Zhang village,located in the disaster-affected area of “5·12” Wenchuan earthquake,was severely destroyed with 93.2% houses damaged.The continuity and stability of occupancy were interrupted and thus house rebuilding becomes the major agenda of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction.In the context of nationwide earthquake relief,governments at all levels and social organizations participate in the post-disaster reconstruction.Based on field research,this thesis looks into the process of house rebuilding and argues that post-disaster dwelling spaces are not only the generation of the physical space,but also the social construction of discourse reality.
The effect of reconstruction is the emerging of new physical space in Zhang village.Z Foundation signed a memorandum with municipality level to assist Zhang village as a key coordinator.Needs assessment group,design group and technical support group also participated in through the network of Z Foundation.Based on my fieldwork conducted in January 2009,February 2009,August 2010,and July 2012,I found that the newly built dwelling space represents to be co-existing of uniform space and differentiated space.Firstly,the spatial distribution of seven village groups becomes more concentrated and is arranged along the village road.Secondly,there are rarely no differences between the appearances of the building,all with same design and decorations.Differentiated space retreated to the interior and backyard.Most of the newly built houses are brick and concrete,with only two personal designed wooden houses.Thirdly,the resemblance eliminates household differences;the reconstructed village represents a new landscape with the co-existence of uniform space and differentiated space.
The process of house reconstruction implies a particular logic of space production.House construction,which consists of site selection,design and construction,is usually an individual activity,changed under the context of post-disaster reconstruction.Firstly,house construction is led by Z Foundation and other outside agencies,with coordinating role of construction shifted from the villagers to Z Foundation,designed by outside expert team,built by specialized team,and with most of the subsidies from government and Z Foundation.Secondly,the construction aims at achieving the reconstruction of the village as a whole instead of the individual dwelling space.The construction prioritized the overall planning and then individual arrangement.The application of participatory method,the concern of the progress of construction,and the management strategy of “what about the others” all imply a special concern for the whole.Thirdly,the reconstruction follows the hidden logic of outside institutions instead of local everyday logic,and the latter is subordinate to the former.
Further analysis revealed that dwelling space as discursive reality is constructed by multiple discourses.Dwelling space of Zhang village is not a pure physical space,but a kind of discursive reality which is constructed by multiple discourses of participatory discourse,planning discourse,technique discourse,architecture discourse,institutional discourse,official discourse and disaster discourse.Furthermore,the intervention of outside agencies into the production of space order derives from the mutual construction of discourse and power.The case of Zhang village illustrates that space grabbing lies at the center of post-disaster dwelling space construction,which focus on grabbing space and representing the meanings.This space grabbing implies not only the production of specific space but also the meaning which it represents.The logic of space grabbing also fits into the cases of new-countryside construction,city-villages rebuilt,and city renewal.
Chapter one illustrates research question and methods employed in the study.This chapter also introduces the approach of social constructionism,and focuses on the issue of construction of dwelling space.
Chapter two provides a review of the literature,including disaster research,space research,and discourse analysis.And then I propose an analysis framework which outlines the macro-background of the construction of dwelling space.
Chapter three points out that post-disaster intervention and the setting of the agenda of community reconstruction are all the results of problem-claiming,at both macro and micro level.
Chapter four describes the detailed process of the generation of uniform space which dominated by Z Foundation.
Chapter five describes the detailed process of differentiated individual space arrangements.
Chapter six analyses the phenomenon of co-existing of uniform space and differentiated space,and then analyses the social construction of this mixed reality.
Chapter seven draws out the conclusions from this research,and opens a discussion for future studies.
Key words: Disaster;Dwelling space;Social construction;Discourse;Space grabbing