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A Study on Inter-ethnic Relations Governance in the Process of Myanmar’s Nation-state Construction











Nation-state has been becoming a basic state form since the modern times as well as a basic behavioral agent in international relations nowadays.Relative to dynastic state,nation-state is a state form of more advanced and adaptable to the development of the era.The bourgeoisie of Western Europe led the campaigns against the feudal autocracy violently under the big flag which was on behalf of the interest of the whole nation.In the end,dynastic state was replaced by nation-state,which realizing the unification between the nationality and the state.Since the Western European nation-states were built,the systems superiority of the nation-states has begun to manifest,so these states were getting more powerful and began to expand all over the world.As a result,other states began to build the nation-states one after another,following the examples of the Western European nation-states.The earliest Western European nation-states,which could be called as original nation-states,had single ethnic composition,so they were almost single-nationality states.However,those that followed to the original nation-states have diversified or complicated ethnic compositions,so they are almost multinational states.

Because the original nation-states were built a long time ago,their system frames were comparative mature and complete,and they entered into the modern state development times.However,most of the developing nation-states were built in the nationalism campaigns against colonial rule,or along with the third time nationalism wave afterthe post-cold-war.The developing countries built their nation-states in a short duration as well as in the complicatedly domestic and overseas environment,so their system basis are not firm and steady,even some only have the shell forms without the real connotation of the nation-state.Therefore,nation-state construction inevitably becomes to be the basic safety engineering construction which the developing nation-states should face to.Nation-state construction is not only the ideal way to solve the political issues in developing nation-states,but also the only road to maintain and consolidate the nation-states systems,and also it's the effective path to safeguard the unification and stabilization for the multinational states.

In a multinational state,many ethnic groups are in a one and the same state political community.In the course of the mutual communication and interaction by ethnic groups,the inter-ethnic relations is formed with rich content and multitudinousness.Basing on the inter-ethnic interaction of the ethnic interest,various kinds of frictions,contradictions and conflicts are frequently generated among the ethnic groups,which makes the inter-ethnic relations be in a tense situation,even towards to vicious direction.Such situationes will imperil the unification and stabilization of the multination state and shake the foundation of the system frame of the nation-state.Therefore,the significance of inter-ethnic relations governance to nation-state is conspicuous without any words.The successful inter-ethnic relations governance will strongly maintain the unification and stabilization of the multinational state,and consolidate the system foundation of the nation-state.Nevertheless,once the inter-ethnic relations governance is failed,the multinational state will bog down in the mud of the inter-ethnic contradictions,or even can't avoid the misfortune of collapse.

Myanmar was the British colony in a fairly long time.If Myanmar didn't build the nation-state,it would be disappeared in the world system.Myanmar's nation-state was gradually built in the course of fighting against British colonial domination,striving for national liberation,and realizing state independence.Myanmar's nation-state was built in 1948,which meant the end of the nation-state building course and marked the start of the nation-state construction course.Because of the influences of the historical and realistic factors,Myanmar's nation-state only has the shell forms without the real connotation of the nation-state,which shows that Myanmar's nation-state construction is inevitably a arduous and long-term historical task.For the British ulterior motives,misunderstandings among the ethnic groups and ethnic interest contention,Myanmar which just finished the nation-state building had to confront with the frequent inter-ethnic frictions,contradictions and conflicts.So to speak,at the very beginning of the building of Myanmar's nation-state,inter-ethnic issue is unique in Southeast Asia and peculiar in the world.Thus,the significance of the inter-ethnic relations governance to Myanmar's multinational state is conspicuous without any words.

In the period of the U Nu's Government,Parliamentary Democracy which was regarded as the political system for driving the state to move towards democracy and realizing the overall situation of the national unity was collapsed in the end for various reasons.It meat that the basic political system for political governance of the inter-ethnic relations was no longer in existence.In the political governance of inter-ethnic relations,U Nu's Government also setup the National Autonomy State which used as the system for specialized governing the national minority affairs.However,the National Autonomy system design violated the principle of equality of ethnic groups,so it triggered the time-consuming inter-ethnic conflicts.In the economic governance of inter-ethnic relations,U Nu's Government carried out the economic development program and executed the agrarian reform policy,which trying to enhance the people's living standard and alleviate the strata relations among the ethnic groups.The unfortunate reality is that these measures didn't come into effect for the reasons of functions of multi-factors.In the cultural governance of inter-ethnic relations,U Nu's Government carried out the nationalized Buddhism policy and other ethnic policies.Meanwhile,the government carried out the ethnic cultural work.However,because the policies and work contained the value orientation of Burman Chauvinism,they aggravated the national conflicts.In the social governance of inter-ethnic relations,U Nu's Government adopted some educational policies which contained the value orientation of Burman Chauvinism,so results could not achieve the ideal governance effect.At the same time,the health policy executed by the government also could not achieve the ideal effect for the reasons of economic backwardness and the scarce governing abilities.In the period of U Nu's Government,the inter-ethnic relations governance contained the strong value orientation of Burman Chauvinism and Centralization of Authority.Under such kind of governance arrangements,Myanmar's national minorities separation movements happened as one falls another rises,national minorities state identity crisis unceasingly protruded,and the unification and stabilization of the multinational state confronted with severe challenges.

