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China's Structural Reform of the Supply Front






















朱晓青 刁琳琳


Promoting supply-side structural reform is a major innovative measure to adapt to and lead the new normal of China's economic development, and it is also a major strategic deployment to crack the specific development stage of China's economy into an L-shape. Since 2008, affected by the global financial crisis, the overall recovery of the world economic growth stage has been weak and the growth rate has been slow, and the average growth rate of the world economy in 2015 was only 3.5%, far lower than the level of 5.7% in 2007 before the financial crisis. 1677198 many international experiences have proved that blindly adopting demand-side stimulus policies, bailing out enterprises, increasing government investment, and seeking a V-shaped recovery trajectory will not only be difficult to achieve the expected results, but will fall into a situation where it is impossible to achieve quickly, causing problems such as government debt crisis and overcapacity. When the short-term policy on the demand side fails, supply-side structural reform becomes a global consensus. At present, the world's major economies are actively adjusting their economic policies, turning their attention to supply-side structural optimization, and striving to explore new driving forces, new ideas and new methods for economic growth. China's economic development is also facing the digestion period of "early policy", which needs to deal with the deep-seated problems of the growth rate shift period and the structural adjustment period, and the general direction of the phased policy transformation proposed by China is the supply-side structural reform under the new normal, which is not only a new measure of China's economic development, but also a new plan to help world economic growth. As we all know, China's economy under the new normal can be described as "carrying the burden", and China's GDP growth rate in 2015 was only 6.9%, a new low in 25 years since 1990. At the beginning of 2016, the central government clearly put forward the general tone of China's economy entering the L-shaped growth stage, and this new judgment became a "fixed star" for correctly understanding the economic situation, identifying the main challenges and focusing on policies. L-shaped growth indicates a long period of transition bottoming, and we cannot hold the illusion of a short-term V-shaped reversal, and even if there is a U-shaped long-term reversal, we need to focus on building a downward bottom. China's economy is in a critical period of downward movement and building a bottom, the marginal efficiency of traditional production factors continues to decline, ineffective and low-grade supply cannot meet new demand, demand-side aggregate short-term economic stimulus policies will inevitably gradually fail, and deep-seated problems such as innovative development, structural adjustment, industrial upgrading, effective supply, and power conversion are coming. Although the proposal of supply-side structural reform does not negate the efficacy of moderate demand-side management, it highlights the efforts from supply-side management, solves deep-seated problems, and eliminates zombie enterprises, which grasps the main contradictions and the main aspects of contradictions that restrict the current stable growth, medium and high-level growth and long-term development of China's economy. Supply-side structural reform is a systematic project, which requires the five major concepts of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing as the guide, to complete the five major tasks of reducing production capacity, removing inventory, deleveraging, reducing costs and making up for shortcomings, and achieving ten development goals that pay more attention, that is, to promote economic development should pay more attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development, to stabilize economic growth should pay more attention to supply-side structural reform, to implement macro-control should pay more attention to guiding market behavior and social psychological expectations, and to adjust the industrial structure should pay more attention to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division To promote urbanization, we should pay more attention to people-centered, promote regional development should pay more attention to the balance of population economy and resource environment, protect the ecological environment should pay more attention to promoting the formation of green production and lifestyle, ensure the improvement of people's livelihood should pay more attention to precise assistance to specific groups of people with special difficulties, pay more attention to the allocation of resources to make the market play a decisive role in resource allocation, and expand opening up to the outside world should pay more attention to promoting high-level two-way opening-up, thus pointing out the strategic main direction for the improvement and upgrading of China's economy. At the theoretical level, supply-side structural reform is not a simple resurrection or reproduction of "Say's Law" or "supply-side school", but pays more attention to starting from reality and advocates serving the overall situation with supply-side efforts, which is a Chinese innovation of economic theory. 1677199 this innovation does not lie in identifying the supply and demand relationship between "two sides of the currency", but in running through the people-centered Marxist economic thought, emphasizing grasping the main contradictions under the new normal, mobilizing the enthusiasm of all parties, paying more attention to supply-side management and deepening structural reform, liberating and developing productive forces, and meeting the needs of the people, which is of great significance for enriching and developing the socialist economic theory with Chinese characteristics. At the practical level, the urgency of supply-side structural reform stems from the long-standing imbalance between supply and demand; The direction of supply-side structural reform is to achieve innovation and structural optimization from the perspective of "increasing effective institutional supply" against the background of China's economy entering the new normal; The essence of supply-side structural reform is to use reform methods and methods to promote structural adjustment, correct distortions in factor allocation, resolve potential risks from the supply side and production side, create a new dynamic mechanism to support economic development, and achieve effective supply and medium and high-end supply to promote economic development and meet and create new consumption, investment and export demand. This book is a phased scientific research result of the Marxist Theory Research Center of the Party School of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China to interpret the new policy of China's economy - supply-side structural reform after "The General Trend of China's Economy under the New Normal". On the basis of relevant theoretical and practical experience, our research team adheres to the principle of unifying problem-oriented and goal-oriented, combining strategic countermeasures with practical suggestions, correctly grasps the phased characteristics of China's economic development and its dependence on effective supply and the demands of regulatory reform, clarifies the vague understanding of supply-side structural reform in speculation, reveals the crux of the problem and the forward-looking development direction with innovation and craftsmanship, and strives to explore new development paths and methods to achieve a balance