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From the perspective of ancient history and legends, the Kunlun Divine Mountain, the Xuanyuan Ancient Kingdom, and the Ghost Mansion of the Youdu constitute the ancient mythological time and space spanning the three realms of the Heavenly God, the Kingdom of Man and the Earth Mansion. Even if it is the product of the imagination of the ancestors, there will always be historical prototypes. Comprehensive literature and archaeological data show that the prototype of Kunlun Mountain is in the Yin Mountain area of Inner Mongolia; The ancient kingdom of Xuanyuan was among the forests and grasslands in northern Hebei, southeastern Inner Mongolia and western Liaoning; The original prototype of the Youdu was in the area of the Niuheliang site of the Hongshan culture. In short, the vast area north of 40° north latitude was the historical stage where the Dragon Clan was initially active. At the same time, there were many primitive ethnic groups living in the Yellow River Valley, and they had many branches, and the common feature was that primitive agriculture was relatively developed, which can be collectively called the Chinese ethnic group. Marriage is the first bond that binds primitive peoples together. The Northern Dragon Clan Group can be divided into many branches, and there is a dragon and phoenix marriage alliance between the dragon-worshipping tribes and the phoenix-worshipping tribes. The Xian Xia people and the first merchants were a branch of the Dragon and Phoenix races respectively, and were also the main components of the early Dragon and Phoenix Alliance. Because the union of the sexes was relatively free in the early form of marriage, the generation of the clan could not be calculated according to the paternal line, so the child usually lived with the mother in the uncle's clan, that is, the uncle was a dragon and the nephew was a phoenix, and the uncle was a phoenix and the nephew was a dragon. In other words, for more than a thousand years from the Yellow Emperor to Dayu, the dragon and phoenix races "you have me, I have you". The primitive five-element system is the second link that binds the major ethnic groups. To put it simply, the primitive five-element system is a system in which the leaders of the four tribes of the east, south, west and north meet in the center to form a five-party tribal alliance. The primitive five-element system was founded by the Yellow Emperor and is essentially the product of a primitive fishing and hunting and nomadic economy. From the Xiongnu Iron Horse to the Eight Banners of Manchuria, living fossils of this system can easily be found in the forests and steppes of northern China. It is simple and effective, and it is easy to quickly form a powerful center of power in relatively backward conditions. War has always been the product of irreconcilable social contradictions. There are two main lines of contradiction running through the prehistoric war: the contradiction between the Dragon Regiment and the Chinese Regiment in the early and middle stages, and the contradiction between the Xia people and the Yi people in the Dragon and Phoenix Alliance in the later stage. Around 5,000 years ago, the climate of East Asia changed drastically, the temperature in the northern grasslands dropped a lot, the precipitation decreased significantly, and the living environment of the dragon group deteriorated significantly. Under the pressure of survival, the Dragon Regiment, led by the leader of the alliance, Huangdi, marched south, and clashed with the Chinese group in Hanquan and Zhuolu (present-day Zhangjiakou area in northern Hebei), and at this time the important leaders of the Chinese group were Yandi and Chi You. The result of the war was the defeat of Emperor Yan and the killing of Chi You. Subsequently, the original Chinese group was divided: the Yandi Jiang clan and the Yellow Emperor clan formed a new marriage alliance, the Yanhuang Alliance. At the same time, the descendants of the Yan Emperor gradually joined the primitive five-element system established by the Yellow Emperor, but the power of the Central Alliance Alliance has always been in the hands of the Dragon and Phoenix Tribe. The contradiction between the dragon and the Chinese has lasted for a long time. Jiu Li fought or made peace, struggling to survive everywhere; Sanmiao either moved south or west, and intermittently clashed with the dragon group. Because the Chinese tribe has lived in the Yellow River Valley for a long time and is more adapted to the watery environment than the northern dragon group, when the flood and the foreign race hit at the same time, the dragon group thought that the flood was the "weapon" of the Gonggong clan. In response to various challenges, the emperor implemented the "Jedi Tiantong" religious reform: the divine power of the four chiefs to worship the heavens was separated, and only the right to govern the people was retained, that is, the power that originally belonged to one tribal leader was assigned to two people; Because the central emperor still combined theocracy and civil power, centralized power was realized. Despite this, the Central Emperor felt that the power of the four chiefs was too great, so he gradually specialized their power, that is, from the ruling party to the one in charge of one type of affairs. Water, fire, metal, wood, earth, and valley were considered the six most important things at the time, and the central emperor left the management of soil and valley in the center, and the remaining four were assigned to the leaders of the four sides to manage, so that Dongzheng, Nanzheng, Xizheng, and Beizheng gradually evolved into Muzheng, Huozheng, Jinzheng, and Shuizheng. Zheng is an official. Until the time of Yin Shang, there were still Muzheng, Huozheng, Jinzheng, Shuizheng and Tuzheng in the official system. With the development of the marriage system, contradictions have also arisen between the Dragon Xia people and the Feng Yi people within the Dragon Clan Group. Around the time of Xia Yu, men gained a comparative advantage in the life of the sexes, and could determine which child in the wife family was his own and which child was not. Under such conditions, powerful men would demand that sons be included in their clan and be counted according to the patrilineal line. Judging from the legend, Dayu once made such a request (to my son). If according to the old rules of the original five-element system, Yu should eventually pass the central imperial throne to Boyi (nephew of the dragon clan, son of the Feng clan); However, after the children left the uncle clan and changed to their father's residence, Boyi became a foreigner, and the elders of the dragon clan certainly did not want to see the power of the dragon clan sidelined to the foreign clan. It is under such conditions that Xia Qi's destruction of the Zen system (that is, the primordial five-element system) will succeed, because most of the dragon clan will support him. The resistance to Xia Qi's succession to the throne mainly came from the Feng clan (there were Hu, Houyi, etc.), but the wheel of historical progress could not be stopped by anyone. At this point, the original five-element system in the Central Plains came to an end. Fuxi Nuwa has a high rank among the gods and is often regarded as the mate god of creation or the ancestor god of the world. They have many temples everywhere and have a large number of believers. Where there are temples or worship relics, there are often legends that Fuxi Nuwa was born, grew up in Si, and was buried in Si. These legends have undoubtedly played a great role in strengthening people's beliefs, but they obviously cannot be regarded as historical truth. According to the distribution law of Fuxi Nuwa Mausoleum Temple and Elephant Stone in different eras and different regions, it can be found that the followers of Nuwa during the Warring States period were Chu people; From the Chu people up to the Yellow Emperor, from the Chu people up to the Yellow Emperor, it can be seen that Nuwa is a god believed in by the Yellow Emperor clan. Before the Western Han Dynasty, Fuxi and Nuwa never appeared at the same time, so they could only be traced separately. "Huaxu Trail Sheng Fuxi" is similar to "Jiang Ji Trail Shenghouji", indicating that Fuxi is closely related to Huaxu and Jiang's; Fuxi is in front of Shennong, Shennong is in front of the Yellow Emperor, and the Yellow Emperor is in front of Taihao, so Fuxi is not the Taihao of the dragon clan. Although it is not easy to determine the birthplace of Fuxi, it can be determined that he was originally an ancestral god worshipped by the Chinese people. Keywords: Five Emperors; Dragons; Phoenix clan; Chinese; Wu Xing; Primitive beliefs(AI翻译)





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