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创新公共服务体制机制,建设服务型政府,建立并完善惠及全民的基本公共服务体系,是我国全面深化改革与国家治理现代化的必由之路。如何通过横向和纵向协调的改进,使政府从整体的角度跨越政府组织层级和公私部门的界限,以更低的成本来提供更好的公共服务和公共产品,最大限度地解决民生问题,是改革进入深化和攻坚阶段面临的一项重大课题。建立综合配套改革试验区就是改革进入深化和攻坚阶段后出台的一个具有战略意义的重大举措。国家综合配套改革试验区既是新时期加快完善社会主义市场经济体制的主战场,也是率先推进国家发展战略的先行区和示范区。国家社科基金重大项目“‘十二五’时期八大综合配套改革试验区公共服务体制机制创新研究”以开展综合配套改革试点的上海浦东新区、天津滨海新区、深圳、成都、重庆、武汉、长沙、沈阳市八个城市 (区)为调研对象,从大部制改革与跨部门协同、整体性预算体系、政府购买服务、全过程优质监管体系、整体性伦理规范与廉政建设、电子治理等方面系统剖析地方政府推进公共服务改革与创新的主要进展,从强制性政策工具、自愿性政策工具和混合性政策工具三个维度系统剖析地方政府推进公共服务改革与创新的政策工具,通过大规模的问卷调查,从政府接触方式偏好、电子治理发展项目偏好、政府网站使用意愿、电子化公共服务使用状况、使用态度、感知行为控制、主观规范、感知服务质量、感知服务价值与公众满意度等方面系统总结并深入分析八个城市 (区)电子化公共服务的需求偏好、服务质量与整体满意度情况,从整体性公共服务满意度的视角对公共服务改革与创新的成效进行初步评价,并在此基础上提出相应的对策建议。该项目的最终成果便是《综合配套改革中的公共服务创新》、《电子化公共服务需求偏好、服务价值与民众满意度:问卷调查数据分析报告》和《社会组织视角下的政府购买公共服务》三本著作的出版。本项研究的理论成果主要有以下三个方面:一是构建了一个基于中国国情的政府公共服务治理现代化的理论分析框架,从大部制改革与跨部门协同、整体性预算体系、政府购买服务、全过程优质监管体系、整体性伦理规范与廉政建设、电子治理、整体性公共服务满意度等方面着重论述公共服务改革与创新的组织、财政、制度、伦理、法治、技术保障与价值追求等相关议题。二是以系统论的理论模型为基础,从公众需求的角度出发,发展出了一个由使用者需求、使用情况、需求影响因素与使用者评价四维度构成的电子化公共服务需求行为分析框架。三是从合作动机、合作策略与互动关系三个方面构建政社合作提供公共服务的理论分析框架,从合作动机来看,政府与社会组织合作提供公共服务源自于各自的组织性质及合理诉求;从合作策略来看,政府向社会组织寻求公共服务上的合作主要包括公办民营、项目委托、直接补助和志愿服务四种;从关系与现状来看,政府与社会组织地位不平等,社会组织与政府的合作属于“被动合作中存在一定竞争关系”。本项研究在经验研究层面有以下几个特色:一是从大部制改革与跨部门协同、整体性预算体系、政府购买服务、全过程优质监管体系、整体性伦理规范与廉政建设、电子治理等方面系统剖析上海浦东新区、天津滨海新区、深圳、成都、重庆、武汉、长沙与沈阳八个城市(区)地方政府推进公共服务改革与创新的主要进展,从强制性政策工具、自愿性政策工具和混合性政策工具三个维度来系统剖析这八个地方政府推进公共服务改革与创新的政策工具,同时基于3120名受访者整体性公共服务满意度调查对这八个地方政府公共服务改革与创新的成效进行了初步评价。二是基于3120名受访者问卷调查的数据分析结果,从受访者基本情况、政府接触方式偏好、电子治理发展项目偏好、政府网站使用意愿、电子化公共服务使用状况、使用态度、感知行为控制、主观规范、感知服务质量、感知服务价值与公众满意度等方面系统总结并深入分析了上海浦东新区、天津滨海新区、深圳、成都、重庆、武汉、长沙与沈阳八个城市 (区)电子化公共服务的需求偏好、服务质量与整体满意度情况,形成总体统计分析报告和各城市(区)统计分析报告。在此基础上,对不同城市的调查结果进行综合对比分析,总结当前中国电子治理发展的现状与问题。三是基于上海、长沙、武汉、成都397家受访社会组织问卷调查,从社会组织参与公共服务供给情况、政府向社会购买公共服务的认知与态度、面临的问题与对策建议等方面,对我国政府购买服务的现状、问题及对策进行了实证分析。此外,本项研究在政策研究层面的主要特色表现在以下三个方面:一是从大部制改革与跨部门协同、整体性预算体系、政府购买服务、全过程优质监管体系、整体性伦理规范与廉政建设、电子治理等方面提出了全面深化改革推进公共服务治理现代化的战略蓝图与对策建议。二是从网络基础环境建设,为电子治理发展保驾护航;推动透明治理,提升政府整体性治理能力;打造智慧生活,促进基本公共服务均等化;实施电子化公共服务质量提升工程,建设人民满意的电子化服务型政府等四个方面针对调查城市电子治理服务发展过程中存在的共性问题,提出改善中国电子治理绩效、推动中国电子治理持续发展的对策建议。三是从明确政府角色定位,转变施政观念;简化行政作业流程,实施政府流程再造;建立严格的监管制度,引入科学的评估制度;加大财政政策倾斜力度,扶持社会组织的发展;提高社会组织竞争意识和运营水平,培育社会公众参与意识,提高市民参与积极性,加强公民的社会监督,保证公共服务供给过程的公平、公正等方面提出了完善政府向社会组织购买公共服务的对策建议。该项目的顺利完成得益于课题组全体成员的努力,受益于国家行政学院薄贵利教授、中国行政管理学会高小平教授等诸多学界同仁的支持,也是与复旦大学林尚立教授、沈兰芳教授、黄丽华教授、刘杰教授、陈志敏教授、刘季平教授、苏长和教授和陈玉刚教授等人的支持分不开的。在此,我们深表谢意!同时也感谢复旦大学文科科研处、复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院科研与学术服务中心对该项研究的支持和帮助!竺乾威复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院2016年9月

Innovating the public service system and mechanism, building a service-oriented government, and establishing and improving the basic public service system that benefits the whole people is the only way for China to comprehensively deepen reform and modernize national governance. How to enable the government to transcend the boundaries of the government organization level and the public and private sectors from a holistic perspective through the improvement of horizontal and vertical coordination, provide better public services and public goods at a lower cost, and solve people's livelihood problems to the greatest extent is a major issue facing the stage of deepening and tackling tough problems in reform. The establishment of a comprehensive supporting reform pilot zone is a major measure of strategic significance introduced after the reform has entered the stage of deepening and tackling tough problems. The national comprehensive supporting reform pilot zone is not only the main battlefield for accelerating the improvement of the socialist market economic system in the new era, but also the pioneer and demonstration area for taking the lead in promoting the national development strategy. The major project of the National Social Science Fund "Research on the Innovation of Public Service System and Mechanism in the Eight Comprehensive Supporting Reform Pilot Areas during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan Period" takes the eight cities (districts) of Shanghai Pudong New Area, Tianjin Binhai New Area, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, Changsha and Shenyang that carry out the comprehensive supporting reform pilot as the research objects, from the reform of the large ministerial system and cross-departmental coordination, the overall budget system, the government procurement