2015年9月 于重庆大学城师大园
As the most important economic phenomenon in the world today, OFDI plays a very important role in a country's economic development. The rise and fall of the world economy is often accompanied by the development of OFDI. Over the past four hundred years, the world economy has experienced ups and downs, with the world economic center of gravity shifting from the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States, to Japan, the Asian Tigers, and now to China and even the so-called "BRICS" economies. In the study of the impact of OFDI on the home economy, early research focused on the overall impact of OFDI on a country's economy, such as domestic employment, export trade, industrial structure, technology and balance of payments, which were both positive and negative, and mainly theoretical. Recent studies, on the other hand, have focused on the specific impact of OFDI on a country's internal economy, even down to the geographical level, and are more empirical. In recent years, with the implementation of the "going out" strategy, the scale of outward direct investment by Chinese enterprises has become larger and larger. Statistics show that in 2014, the outward direct investment of Chinese enterprises reached US$116 billion, surpassing the scale of foreign capital used by China, and China has become a net exporter of capital. Against the background of the increasingly obvious impact of OFDI on China's domestic economy, this book aims to carry out relevant empirical research on China's provincial OFDI under the title "Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Test of the Impact of Chinese Enterprises' OFDI on the Domestic Economy". This book is revised on the basis of the National Social Science Foundation of China's project "Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Test of the Impact of Chinese Enterprises' Outward Direct Investment on the Domestic Economy" (10XJY036). During the implementation of the project, we adopted a team-by-step, step-by-step approach. In addition to myself, the other personnel wrote as follows: Ding Wei (graduate student, currently working in the Beibei District Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China): Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and Chapter 5; Gao He (graduate student, currently working at Jinyang Branch of Jinshang Bank): Chapter 4, Chapter 5 and Chapter 6; Yao Shan (PhD student, now studying at Sichuan University): Chapter 7. In addition, my graduate students Tan Qingguo (currently working at the Chongqing Zhongxian Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China) and Yangqin Qin also participated in the collection and collation of the materials required for the research. Of course, due to limited time and energy, flaws are inevitable, and readers are welcome to criticize and correct possible omissions and errors in this book. Ancient Guangdong September 2015 in Chongqing University Town Normal Park(AI翻译)