The Library of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (full name is the Library of Key Research Topics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) is a series of academic books organized and published by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Organizing the publication of the Library of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences is an important measure for our institute to further strengthen the management of project results and the standardization and institutionalization of the publication of academic achievements. Since the establishment of the institute, the vast number of scientific researchers of our institute have adhered to Marxism as the guide, made important contributions to the dual exploration of the theory and practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and launched a large number of research results in promoting Marxist theoretical innovation, providing intellectual support for the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the infrastructure construction of various disciplines, including as many as 3400 monographs completed every year. From now on, through a certain appraisal, conclusion and evaluation process, we will select a number of works with high academic level and certain representative works completed through the research work of various categories of topics year by year, and compile them into the Library of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences for centralized publication. We hope that this can show the overall scientific research status and academic achievements of our institute from one side, and at the same time create better conditions for the publication of excellent academic achievements. The Library of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences is divided into seven series: Marxist research, literary language research, historical archaeology research, philosophy and religious research, economic research, legal sociology research, and international issue research, and the scope of selection includes monographs, research reports, academic materials, ancient book collation, translations, reference books, etc. Bureau of Scientific Research, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, November 2006(AI翻译)
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