of services, the whole process of high-quality supervision system, the overall ethical norms and the construction of clean government, In terms of e-governance, the main progress of local governments in promoting public service reform and innovation was systematically analyzed, and the policy tools of local governments to promote public service reform and innovation were systematically analyzed from the three dimensions of mandatory policy tools, voluntary policy tools and hybrid policy tools. In terms of perceived service value and public satisfaction, the demand preference, service quality and overall satisfaction of electronic public services in eight cities (districts) were systematically summarized and deeply analyzed, and the effectiveness of public service reform and innovation was preliminarily evaluated from the perspective of overall public service satisfaction, and corresponding countermeasures and suggestions were put forward on this basis. The final outcome of the project is the publication of three books: "Public Service Innovation in Comprehensive Supporting Reform", "Electronic Public Service Demand Preference, Service Value and Public Satisfaction: A Report on Questionnaire Survey Data Analysis" and "Government Procurement of Public Services from the Perspective of Social Organizations". The theoretical results of this study mainly include the following three aspects: First, it constructs a theoretical analysis framework for the modernization of government public service governance based on China's national conditions, focusing on the organization, finance, system, ethics, rule of law, technical guarantee and value pursuit of public service reform and innovation from the aspects of large-scale ministerial reform and cross-departmental coordination, overall budget system, government procurement of services, whole-process high-quality supervision system, holistic ethics and integrity construction, electronic governance, and overall public service satisfaction. Second, based on the theoretical model of system theory, from the perspective of public demand, an electronic public service demand behavior analysis framework composed of four dimensions of user demand, usage, demand influencing factors and user evaluation is developed. Third, from the perspective of cooperation motivation, cooperation strategy and interaction relationship, the theoretical analysis framework of government-society cooperation in providing public services is constructed, from the perspective of cooperation motivation, the cooperation between government and social organizations to provide public services comes from the nature of their respective organizations and reasonable demands; From the perspective of cooperation strategy, the government's cooperation in public services from social organizations mainly includes four types: public and private, project commissioning, direct subsidies and volunteer services. From the perspective of relationship and current situation, the status of the government and social organizations is unequal, and the cooperation between social organizations and the government belongs to "a certain competitive relationship in passive cooperation". This study has the following characteristics at the empirical research level: First, from the aspects of large-scale ministerial reform and cross-departmental coordination, overall budget system, government procurement of services, whole-process high-quality supervision system, holistic ethics and integrity construction, electronic governance, etc., the main progress of local governments in promoting public service reform and innovation in eight cities (districts) (districts) in Shanghai Pudong New Area, Tianjin Binhai New Area, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, Changsha and Shenyang, etc., from the aspects of mandatory policy tools, The three dimensions of voluntary policy tools and hybrid policy tools systematically analyzed the policy tools of these eight local governments to promote public service reform and innovation, and based on the overall public service satisfaction survey of 3120 respondents, the effectiveness of public service reform and innovation of these eight local governments was preliminarily evaluated. Second, based on the data analysis results of the questionnaire survey of 3120 respondents, the eight cities (districts) of Shanghai Pudong New Area, Tianjin