After Ne Win Group took over the state power,the federation committee,as the state basic political system,strengthened the controlling to the national minorities,which could not get the recognition and support from the people of national minorities.Under the single-party system and constitutionalframework,the particularity and the right of autonomy were left in the basket,which stirred up the serious dissatisfaction of the national minorities.In the economic governance of inter-ethnic relations,Ne Win's Government carried out the nationalization policy and ethnic economic policy,which could not shrink the inter-ethnic economic disparity.The result was that the level of production of each nationality was still low and the factors which influenced the inter-ethnic relations still existed.In the cultural governance of inter-ethnic relations,the government practiced the policy of freedom of religious belief and the policy of developing the minority culture.Unfortunately,there existed the contradiction between the execution and the policies,so the policies were only a heap of furnishings.In the social governance of inter-ethnic relations,the government carried out the education developing policy.On one hand,the policy promoted the people's educational level in the minority area,and on the other hand,the ethnic discrimination policy influenced the inter-ethnic relations.Meanwhile,the policy of the type division for citizens executed by Ne Win's Government violated the principle of national equality.In addition,the health policy by the government did not make the minority gain much benefit in the mountainous area.In the period of Ne Win's Government,the inter-ethnic relations governance still contained the strong value orientation of nationality integration and statism that had the profound stigma of Burman Chauvinism.After 26 years' governance by Ne Win's Government,Myanmar's anti-government armed forces of minorities rose one after another and developed rapidly.As a result,the Ne Win's lament which was “how many minorities to be able to have how many anti-government armed forces”was occurred.So to speak,the inter-ethnic relations became worsened entirely and the state identity crisis of minorities turned into severity.

The New Military Government adjust the governance arrangements and paths of the inter-ethnic relations when it took over the state power.In political governance of inter-ethnic relations,the government maintained the political stabilization and alleviated the inter-ethnic contradiction in the minority area by the means of setting the system framework of the State Law and Order Restoration Council(SLORC)and the State Peace and Development Council(SPDC).In addition,the New Military Government brought the minority political forces into the state legal framework by the means of holding the general election of multi-party system and formulating the new constitution,which effectively promoted the benign development of inter-ethnic relations governance.In the economic governance of inter-ethnic relations,the government strongly promoted the economic development in the minority area by means of building market economic system and exploiting the economy in the minority area,which unceasingly eliminated the economic factors influencing the inter-ethnic relations.In the cultural governance of inter-ethnic relations,the government effectively promoted the national unity and state unification by means of spreading Buddhism and controlling monkhood as well as protecting the cultural heritage of each nationality.In the social governance of inter-ethnic relations,the government actively promoted the educational enterprise and medical and health services in minority area,and compelled more and more anti-government armed forces of minorities to surrender by strengthening anti-drug work,which exerting active impact on promoting the development of inter-ethnic relations soundly.In the period of the New Military Government,the inter-ethnic relations governance contained the value orientation of nation-state construction and democratization.Just because the above value orientations,the governance path and pattern of inter-ethnic relations were adjusted greatly.In a result,the inter-ethnic reconciliation was obtained great breakthrough,the state identity of minority was strengthened,and the integration of the multinational state was enhanced.

After taking over the state power in 2011,the New Government opened the new process of the inter-ethnic relations governance.Continuing the framework of the inter-ethnic relations governance of the former government,the New Government adheres to the value orientation of democratization and modern state construction,obtaining the historical breakthrough in inter-ethnic reconciliation.In these years,many minority local armed forces came into the state legal framework one after another,which promoting the inter-ethnic relations toward to normalized direction.Myanmar's nation-state construction will make delightful progress continually.

The inter-ethnic relations governance in Myanmar's nation-state construction has gone through several periods of governments.The value orientations,paths and methods and effects of inter-ethnic relations governance in each historical period were quite different.From the aspect of governance effects,the governance effects presented the trend of “U-bend”.More specifically,the inter-ethnic relations governance effect in U Nu's government presented on a declining curve,the inter-ethnic relations governance effect in Ne Win's government was the least unsatisfactory point,and the inter-ethnic relations governance effect in the new military government presented the trend of promoting gradually.So basically,the selection and adjustment of the value orientation and the choice and application of the governance path were the most deeply-implied cause for the changes of the inter-ethnic relations governance effects.Therefore,the selection of the value orientation and the application of the governance path determine the success and failure of the inter-ethnic relations governance.In the course of Myanmar's nation-state construction,the inter-ethnic relations governance confronted with the challenges and issues of the frequent regime change,the magnified inter-ethnic discrepancy,and of the internationalization of the inter-ethnic relations.Making a general survey of the course of Myanmar's inter-ethnic relations governance,some obvious characteristics can be found easily,such as the centralization of the governance subject,the obturation of the inter-ethnic environment,the homogenization of the value orientations,and the unidirection of the governance access.These characteristics are composed of the peculiarities of Myanmar's inter-ethnic relations governance.

The effect of the inter-ethnic relations governance determines the height of the nation-state construction and the degree of the multinational state integration.Myanmar's inter-ethnic relations governance exerts great impact on the nation-state construction.The inter-ethnic relations governance in each period makes different impacts on nation-state construction.Going through the inter-ethnic relations governance in the periods of U Nu's Government,Ne Win's Government,the New Military Government,and the New Government,the political integration of Myanmar's multinational state has been experiencing the course from dissociation to aggregation of the political situation,the state nation construction has been experiencing the course from the decentering to intension of the state nation,the state identity construction has been experiencing the course from the weakening to strengthening of state identity,and the modern state construction has been experiencing the course from the stagnation to start.

Key words:Myanmar;nation-state construction;inter-ethnic relations governance;value orientation;governance path





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