between supply and demand. We believe that the supply-side structural reform from the macro and micro level is of great significance to China's economic development, and with the deepening of understanding and practical development, the relevant research results must continue to be enriched and improved, we have only made a preliminary attempt, formed a consistent analysis framework, and put forward some new views and suggestions. This book is composed of four parts: cognition, strategy, elements and innovation, and its achievements are mainly manifested in four aspects: (1) Cognition explains the theoretical basis and logical thinking of supply-side structural reform. Associate Professor Zhong Yong systematically sorted out the ideas of supply-side structural reform from the level of clarifying misunderstandings, grasping internal logic and promoting dimensions. Associate Professor Gai Yanmei and Dr. Xue Wenping discussed the key and difficult issues and constraints of reform in depth, and put forward the basic path of supply-side structural reform and the strategic methods to deal with constraints. Associate Professor Daniel Zhang pondered the theoretical basis of supply-side structural reform and the cognitive differences caused by it, and proposed to use the methodological principles of historical materialism to effectively construct a theoretical framework that reflects the objective reality of supply-side structural reform. (2) Starting from practical problems, the strategy chapter puts forward the specific path and countermeasures of supply-side structural reform from the strategic and practical levels. Professor Zhu Xiaoqing believes that China's economic development must focus on solving the problem of low-cost scale expansion, which is the internal cause of overcapacity in traditional industries, and proposed that increasing the concentration of production capacity, increasing the input of innovation factors, and the government's efforts to improve the market clearing mechanism and incentive policies are the fundamental solutions to solve the problem. Based on the main experience of developed countries in resolving excess capacity, Associate Professor He Yan advocated that the root cause should be aimed at curing the root cause, divide the types of industries, implement policies separately, and promote supply-side structural reform and resolve excess capacity. Using the empirical experience of China's infrastructure investment structure optimization, Dr. Li Zhong responded to the debate between supply-side and demand-side reform in the theoretical circles. Dr. Yi Guangchun believes that to establish a green circular economy, we must firmly implement supply-side structural reform and replace high-speed and extensive production methods with green GDP. (3) The element chapter focuses on the element side of supply-side structural reform, and discusses the optimization of "power sources" such as labor, land, capital, and institutions (the discussion of innovation factors is a separate article and is not listed here). Associate Professor Wang Hao focused on the decisive role of the four factors of division of labor, income, technology and system in economic structure upgrading, and discussed the path of economic structure upgrading from the perspectives of improving efficiency, independent innovation and meeting demand. Dr. Wang Zhaoyu further focused on the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure under the guidance of factor optimization, and pointed out the optimization path of labor, capital, land, technology and management factors. Associate Professor Li Shiyang discussed the development direction of improving the multi-level capital market in the supply-side structural reform from the dimension of capital factors. Associate Professor Diao Linlin systematically sorted out the theoretical origin and practical logic of land supply-side structural reform, and put forward the policy proposition of relying on the public finance model of land regulation and control to help supply-side structural reform. Associate Professor Xie Tiancheng analyzed the urgency of promoting agricultural supply-side structural reform from the dimension of rural factor integration, and pointed out that accelerating the development of rural e-commerce is an important starting point for promoting agricultural supply-side structural reform. (4) The innovation chapter emphasizes that innovation-driven is the driving force and plays a key role in strategic leadership in supply-side structural reform. Guided by the concept of innovative development, Professor Zeng Xianzhi demonstrated the important role of comprehensive innovation in promoting supply-side structural reform from the levels of theory, system, technology and cultural innovation. Associate Professor Yang Dongde believes that the root cause of structural problems in supply lies in insufficient innovation ability, and the solution must be based on institutional reform innovation and scientific and technological innovation. Associate Professor Zhao Hongjun, Dr. Lu Yuanyuan and Associate Professor Liu Zhilan deeply elucidated the role and typical experience of innovation driving in supply-side structural reform from three dimensions: the cultivation of innovative talents in China, the collaborative innovation of industry-university-research in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the construction of Beijing Innovation Center. Associate Professor Sun Yuxiu believes that the comprehensive implementation of entrepreneurship education is an important content and basic work to promote supply-side structural reform, and only by improving the entrepreneurship education system and ecological environment can we promote innovation and development. Supply-side structural reform under the new normal is a new research topic, and the results of theoretical exploration and practical experience need to be displayed as early as possible to provide reference for formulating policies and guiding practice. The Marxist Theory Research Center of the Party School of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China has brought into play its collective wisdom and made arduous efforts to make new attempts in this regard. The latest research results are now summarized to form this book, hoping to use this book to "throw bricks and introduce jade" to broaden the thinking and in-depth discussion of relevant leaders and theorists, as well as readers who are concerned about China's economic development. I sincerely invite readers to put forward more valuable opinions and suggestions, and support the Marxist Theory Research Center of the Party School of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China to better carry out academic research and serve China's economic development and social progress. In the process of writing and publishing this book, I was fortunate to receive great help from relevant leaders and scholars. It is particularly worth mentioning that Comrade Wang Minzhong, Executive Vice President of the Party School of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Comrade Han Jiugen, Vice President and Comrade E Zhenhui, Director of the Scientific Research Department, provided great help for the publication of this book; Comrade Wu Yun, deputy editor-in-chief of China Drama Publishing House, made specific coordination for the publication of this book, and Lu Xiaosheng, director of the Economic and Management Publishing Center of China Social Sciences Publishing House, made meticulous arrangements for the publication of this book. Here, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to these comrades! Zhu Xiaoqing Diao Linlin, July 28, 2016(AI翻译)





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