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作为中国境内第一家近代科学研究机构,徐家汇观象台(l’Observatoire de Zi-Ka-Wei)由清末来华耶稣会士于1873年创建并主持运作。它是1814年耶稣会重建后,耶稣会传教士在世界各地建造的多家观象台之一。该台工作人员中有多位隶属于法国科学院或其下属的巴黎天文台等机构,并且在70余年的发展历程中,该台成果亦大量发表于包括法国科学院周刊在内的多种欧洲科学刊物上或单独出版,该台也因此成为西方科学界位于远东的一个不可或缺的测点。这种多重角色集于一身的处境,使得徐家汇观象台势必成为考察其时欧洲科学与欧洲扩张、耶稣会士观象台史以及中国近代移植西方科学之历程等问题的一个颇具代表性的载体。本书首次在第一手档案文献基础上,对生长于19世纪后叶至20世纪前叶的徐家汇观象台做历史考察,并在这一过程中尝试引入“世界实验室”的研究视野,从而在揭示欧洲科学地域扩张背景下的徐家汇观象台之历史脉络的同时,也为研究晚清至民国时期中西科学文化交流提供了一个不同的思路。第一章“徐家汇观象台的创建与早期活动”首先考察徐家汇观象台创建前后的背景以及早期气象工作。通过这一考察,将尝试对如下问题做出解答:耶稣会士何以选择在徐家汇这样一个地方重建其在华传教和科学事业?为何选择气象观测作为其事业的开端?在各国纷纷登陆中国瓜分利益,天主教与基督教的多个修会前往中国开展其传教事业之时,徐家汇观象台这样一家由耶稣会士开创并主持运作的私立机构如何能够取得一席之地?第二章“佘山天文台的建立与天文事业的开创”所研究的是徐台在佘山开创天文事业的历史。在徐家汇观象台各部门观测都日臻成熟之时,耶稣会士为何又在佘山另辟新址,开创天文事业?第三章和第四章是更为细致的个案研究。1926年和1933年的国际经度联测是一个以法国为主导的大型国际合作研究项目,也是徐台在其发展的全盛时期以及法国海外殖民扩张全盛时期所参与的最重要的科学活动。第三章“全盛时代(上):国际经度联测”专门对这一科学事件本身及围绕其展开的各种线索加以考察,以解答下述问题:以更高精度测定经度这样一个看来纯科学的追求,是如何通过欧洲在地域上的扩张而得以完成的。第四章“全盛时代(下):完成于20世纪30年代的测量活动”,个案研究围绕如下两项活动展开:徐家汇观象台在20世纪30年代完成的中国重力加速度测定与《中国地磁图》的绘制出版。该研究从科学的内核出发,进而分析一个科学活动背后的主权与利益之争,以及纠结在具体科学活动中的本土科学界与欧洲科学界之间的冲突、妥协与合作。第五章“徐家汇观象台在战时的衰落与战后的终结”研究徐台在战时和战后的活动,以揭示体现在徐台事务中的种种利益冲突,分析徐台战后命运的必然性与可行性。第六章“结论”在前面几章研究的基础上,对19世纪下半叶至20世纪上半叶欧洲扩张背景下的徐家汇观象台的工作及其特点进行再分析,并进一步论证绪论部分中未及展开的观点,即“世界实验室”视野下的徐家汇观象台及其与近代欧洲科学地域扩张之关联。考察徐家汇观象台的科学活动就会发现,它们具有四个共同的特征:其一,这些领域的研究,其主要研究方式都是直接以自然为对象进行观测并对多地采集、长期积累的观测数据进行分析。其二,这些研究对于测量仪器的发展有着较强的依赖性。其三,通过上述观测所获取的知识信息均具有如下特征:以地域性知识信息的收集、累积与分析,逐渐形成一个完整的世界图景与知识系统。其四,这些观测所取得的数据结果均具有实用性。上述四个特征决定了欧洲科学这一知识体系的构成与完善必须以这一方式实现:在全球范围内展开测量以形成一个以相同范式建立起来的全球观测网,从而获取必要的观测样本与数据,完善欧洲科学的知识大厦。对于欧洲科学而言,构成一个完整知识体系正是通过其在地域上的扩张实现的,也即地域扩张是欧洲科学生长的基本方式之一。这种地域扩张在徐台创建并在中国完成众多测量活动的年代是通过欧洲扩张得以实现的。但是,在欧洲科学实现地域扩张的过程中,本土科学界并不只是被动一方,来自本土的“合作”在扩张中的作用显然是不可忽视的。欧洲科学在认识世界与解决一些事务时的有效性构成了双方“合作”——一个主动与被动参半的过程——的基础。因此,当欧洲扩张退潮,“现代科学知识生产”的接力棒已传递到本土科学界手中。从这种意义上来说,本土科学界的“合作”正是欧洲科学地域扩张的另一种方式,或者说是现代科学知识生产的另一种组织形式。在这个关于徐家汇观象台的研究文本中,与近代欧洲科学诞生于大致相同时期的耶稣会、欧洲的海外殖民扩张、作为实验室而成为欧洲科学大厦一部分的近代中国以及希望以科学救国图存的中国知识界,共同完成了近代欧洲科学在地域上的扩张。但是真正的主角却只有一个:与徐家汇观象台有关的利益方各自经历了一番兴衰沉浮,只有欧洲科学是永远的赢家。关键词 徐家汇观象台 耶稣会士观象台 欧洲扩张 世界实验室 近代欧洲科学的地域扩张

As the first modern science institute in China,Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory was founded and managed by Jesuits in 1873.It’s one of the Jesuit Observatories which were built after the restoration of the Society of Jesus in 1814.Some of the Jesuits scientists working in this observatory were members of French Academy of Sciences or Paris Observatory,and their papers often appeared on the science issues in Europe including the Weekly Bulletin of French Academy of Science or published in Europe,so their work could also be regarded as a part of European republic of Science.This position makes Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory a sample by which we can observe the relationship between modern science and the extension of Europe,investigate the history of Jesuit Observatory and the history of transplantation of modern science into China.This dissertation,based on the first-hand archives and literatures,studies the history of Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory which grew up during late 19th to first half of the 20th century,from the perspective of scientific imperialism and the expansion of Europe science,so as to discover the history clues of Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory in the context that European Modern Science expanded to more and more regions all over the world.At the same time,this study provides a different approach to study the intercultural communication between China and the West during late Tsing to Republic of China before the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.Chapter One,Foundation of Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory and the Investigation Activities in Its Early Time,focuses on the foundation and early investigation of Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory,trying to answer the questions such as:why did Jesuits found the observatory in Zi-Ka-Wei?While big powers loaded in China carving up the interests,how could Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory,as a private institution,win its position?Chapter Two,Foundation of Zo-Se Astronomical Observatory and Initiation of Astronomical Projects,focuses on the history that the Jesuits of Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory founded another astronomical observatory at Zo-Se and initiated their astronomical enterprise.While the scientific investigation of every branches in Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory attained a high level,why did Jesuits create the astronomical enterprise?Chapter Three and Chapter Four are case studies.The