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基金信息: 本书为王安全教授主持的2010年国家社科基金一般项目:“西部农村地区教师政策问题”(10BSH009)阶段性研究成果宁夏大学优秀学术著作出版基金资助 展开


教师结构变迁可以满足学校教育教学发展的需要,可以满足学生发展的需要,同时可以满足教师个体及其群体发展的需要。因此,教师结构变迁具有教育教学发展的工具价值、学生发展的社会价值、工具价值以及教师自身发展价值。但是,教师结构变迁未必能取得其应然的功能效果。本书运用文献资料法、田野调查统计、访谈、历史比较和推理计算等方法,通过对一个西部县农村教师地缘、学历、性别、专业、身份、年龄结构50多年发展变化情况的研究发现,受政治、经济、文化、教育、人口,特别是相关政策以及社会环境、自然因素影响,西部农村地区外省、外县籍教师比例总体在持续减小,本地教师数量及比重总体在持续增大;中专学历教师总体是西部农村地区小学教师学历的历史主流,但近十多年其小学专科、本科教师比重总体在持续增加。本专科学历中学教师比重在计划经济时代比较高,高等教育大众化以后,专科特别是本科学历中学教师比重有继续上升趋势。在社会动荡和单纯追求教育数量快速发展时期,公立中小学正式教师比重呈下降趋势。小学正式教师比例下降幅度大、下降趋向明显,中学正式教师比例下降幅度相对小。改革开放和教育进入稳定发展阶段以后,中小学正式、非正式教师比例呈相反的发展方向。义务教育阶段农村女教师增长速度比男教师快,而高中阶段男教师增长速度比女教师快。但不论中学还是小学教育阶段,男教师总量和比例在任何时期都超过了女教师,而男女教师性别比总体呈降低和减小趋向。目前农村地区男女教师性别比达到了历史最小值。高中教师的师范专业化程度高于初中教师,初中教师师范专业化程度高于小学教师。20世纪90年代前,师范专业毕业的小学教师比例呈下降趋势,而其非师范专业毕业的小学教师比例呈相反的发展趋向。2000年前,农村中学师范专业毕业的教师比重一直呈上升趋势,其非师范专业毕业教师比重呈现下降趋向;2000年后,中学师范专业毕业教师比重呈相反的发展趋向。在教师年龄结构方面:(1)小学教师队伍中25岁以下教师所占比例长期不稳定,但该年龄段小学教师比例长期高于初中教师,初中教师比值长期高于高中教师。(2)小学教师队伍中26—35岁青年教师所占比重一直比较稳定,而该年龄段中学教师所占比例长期不稳定;小学、高中36—45岁中年骨干教师在教师总数中所占比例一直不稳定,但除个别年代外,该年龄段初中教师发展总体平稳。(3)小学教师队伍中40岁以上教师所占比例在20世纪80年代前、初中教师队伍中40岁以上教师所占比重在2000年前持续下滑,至此之后则开始持续增长,而高中教师队伍中40岁以上教师所占比重一直保持了增长态势。(4)小学教师队伍中50岁以上教师所占比例始终在增加,初中教师队伍中50岁以上教师所占比例在20世纪90年代前持续减少、以后又持续增加,高中教师队伍中50岁以上在教师所占比例一直在下降。表明西部农村地区小学教师老龄化趋势明显,初中教师老龄化只是近一二十年的事情,高中教师中年化趋向明显,但老龄化速度在下降。其中,有些农村教师结构呈现向前发展、改善的特点,有些教师结构呈现出倒退状况;有些农村教师结构呈现出积极的正向功能,有些农村教师结构呈现出负向功能。但总体而言,外省、外县籍教师的正向功能总体在减弱,本地、本县籍教师的功能在逐步增强。教师学历发展的正向功能在增加,但教师学历提升的负向功能一直也存在。一个时期、一个教育阶段教师队伍师范专业化的正向功能在增加,而另一个时期、另一个教育阶段教师队伍非师范专业化的负向功能也在增加。女教师数量、比例上的功能在增强,男教师数量、比重上的功能在减小。改革开放前,非正式教师的功能总体在逐渐增强,正式教师的功能在逐渐下降;改革开放后,正式教师的功能总体在逐渐增强,非正式教师的功能在逐渐下降。但随着师范专业毕业生进入非正式教师行列,非正式教师的正向功能总体在增加。教师年龄结构方面,小学25周岁以下和50岁以上教师因比重上的优势所起的作用一直大于中学教师,35岁以下小学教师因比例稳定一直能发挥稳定功能,40岁以上高中教师也一直能发挥稳定作用,但50岁以上高中教师所发挥的作用一直在下降。因此,一个时期、一个教育阶段的一种教师结构变化具有其积极合理的一面,另一个时期、另一个教育阶段的另一种教师结构变化也可能存在消极的不合理性。为促进西部农村教师结构的正向、合理化发展,本书根据西部农村教师结构发展特点预测了其发展趋势,并针对农村教师地缘、学历、专业、性别、年龄、身份结构变化效果制定了教师学历、性别、年龄结构标准,在此基础上提出了改善农村教师结构的政治、经济、文化、人口,以及教师教育政策的建议与方式。关键词: 西部地区;农村教师;教师结构

