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基金信息: 本书受到国家自然科学基金“领导—追随行为互动对新员工追随力的作用机制:对偶心理定位的视角”(71472140);国家自然科学基金“差序式领导对员工和社会组织行为的影响机理:Trickle-down模式的跨层次研究”(71402192);教育部人文社会科学研究专项任务项目(工程科技人才培养研究)“移动互联时代工程科技人才的开发机制研究:产学研联动的视角”(15JDGC016);武汉大学“湖北研究”专项“幸福湖北战略构想及其实施路径研究”(20130308);2015年度武汉大学自主科研(人文社会科学)青年项目资助。 展开


In the age of the knowledge economy,market environment is becoming more and more complicated and changeable,sources of competitive advantage on which enterprises’ survival and development is also quietly changing.The core competence of corporations which was based on financial and material resources is gradually weakening,human resources,knowledge,information and other intangible resources have become the key factors shaping the competitive advantage of enterprises.However,employee relations management is needed to reach the full potential of human resources and obtain sustainable competitive advantage.

In recent years,the importance of employee relationship management has been recognized gradually,enterprises try to set up a harmonious employee relations management system.However,managers are still faced with serious problems in the practice of management.Many domestic scholars have carried out researches on employee relations issues,however,the domestic research on the employee relations,still in the stage of simple theoretical analysis,lacks of empirical study.With the changes of social environment,organizational behavior,management environment and objects are becoming more and more complex,previous management theory has difficulties to meet the needs of organization management theory and practice of in this new era,the introduction of complexity science into organization management has become an inevitable trend of organization management development in theory and practice.At present,the research mothod which views enterprises as a complex system,applies complexity science research results as a reference,and extracts new principles and theories for enterprise management,has received more and more attention and recognition.However,there is only few organizational research which uses the complex adaptive system theory to build multi-agent models to explore employee relations.In addition,employee relations has a very rich content,which can be researched in several different levels.Therefore,different research methods should be chosen according to research contents.To tackle urgent problems in the employee relations management,this research investigates employee relations in the following three levels:group level,organizational level and individual level,specifically,employee relations,leader-follower interaction,knowledge-sharing relation,competition-cooperation relation,group interaction relation,centralization-decentralization relation,recruitment relation and other aspects in different levels are chosen to carry out the research.Employee relations management style should differ when dealing with different relations,so in empirical research,this book design different relation modes for different level of employee relations,and build multi-agent models,then write the computer program simulation in line with the actual situation of organization,and then we write the computer codes to simulate the impact of the individual relationship pattern on organization behavior.

From the perspective of employee relations,this research is based on complex adaptive system theory and the main theory of employee relations.This research is not like any researches in the past which only explore the effects of employee relations on organizations from a single level,it explores employee relations from the individual level,group level to organization level,which is a perfect combination of theoretical analysis and empirical research.This study explores the important effects of different level of employee relations on organization behavior,tries to put forward creative ideas about employee relations management,thus promoting the continuous improvement of organizational behavior.

With the urgent need to address employee relations in organizations,according to the research status of employee relations at present,this book mainly do the following several aspects of the work:

Part one,introduction.In this part,the research background,purpose and significance of this book,the main contents and research methods and the frame structure of the book is briefly discussed,a more detailed elaboration of the innovations of this study is also given.

Part two,theory review and research idea.Firstly this part gives a review of connotation of employee relations and related theories,introduces and comments on the various genres of employee relations theories,and then analyzes the motivation of employee relations researches,discusses the impact of employee relations on organizations and status-quo of employee relation and organization behavior research.Then,theoretical basis of employee relations and organization behavior study,and the mechanism of employee relations affect organizational behavior is described,and on this basis,this study explores the construction of multi-agent model of employee relations affect organizational behavior.

Part three,the impact of individual-level employee relations on organizational behavior.(1)The impact of knowledge-sharing relationship on organizational learning.Specific to the knowledge-sharing relationship,knowledge-sharing in the organization will directly affects the level of group performance.However,to the individuals who possess different knowledge potential,their own performance relies on knowledge-sharing mechanism.In this part,we firstly analyze the related factors which have influence on knowledge-sharing.Then a model is built to simulate the impact of knowledge-sharing mechanism on group performance and on individual’s joining the organization in dynamic scene.The result implies that,behavior of knowledge sharing is mainly under the influence of the balance between anticipated benefit and cost of individuals,and so on.The construction of more scientific and proper knowledge-sharing mechanism can decrease the cost of knowledge sharing,keep the balance between the interests of individuals,and improve group performance.