International Longitude Determination in 1926 and 1933 was an international project dominated by France.It was also the most important scientific measurement project during its golden ages.Chapter Three,Golden Ages(1):International Longitude Determination,specializes in this project and various clues about it,trying to answer this question:To measure the longitude in higher precision seeming a purely scientific pursuit,how was it achieved through the extension of Europe.Chapter Four,Golden Ages(2):Measurements Fulfilled in 1930s,focuses on the two projects below:observations of intensity of gravity in China and mapping and publishing Geomagnetic Map in China (Carte magnétique de Chine).Based on scientific content,it analyzes the contest of dominion and interests behind the scientific project,conflict,compromise and cooperation between the local science circles and their European colleagues in the project.Chapter Five,Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory—Its Decline during the Wartime and Its End after the War,studies on the development during wartime and post-war period,to reveal the inevitability and the feasibility of Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory after the war.Chapter Six,Conclusion,based on the above studies,re-analyzes the works and the characteristics of Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory in the process of the expansion of Europe from late 19th to the first half of the 20th century.Furthermore,this chapter reveals the relationship between the development of Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory and the territorial expansion of European modern science.Considering the scientific works of Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory,we can find that they shared four characteristics:firstly,they all specialized in observing the nature directly and analyzing the data from these observations;secondly,these investigations depended largely on the development of observational instruments;thirdly,the information and knowledge collected through the above observations all share the same mode of study,i.e.,forming a complete image about the world and a complete system of knowledge gradually through collecting and analyzing regional knowledge;fourthly,all the data through observation are useful and practical.The four points mentioned above imply that modern science,as a complete system of knowledge,must be fulfilled through measuring all over the world in order to build a global net of observations according to the same paradigm,collecting specimen and data,and forming the edifice of modern science.For modern science,forming of this edifice of modern science depend on its territorial expansion,namely,territorial expansion is one of the basic ways in which the modern science grows up.In the period when Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory was founded and made its measurements,the territorial expansion fulfilled through extension of Europe.However,in the process of territorial expansion of modern science,local science circles was not just a passive part.The cooperation from local science circles played an important role which could not be ignored.The availability of modern science in understanding the world and settling some events had formed an important foundation of the cooperation which was an either voluntary or passive process.Thus,when the expansion of Europe ebbed,the production of modern science knowledge was relayed from European scientists to local ones.In this point of view,the cooperation with the local science circles was another way by which modern science fulfilled its territorial expansion,or in other words,another mode of production of the knowledge of modern science.In this disquisitive paper about Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory,the Society of Jesus which was born in the same period as modern science,colonial expansion of Europe,modern China added as a laboratory to the edifice of modern science and Chinese intellectual who tried to save the country through transplanting modern science,all those factors played important roles in the process of the territorial expansion of European modern science.However,there was only one leading role indeed:while all of sides whose interests connected with Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory go through rise and decline,ups and downs,European Modern Science is just the only winner for ever.KEY WORDS:Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory,Jesuit Observatory,extension of Europe,imperialism of science,territorial expansion of European modern science





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