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基金信息: 本书为国家社科基金重大课题“中国特色政治传播理论与策略体系研究”阶段性成果;同时受中央高校专项资金“明德青年学者计划”的资助。 展开



















Jing Xuemin's series of books, titled "Research on Political Communication in Contemporary China", is the research result of the 2011 National Social Science Foundation Major Bidding Project "Research on Political Communication Theory and Strategy System with Chinese Characteristics" (approval number: 11&ZD075). The authors of the series are basically members of research on this important topic. For our political communication research team, 2011 was a very "chanceful" year for us. Because since 2008, when the Communication University of China established the Institute of Political Communication and set up political communication enrollment at the master's and doctoral levels, I think the "national level" demand for political communication research is coming. Sure enough, in this year, the National Social Science Fund for the first time threw out an "olive branch" of research on "political communication with Chinese characteristics" in the form of a "major bidding topic". Opportunities always come to those who are "prepared", and we won the bid in one fell swoop and began the study of political communication at the meaning and level of "national composition". An interesting story is: when I was defending the topic at that time, I "complained" and said: Bidding for a topic such as "Research on Strategic Theory and Strategic System of Political Communication with Chinese Characteristics" is also "world vision", "Chinese characteristics", "strategy", and "strategy". Subsequently, the Group apparently adopted my suggestion and removed the word "strategy". It stands to reason that the difficulty of research is reduced by removing "strategy", but in subsequent research, I feel that many issues still need to be mentioned at the height of "strategy". As the chief expert of the topic, of course, you must have accurate consciousness and corresponding control of the "breakthrough point" and "focus point" of this topic research. In 2014, Social Sciences in China published our research paper "The Academic Path and Practical Dimension of Political Communication Research in China", which was the first time that the journal published an article of this nature. In a conversation with the leaders and editors of the journal, they asked me to explain "political communication with Chinese characteristics" in the most concise way, and I said: First, China's political communication is different from the media-centric professional "political manipulation" in the Western political campaign ecology, so Western political communication theory has no replicability for us in China; Second, in China, political communication is basically political propaganda, so the difficulty of political propaganda research is the difficulty of political communication research, you know. In this preface, it is my responsibility to further interpret this popular expression from the perspective of rigorous theoretical research. In the process of human political civilization, political communication plays a very important role. In different political civilizations with the "nation-state" as the basic political community, there are different forms of political transmission. With the intensification of globalization, human political civilization has been continuously forged towards integration. In the process of this integration, different forms of political communication have also been increasingly renewed, highlighting their characteristics. For China, since the reform and opening up, the political practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics has created China's unique political civilization and has become an organic part of human political civilization. Accordingly, it is very important and urgent to construct a political communication theory with Chinese characteristics that matches the development of China's political civilization. To construct the theory of political communication with Chinese characteristics, it is necessary to study some strategies that meet the needs of political communication practice, and more importantly, it is necessary to conduct in-depth research on its important basic theoretical issues. As a kind of political activity, political communication is more common in Western countries of campaign politics, in China, political communication awareness is becoming more and more conscious, political communication theory is paying more and more attention, and a certain level of political communication activities are gradually unfolding. However, in the theoretical understanding and research of political communication, whether it is foreign or domestic academia, there are still relatively large differences. This is directly related to the definition and study of political communication from two different perspectives: broad and narrow. Political communication in a broad sense, political communication as "ancient" political activities, believes that since there is human politics, there has been human political communication, political communication has always accompanied human political life, has become an indispensable operating mechanism of human politics, and it can even be said that human political process is political communication process. It is on the basis of this understanding that Chinese and Western theoretical circles have systematically explored and studied the political communication from the ancient Greek period in the West, the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods in China to the current era. The current situation is that "under the influence of different disciplines and different research traditions (including political science, psychology, sociology, linguistics, rhetoric, etc.), the scope of political communication research has been greatly broadened, so defining the scope of political communication has become an increasingly difficult task." 1720851 political communication in a narrow sense, political communication is understood as the activity of "using the media to achieve certain political goals", which can be summarized in four main points: first, human politics has entered a mature stage of election politics; Second, communication has entered the era of mass communication; Third, the relative independence of the mass media has become a counterweight to political power; Fourth, as a special variable, capital has a very important position and role in election campaigns. Political communication in a narrow sense regards political communication as a specialized political operation that relies on the media. Such political communication is a "political symphony" in which multiple factors of ideology, power, capital, and media are intertwined and gamed. This kind of political dissemination has no long history, it is completely a product of modern politics, and it is only one of the behaviors in the operation of modern politics. Obviously, Western academic theorists now understand and study political communication from a narrow perspective. Some Western scholars have called for "the scope of political communication to be narrowed from the point of view of practical application." In general, political communication refers to the exchange of symbols and messages between politicians, political institutions, the general public, and the media. The media are both a product of and a reaction to the political system. The result of these exchange processes involves the consolidation or change of power. ...... The definition of political communication would be further narrowed down to focus on the exchange of symbols and messages through the mass media, especially through their news content. 1720852 in China, many people also understand and study political communication from this narrow perspective, so the so-called "localization" research that is keen to translate and comment on Western political communication theories is already the main form of political communication research in China. In my opinion, China's political system, mechanism and ecology have their own particularities that are different from Western campaign politics, especially the nature, status, mechanism and role of media media, and Western countries are also fundamentally different, so which Western political communication theory based on the narrow political communication category, although it has important reference and enlightenment significance for China's political life, it is difficult to explain the actual Chinese politics, and it is even more difficult to guide China's political communication practice. Therefore, our understanding and research on political communication should be carried out from a broad perspective. From a broad perspective, political communication is understood as the process of "flow, diffusion, acceptance, identification, and internalization of political information 1720853, so as to logically cover China's political propaganda, and to place the political propaganda, which is still the main form of China's political communication, in a broader political vision and deeper political connotation, and summarize, reflect, compare and study from various links and levels such as subject, object, content, approach, method and effect. Only such a theory of political communication can be suitable for explaining China's political civilization, can it have Chinese characteristics, and can it effectively guide China's political communication practice. In view of the above understanding, this series of research books strives to carry out political communication research with Chinese characteristics from the two levels of theory and countermeasures (strategies) from the perspective of Chinese background, Chinese position, Chinese viewpoint, China issue, Chinese logic, Chinese expression, and Chinese Chinese situation. Of course, due to the differences in researchers' positions, knowledge structures, disciplinary backgrounds, research perspectives and research methods, there may be certain differences in the combination of theory and countermeasures and expression styles. This is also something that the "editor-in-chief" cannot and should not influence, because in my opinion, only differences can be blossoming. It should be noted that the selection of topics in the series has been fine-tuned to a certain extent compared with the topics selected at the time of application, and some of them were originally included in the selection of topics, but the research results could not be submitted due to the duplication in specific research or the difficulties of researchers; Some were not originally included in the nomination, but were published in a timely manner when the results were mature and significant. Fortunately, our series of books is open and will be published one by one. In the future, as long as the relevant research results meet our requirements, they can be supplemented in time. To be honest, we subjectively work the political dissemination of Chinese characteristics, but for such a research topic, the relationship between effort and quality is not necessarily "positive", it is up to the reader to judge. Written in Beijing Donghuwan Residence on March 14, 2014(AI翻译)





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