19世纪末20世纪初在美国大地上掀起了一场全国规模的、复杂多元的进步主义政治思潮与实践。这场政治思潮与政治实践是在美国面对工业化、城市化以及移民潮的国内背景和革命与改革运动风起云涌的国际环境下,对美国民主与自由的意识形态(或价值观念)与政治体制的有目的的、系统的理论与制度重建。第一编溯源篇,主要追溯进步主义政治思潮与实践的思想与历史根源。首先,追溯“进步”观念在西方的演进,指出进步主义具有多种表现形态。古希腊罗马政治思想中的民主、自由与共和的观念、中世纪的基督教对至善与基督教治下的世界秩序的诉求中体现出来的进步理念与中世纪的自由观念、近代以来的英国的古典自由主义、法国的民主主义、达尔文的进化论、斯宾塞的社会达尔文主义、黑格尔的历史主义、孔德的实证主义以及杜威等人的实用主义都在不同程度上滋润和孕育了美国的进步主义政治思潮。然后,历史地考察进步主义政治思潮兴起的历史渊源,包括进步主义政治思潮兴起的深刻的政治、经济与社会根源。第二编理论篇,主要探究进步主义政治思潮的理论体系与代表人物。从理论体系来看,本部分主要考察进步主义政治思潮形成的社会环境、认识论基础、主要目标和基本主张,进而深入探讨进步派对美国宪政的理论重建。从代表人物来看,本部分分别以赫伯特·克罗利、沃尔特·韦尔以及沃尔特·李普曼三位最有代表性的进步主义政治思想家与理论家为典型,客观地比较分析他们重建美国民主与自由的基本主张与分歧之处。第三编实践篇,在探讨进步主义政治思潮与进步主义政治实践的互动关系的基础上,重点考察三权分立体制下的进步主义政治,即总统(包括西奥多·罗斯福、威廉·霍华德·塔夫脱与伍德罗·威尔逊)、国会与最高法院主导、创建或参与的国家层面上的进步主义政治。然后,采用个案分析的方式,选取《1906年肉类检疫法》的出台始末、中产阶级白人妇女和美国介入第一次世界大战三个社会侧面进行考察,力求能加深对进步主义政治的切实感知,更好地了解进步主义政治思潮与进步主义政治实践之间的落差。第四编影响篇,主要分析进步主义政治思潮与实践给后来美国历史、尤其是当代美国社会政治带来的深远影响。此外,基于现代化的视野,探讨美国进步主义政治思潮及实践与当代中国现代化与政治改革的相似性,进而力图探究它带给当代中国现代化进程及其未来发展趋势的启示意义。 关键词 进步主义 政治思潮 美国
The Progressive Political Thought in America or“the Political Progressivism”is a nationally complex and diverse current of thought in America at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.Facing up with industrialization,urbanization,and the influx of immigrants at home and recurring the movements of reform and revolution abroad,“the progressives”purposively and systematically apply diverse powers,especially political power,to reconstruct the ideology and regime of the American democracy and liberty.In section I of this book,I researched into philosophical and historical origins of the Progressive Political Thought in America.I traced back to the evolution of the ideas of progress.I argued that the Progressive Political Thought in A-merica absorbed the ideas of change and republicanism in the Ancient Greco-Roman political thought,Christian progressive ideas in the Middle Ages,the classic liberalism in England since recent times,democracy and romanticism in France,the Darwinian theory of evolution,the Spencerian Social Darwinism,the Hegelian historicism,the Comtean positivism and the pragmatism of John Dewey.Then,I examined the historical origins of the Progressive Political Thought in America,namely,the origins of politics,economy and society.In section II,I probed into the theoretical system and typical progressive theorists of this Political Thought.From the outlook of political science and political philosophy,I examined its social atmosphere,epistemology,key purposes and fundamental means.At the same time,I analyzed the Progressive's theories on reconstructing American constitutionalism.From the outlook of the progressive theorists,I sorted out the similarities and differences of the progressive political thought between Herbert Croly,Walter Weyl and Walter Lippmann.In section III,I examined the nationally progressive politics under the framework of separation of powers—the Presidents,the Congress and the Supreme Court created,recreated or participated the progressive political order.Then by view of sociology,I combed the Federal Meat Inspection Act of 1906,the relations between the middle class white women and the Progressive Movement,and the relations between the First World War and the Progressive Movement.In section IV,I analyzed the dual legacy of the Progressive Political Thought and its Movement.Furthermore,I attempted to discuss the similarities between America in the Progressive Era and the contemporary China,then to find out the way and trend of China's modernization. Key Words:Progressivism;Political Thought;the U.S.