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关键词:违法行政行为 治愈 追认 补正 转换


As a principle,administrative actions should be repealed or affirmed void when they are illegal,and as a exception,some are not suitable to be repealed or affirmed void though they are illegal.Considering public interest,administrative cost and efficiency,under certain conditions,illegal administrative actions can be cured.Curing means are ratification,mend,conversion,which can eliminate defects in administrative actions,turn the illegal actions into legal actions,and so maintain legal effect of the actions.The system of exception is subject of the article.The article starts with legal consequence,discusses the theoretical basis,status in quo,curing means,application scope and impact on current legal system.

The introduction deals with research background,significance,status in quo and the frame.

The first chapter discusses the basic theory of the cure system,including forms and legal consequence of illegal administrative actions,the definition and the theoretical basis of cure,and so on.Aiming at eliminating defects in administrative action,the cure is one of the legal consequence of illegal administrative action.Therefore,it is logic starting point of researching the cure to explain particularly the forms and multiplex legal consequences of illegal administrative actions.In order to limit the object and scope of research,it is necessary to define the thesis.The part of the definition introduces mainly the concept,property (legal liability?),object,content and subject of the cure.The theoretical basis of the cure is the theory of public interest standard.Namely,when illegal administrative action still accords with public interest the statute pursues which prior to the interest the illegal action harms,the measure of the cure should be taken.The cure pursues substantive justice,administrative economy and effi ciency.But it should be strictly confined because the cure breaches the formal rule of law and gives loose to slight defects.

The second chapter introduces emphatically status in quo of legislation and practice on the cure at home and abroad.As a typical system of continental law system,the cure in administrative law origins from civil law.Many countries in continental law system regulate the cure system in administrative procedure law.Others confirm the system by administrative prejudication.Even though there are not the statutes concerning the cure,the courts in common law system do not revoke the illegal administrative actions without exception.On the contrary,the courts will weigh between the interest the illegal action embodies and the interest it harms,and explain the importance of the violated procedure regulation in order to maintain or deny the administrative action.The present statutes in China basically take negative attitude towards the cure,but some articles imply the cure.Without explicit statutes,the courts are often at a loss when judging a case concerning the illegal administrative action which can be cured.So it is necessary to establish our country's cure system in administrative law.

The chapters from the third to the fifth discourse respectively upon the means of the cure,ratification,mend,conversion.Ratification is to authorize afterwards the subject without jurisdiction by the lawful subject,which takes retroactive effect.Ratification includes two forms,administrative ratification and legislative ratification.The former is to ratify the subject without jurisdiction by the lawful administrative subject.Not all administrative actions with jurisdiction flaw can be cured.The ratified subject does not hold the authorized jurisdiction except the disputed action.The latter is that lawful legislative subject replaces old unlawful regulatory document with a new lawful one.Legislative ratification can cure the illegal administrative actions without authorization,with ambiguous authorization,or with illegal basis.The jurisdiction from legislative ratification is continuous.Legislative ratification cures the illegal action by eliminating the basis defects in administrative actions.Mend can eliminate the flaws in administrative actions,transform the illegal actions into legal actions,and maintain their effect by supplementing such immaterial conditions as procedure,form,manner that administrative actions lack.Mend includes two forms,the one is the active mend way that administrative subjects and private parties take,and the other is the passive mend way that the changes of objective conditions eliminate the flaws.The mend that private party takes and passive mend only cure the flaws in beneficial administrative actions.The condition of mend is that the lack conditions is non-substantive to the administrative action.The mend aiming at procedure flaws takes retroactive effect.The mend aiming at the lack non-substantive substantiality conditions takes effect from the day the mend is taken.Conversion is to convert the illegal administrative action into other legal administrative action when the former contains the important conditions in the latter and they have the same objective.The system of revoking and making a new administrative action cannot replace the conversion though it can achieve the same objective as the conversion.The conversion can aim at revocable and void administrative actions.The flaws the conversion can cure include procedure defects, improper application of law,inaccurate confirmation of fact.The conversion has strict conditions.Ratification,mend and conversion are not specific administrative action but pure expression in public law.

The sixth chapter is the conclusion of this article.It concludes the basic viewpoints and some proposals.And it discourses the cure of improper administrative actions.Then the section discusses the legislation of the cure and the impact of the cure on the system of administrative remedy system.The future administrative procedure law should stipulate multiplex legal consequences of illegal administrative actions,including the system of cure.The system of cure should be supplemented by legal interpretation before administrative procedure law is enacted.The provisions concerning the legal consequences of illegal administrative actions in administrative reconsideration law and administrative litigation law should be deleted and other laws concerned should be altered after administrative procedure law is enacted.The original illegal action is the target of prosecution when the private party denounces the cure with the reason of the dissatisfied cure.The defendant is the subject who took the original illegal action when the private party denounces mend and conversion.When the private party denounces ratification,the ratifying subject is the defendant if the original subject is not qualified of administrative subject;and the ratifying subject or the o riginal subject is the defendant if the original subject is qualified of administrative subject.However,the defendant cannot be altered once the private party chooses the one of them.The time limit of administrative remedy starts with the time the cure is exercised when the private party denounces the cure.But the time limit of administrative remedy expires when the cure comes after the time limit of remedy to the original action expired.The system of cure impacts the system of administrative litigation evidence and trial.

Key words:Illegal Administrative Action Cure Ratification Mend Conversion





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