundation of building a socialist harmonious society.The third chapter is about the dimension of body of the moral foundation of the socialist harmonious society.This chapter points out the moral construction of leading cadres of leading role in building a harmonious society,analyze the problems and causes of the Leaders'Moral Construction,loyal,hardworking,honest,democratic unity,pragmatic five aspects to build a socialist harmonious social moral foundation of leadership cadres;pointed adolescent moral construction of the heritage role in building a harmonious society,discussed the problems and causes of youth and moral construction,courtesy,honor,gratitude,responsibility in four areas proposed to build a harmonious socialist society the adolescent moral foundation;pointed out that the ordinary masses and moral construction of the basic role of building a harmonious society,analyze the problems and causes of the moral construction of ordinary people,from five aspects,i.e.patriotic law-abiding,courtesy and honesty,solidarity,friendliness, diligence and self dedication.The forth chapter is about the analysis of the moral foundation of the socialist harmonious society and harmonious relationship.This chapter discusses the interpersonal morality of the interpersonal harmony significance,interpersonal problem,because,from the equal respect,friendship and mutual assistance,three tolerant and understanding human moral foundation to build interpersonal harmony;discusses the social and moral society harmonious sense of the problems of social morality,reason,from the people-oriented,fairness and justice,collective three aspects raised to build human and social harmony of the social and moral foundation;discusses ecological ethics of social harmony significance,analysis of China's ecological existing environmental problems,because,from kind to nature,love nature,population growth and environmental carrying capacity coordination,moderate production and consumption restraint,respect for life and maintain biological diversity,adhere to the five aspects of the sustainable development concept proposed to build a people the natural harmonious ecological moral foundation;discusses the physical and psychological sense of moral harmony of body and mind,personal and heart disharmony performance reasons,from self-denial self-discipline,arbitrary without transgressing,open-minded,optimistic and enterprising four aspects proposed to build a personal heart harmonious physical and mental and moral foundation.The fifth chapter is about the practical dimension of the moral basis of a socialist harmonious society.This chapter discusses the practice path of reinforcing the moral basis of a harmonious society from strengthening the socialist core value system,strengthening ideological and moral harmony resources,strengthening the role of moral law,strengthening the institutional and moral construction of a harmonious society,and strengthening the building of moral beliefs of a harmonious society.Key words:Socialist harmonious society;Moral foundation;Dimension of the body;Dimension of the relationship;Dimension of the practice
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