Binhai New Area, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, Changsha and Shenyang were systematically summarized and analyzed from the aspects of respondents' basic situation, government contact mode preference, e-governance development project preference, willingness to use government websites, use of electronic public services, use attitude, perceived behavior control, subjective norms, perceived service quality, perceived service value and public satisfaction The demand preference, service quality and overall satisfaction of electronic public services are formed into overall statistical analysis reports and statistical analysis reports of cities (districts). On this basis, the survey results of different cities are comprehensively compared and analyzed, and the current status and problems of China's e-governance development are summarized. Third, based on a questionnaire survey of 397 social organizations interviewed in Shanghai, Changsha, Wuhan and Chengdu, the current situation, problems and countermeasures of the Chinese government's procurement of services were empirically analyzed from the aspects of social organizations' participation in the supply of public services, the government's cognition and attitude towards purchasing public services from the society, and the problems faced and countermeasures and suggestions. In addition, the main features of this study at the policy research level are reflected in the following three aspects: First, the strategic blueprint and countermeasures for comprehensively deepening reform and promoting the modernization of public service governance are put forward from the aspects of large-scale ministerial reform and cross-departmental coordination, overall budget system, government procurement of services, whole-process high-quality supervision system, holistic ethics and integrity construction, and electronic governance. The second is to escort the development of electronic governance from the construction of the network infrastructure environment; Promote transparent governance and enhance the overall governance capacity of the government; Create a smart life and promote the equalization of basic public services; In view of the implementation of the electronic public service quality improvement project and the construction of an electronic service-oriented government satisfactory to the people, the four aspects are aimed at investigating the common problems existing in the development of urban e-governance services, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions to improve the performance of China's e-governance and promote the sustainable development of China's e-governance. The third is to clarify the role of the government and change the concept of governance; Simplify administrative operation processes and implement government process reengineering; Establish a strict regulatory system and introduce a scientific evaluation system; Increase the intensity of fiscal policy and support the development of social organizations; Suggestions on improving the government's purchase of public services from social organizations in areas such as raising their awareness of competition and operational level, cultivating public participation awareness, increasing citizens' enthusiasm for participation, strengthening citizens' social supervision, and ensuring fairness and impartiality in the public service supply process, were put forward. The successful completion of this project is due to the efforts of all members of the research group, the support of Professor Bo Guili of the National Academy of Administration, Professor Gao Xiaoping of the Chinese Society of Administrative Management and many other academic colleagues, and the support of Professor Lin Shangli, Professor Shen Lanfang, Professor Huang Lihua, Professor Liu Jie, Professor Chen Zhimin, Professor Liu Jiping, Professor Su Changhe and Professor Chen Yugang of Fudan University. We would like to express our deep gratitude! We would also like to thank the Office of Liberal Arts and Sciences of Fudan University and the Research and Academic Service Center of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University for their support and assistance to this research! Zhu Qianwei, School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University, September 2016(AI翻译)





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