A Study of the 50—Year Evolution of the structure of Rural Teachers in a County of Western ChinaThe evolution of the structure of teachers meets not only the development of school teaching and learning,but also the need of students healthy growth and the improvement of the individual teacher and all the teaching staff as well. Therefore,the evolution of the structure of teachers in a region reflects the merit of its education and teaching,which can be seen in the following aspects:the instrumental value of the education,social value of students growth and teachers self improvement. This dissertation undertakes multidimensional methodology in the study,focusing respectively on the literature analysis,country survey,interviews,historical comparison and statistical projection. However,after a careful study of the evolution of the structure of teachers in the past 50 years in a rural county in Western China,such as the changes of teachers geographical background,education background,and the structure of genders,majors,identities,and age,the dissertation attempts to illustrate that the number of local teachers has been on the rise while the number of the teachers immigrated from other provinces and counties has decreased continually. All of these changes are due to the politics,economy,culture,population,education policies as well as social environment,natural factors of the region. The proportion of the teachers with technical and bachelor degree in middle school are influenced highly by high-degreed teachers in a rural region. The proportion of the teachers with technical degree,especially the teachers with bachelor degree,increases since higher education becomes popular.The proportion of the regular teachers in public junior and primary school declines totally during the period of social turbulence and the era of blindly seeking for educational quantity. Whats more,the proportion of the regular teachers in primary school declines greatly. To some extent,the proportion of the regular teachers declines a little. The education develops steadily since the practice of the reform and opening policy. The proportion of the regular teachers in junior and primary school tends to increase in general. The proportion of the regular teachers in primary school increases extendedly. The proportion of the regular teachers in junior school increases slightly and changes a little. On the contrary,the proportion of rural irregular teachers in public junior and primary school increases greatly before the practice of the reform and opening policy. However,the proportion of the rural irregular teachers in primary school increases greatly. The proportion of the irregular teachers increases a little. After the practice of the reform and opening policy,the proportion of irregular teachers in public junior and primary school tends to decline entirely. However,the proportion of the irregular teachers in public primary school declines extendedly while the proportion of the irregular teachers in junior school declines slightly.The quantity of women teacher is larger than men teacher during the compulsory education period. However,the quantity of men teacher is larger than that of women teachers during senior high school period. During the high school period and that of the primary school,the quantity of men teacher is larger than that of women teachers at anytime. Nevertheless,the proportion of teachers gender is declining. The proportion of teachers gender is at lowest level then. From the aspect of major structure,the extent of teacher-training specialized in high school teaching is higher than that of junior school. The extent of teacher-training specialized in junior school teaching is higher than that of primary school. In order to support the development of the education,some primary school teachers with teacher-training degree are introduced into junior school in 1990s. The proportion of the primary school teachers with teacher-training degree declines. On the other hand,the proportion of the primary school teachers without teacher-training degree increases. The proportion of the rural junior school teachers with teacher-training degree tends to increase and that of the teachers without teacher-training degree tends to decline before 2000. The proportion of junior school teachers with teacher-training begins to decline because of the influence of the educational policies and the proportion of the teachers without teacher-training starts to increase after 2000. As for the structure of the teachers regarding the age,(1)the proportion of the primary school teachers under the age 25 is instable for a long time. It is affected by teachers working time. The proportion of primary school teachers under the age 25 is higher than that of junior school teachers. The proportion of junior school teacher is higher than that of high school teachers. (2)The proportion of youth teachers in primary school aged between 26 and 35 is fairly stable. However,the proportion of junior school teachers is instable for a long time in this period. The proportion of good teachers aged between 36 and 45 in primary school and high school is instable for a long time. In addition,junior school teachers develop stably in this period. (3)The proportion of primary school teachers beyond the age 40 increases before 1980s. The proportion of junior school teachers declines before 2000. The proportion of primary school teachers beyond the age 40 declines after 1980s. The proportion of junior school teachers increases continually after 2000. The proportion of high school teachers aged beyond the age 40 keeps increasing. (4)The proportion of primary school teachers beyond the age 50 is increasing all along. The proportion of junior school teachers beyond the age 50 declines before 1990s. However,it increases continually after 1990s. The proportion of high school teachers beyond the age 50 is increasing all along. These indicate that primary school teachers in the rural areas of Western China tend to be aging,junior school teachers tend to be aging for twenty years,and the high school teachers are almost all in the middle age.Thestructure of the teachers in rural areas of Western China shows the characteristics on the further development and improvement. However,some teachers structure are backing up; some compositions of rural teachers show the positive function on the development of education,students growth,and teachers development; some composition of rural teachers show non-function,even passive function. In summary,the positive function of the teachers from other provinces and other counties are weakening entirely. The function of native teachers is increasing. The positive function of the teachers degree development is increasing. However,the passive function of improving degree still exists. The positive function of specialized teachers is increasing in a period and on an educational stage. Moreover,the passive function of non-specialized teachers is increasing in another period and on another educational stage. The quantity and proportion of women teacher is increasing while quantity and proportion of men teacher is declining. The function of irregular teachers increases step by step while the function of regular teachers declines gradually before the practice of reform and opening policy. The function of irregular teachers increases step by step and the function of regular teachers declines gradually after the practice of reform and opening policy. The function of regular teachers increases generally with the adding of the irregular teachers. Talking from the age structure,youth,middle-age and aged teachers have their own advantages and disadvantages in different periods and different educational stages. Thus,the changes of teachers composition have their own reason on the development of education,students growth and teachers development in a learning period or stage. Another teachers structure develops unreasonably in another period and educational stage. Therefore,in order to create good and rational system for the development of rural teachers in western China,the author suggests several levels on educational background,gender and age for primary and junior school teachers in the dissertation. The author also predicts the direction of the development of the teachers structure in rural areas of western China. Based on these factors,the author suggests some basic methods to improve the structure of teachers in rural regions of western China.Key words: regions in Western China; teachers in rural regions;thestructure of teacher





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