(2)The impact of Leader-follower behavior interaction on followship.Following and leading are intertwined in organization management activities,and under certain circumstances they can exert effect on each other,the interaction between the two and their influence on the followship can’t be ignored.Based on dual psychological-positioning perspective,the author uses social identity theory and meaningful learning theory as theory foundation,discusses the mechanism of leader-follower behavior interaction affecting followship through theoretical analysis and logical reasoning,and construct the theoretical framework of the forming path followship in leading-following behavior interaction process.

Part four,the impact of group-level employee relations on organizational behavior.(1)The impact of centralization-decentralization relation on organization fitness.Encircling centralization and decentralization of enterprise management,traditional theories assume that enterprise should select alternatively from small to big.In this part,we divide the organization management into four centralization-decentralization patterns according to the descending order of degree of power distribution.By constructing multi-agent model and depending on computer simulation,we draw the conclusion which implies that no matter what scale is,the performance is low in the over-centralized organization and in over-decentralized organization;the performance is high in the moderate centralized organization and in the moderate decentralized organization.No matter whether the organization adopts centralization or decentralization,the performance fluctuates more violently and frequently when the organizational scale is smaller.The conclusion of this research has great theoretical value to guide the realistic enterprises to choose the correct power allocation model and to teach the manager how to analyze the fluctuation of performance.

(2)Effects of group interaction on organizational learning.In the era of knowledge economy,organizational learning is of great importance to obtain and maintain competitive advantages,how to promote organizational learning and the development of the organization is worth discussing.From the perspective of individual and group,internal tension power and external driving force,this part discusses individual-driven organization learning,group-pushing organization learning,internal tension power lifting organization learning and the external environment pulling organizational learning,and explored the significance of different driving force to organizational learning practice and theoretical researches.After the analysis of connection between the four kinds of organizational learning,it is suggested that,under the influence of internal tension power and the external environment,through individual learning and group learning,organizational learning can be achieved.Therefore,a “four in one” dynamical mechanism is constructed to establish a learning organization.

Part five,the impact of organization-level employee relations on organizational behavior.(1)The influence of organizational labor relations on employee and organization.In the development of modern market economy,labor relations in organizations has changed,labor dispatch has been widely adopted as a new form of employment in the enterprises of our country,and it has become an effective alternative to the traditional form of employment.In this part,we explore the meaning of labor dispatch,and its impact on the formation of identity of the pattern of difference sequence,the effect of the identity of the pattern of difference sequence for the labor dispatching employee’s job engagement.As a result,the “double track system” then occurred,the authors investigated the influence of the “double track system” on organization adaptability efficiency.The result shows that,“the pattern of different identity” affect labor dispatching employee’s job engagement through their psychological state,self-efficacy and other individual factors,ant through job security,perceived organizational support,organizational justice,sense of belonging and other situational factors;compared to organizations using the “double-track system”,organizations using a “single track system” has a significantly lower adaptive efficiency.

(2)The impact of competition-cooperation relation on organizational boundaries.As to organizational boundaries,the traditional organizational boundary theory is often concerned about the administrative organization boundary or physical boundary,but with trend of organization networking,virtualization and globalization of management,the traditional organizational boundary theory has become out of date.However,the rise of the complexity science provides a new way and perspective to develop organizational boundary theory under the new situation.Complex adaptive system theory thinks that the enterprise is the relation network that is comprised of stakeholders(agents),such as investors,managers,employees and suppliers,consumers,regulators,etc.So enterprise boundary is determined by the relation network composed of the different stakeholders.However,the limit and the scope of the relation network depend on the stakeholders’ relationship pattern.In this book,a multi-agent model is built,and then we rely on special computer software NetLogo to simulate the dynamic impact of agent’s relationship pattern on relationship boundary.The result implies that,competition and cooperation between the agents have great impact on relationship boundary.Under cooperation and interdependence pattern,relationship boundary is becoming smaller and smaller;under competition and counterwork pattern,relationship boundary is becoming larger and larger,but it grows very slowly;under interactive co-opetition pattern,relationship boundary expands its scale rapidly.

Part six,conclusion and outlook.In this part,we make a systematic description and summary of the main research findings,the key theory development of this research is also discussed.At the same time,we pointed out the shortcomings of this book,and envision future research directions.

This book comprehensively and systematically explains the important effects of different levels of employee relations on organization behavior,provides creative insights into the regulation of employee relations and improvement of organizational behavior.This research can not only enrich the existing theories of employee relations management,but also can provide creative ideas and suggestions for improvement of employee relations management,promote the sustainable development of the employee relations management in enterprises.

Keywords:employee relations;organizational behavior;multi-agent model;multi-level;interaction





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