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The Path and Characteristics for Rule of Law in China








基金信息: 本书系北京市中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心重点项目《法治中国研究》(ZT2014005)、国家社科基金2014年重大项目(第三批)《完善以宪法为核心的中国特色社会主义法律体系研究》(14ZDC008)和马克思主义理论研究和建设工程重大项目《全面推进依法治国重大现实问题研究》(2015MZD042)成果 展开




一 法治在中国的理论价值









二 中国法制改革的历史意义












三 从中国法治到法治中国








Feng Yujun: From the end of 1978 to the present, it has been nearly 40 years since the reform and opening up of the Communist Party of China, and in this brand-new period, China's rule of law development has made great achievements that have attracted the attention of the world, as well as in the economic and social fields. It can be said that it has enjoyed the advantages of "latecomer" and created a "Chinese miracle". On this occasion, it is undoubtedly of outstanding theoretical value and practical significance to review the extraordinary course of legal reform, summarize the characteristics of the model of rule of law in China, reflect on the difficulties and challenges in the process of advancing from the actual "Chinese rule of law" to the "rule of law China", and make a strategic look forward to comprehensively promoting the rule of law, and finally build a country that not only embodies the universal value of human democracy and rule of law, but also has Chinese historical and cultural characteristics, and realizes the modernization of the national governance system (good law) and governance capacity (good governance). I. The Theoretical Value of Rule of Law in China: Rule of law is a great term. The rule of law is the institutional result of the evolution of human civilization, condensing the liberal wisdom of all mankind, not just the West. It is one of the most powerful weapons ever found by mankind to tame the power of the political State. It is precisely with the help of democracy and the rule of law that human political civilization has reached a new level. The rule of law is a free yardstick for mankind to move towards the future, embodying human consensus and universal values. According to the classical exposition of the ancient Greek thinker Aristotle, "rule of law" has a dual meaning: "The established law is universally obeyed, and the law to which everyone obeys should itself be a good law." "As far as modern society is concerned, the rule of law inherently contains the values of people's sovereignty, the state's respect for and protection of human rights, equality before the law, and effective restrictions on power, and is manifested through the design of relevant systems in legislation, law enforcement, justice and human rights protection. This rule of law, which unifies content and form, is the "rule of good law". The rule of law is the basic governing strategy for safeguarding fairness and justice and achieving stable economic and social development, a summary of China's experience and lessons in governing the country, and an inevitable choice for building socialism with Chinese characteristics. The key to modernizing the national governance system and governance capacity is to govern well according to law. That is, to permeate the concept and spirit of the rule of law into political, economic, cultural, social and ecological construction, form a good legal awareness and legal culture from top to bottom, establish firm legal belief and legal will, integrate the core socialist values into the rule of law system, continuously promote the maximization of national interests and public interests, and achieve the goal of prosperity, democracy, civilization and harmony in modernization. The theoretical exploration of the theory of governing the country of the People's Republic revolves around the basic categories of science, democracy, human rights and the rule of law. As the value pursuit of human progress and development, science, democracy, human rights and the rule of law are inseparable from each other. To be scientific, we must talk about democracy, if we want democracy, we must talk about human rights, and if we want human rights, we must talk about the rule of law, which seems to be the only way for human society to advance from the kingdom of necessity to the kingdom of freedom, but the specific form of this road is different in different regions, different peoples and countries, and even very different, and people must go through repeated practice and exploration to find their own theoretical models and specific practical paths. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese people have won political power after 28 years of arduous struggle, and after arduous practice and exploration since the founding of New China, they have finally found a path suitable for themselves, that is, unswervingly following the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, conscientiously studying and practicing the scientific outlook on development, and adhering to the dialectical unity of the party's leadership, people's democracy and governing the country according to law. This is the core of the theory of socialist democracy and rule of law with Chinese characteristics, and it is also the essence of the sinicization of Marxist legal theory. China's achievements in democratic political construction have attracted worldwide attention, and the improvement of human rights protection and legal governance has won China's expectations. Looking back at the past, although China's democracy and rule of law started late and took difficult steps, it has a high starting point and rapid development, our socialist legal system has taken shape, and various judicial and law enforcement systems have gradually improved. "Governing the country according to law and building a socialist country ruled by law" has been written into China's fundamental law, opening up a new era of rule of law in China. The concept of rule of law, such as governing the country according to law, enforcing the law for the people, fairness and justice, respecting human rights, and effectively restricting power, has also become the basic consensus and common shared value of the Chinese national community. The construction of democratic politics in China, which accounts for one-fifth of the world's population, is an important part of world political progress, and China's achievements in the rule of law are a major contribution to the development of world harmony and civilization. Of course, there is still a long way to go from the construction of democracy and the legal system to the construction of a socialist country under the rule of law with Chinese characteristics, and it still requires generations of legal personnel and all citizens to work hard together, make unremitting explorations, emancipate their minds, and keep pace with the times. To this end, we should also educate all the people in abiding by the Constitution and the law, popularize common sense of the law, strengthen their sense of responsibility, strengthen the concept of democracy and the rule of law and the concept of human rights, so that people can understand the rights and obligations of citizens, understand the laws related to their work and life, act according to the law, protect their legitimate rights and interests according to the law, and be good at using the weapon of law to fight against illegal and criminal acts. It is necessary to establish and improve relevant laws, regulations, and systems, strengthen management of all aspects of social life in accordance with the law, punish and crack down on illegal acts that endanger society, enforce the law strictly, and prosecute violations of the law. A modern country is necessarily a country governed by the rule of law. A prosperous, strong, democratic and harmonious country ruled by law is bound to be a country where the people live and work in peace and contentment, and are honest and moral. Looking back at the glorious achievements since the founding of New China: In the construction of material civilization, we have implemented the socialist market economy, and through reform and opening up, the social productive forces have been unprecedentedly liberated, and the comprehensive national strength has been significantly improved; In the field of spiritual civilization building, we have vigorously carried forward the main theme of socialist culture, established and improved the socialist legal system, actively promoted the construction of democratic politics, opposed the rule of man, strictly enforced the rule of law, and significantly enhanced the public's awareness of law and law-abiding concepts. On the one hand, we must vigorously strengthen the construction of the rule of law, and better use the law to protect, respect and regulate people from the perspective of realizing all-round human development; On the other hand, it is necessary to continue to encourage and carry forward the patriotic enthusiasm of citizens, carry forward the fine moral traditions of our nation, continuously enhance people's moral literacy, legal awareness and legal culture, and transform them into an inexhaustible driving force for building socialist modernization, so as to ultimately realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the 21st century. II. The Historical Significance of China's Legal System Reform The construction of the rule of law in contemporary China has gone through two periods of historical development, with the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China as the dividing point. The first 28 years from 1949 to 1978 roughly included three stages: (1) 1949-1956, the initial stage of the legal system in New China. Marked by the May Fourth Constitution, the Regulations on the Punishment of Counterrevolution, and other legal documents, it embodies the needs of the times for the revival of all wastes and the consolidation of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Although the "four beams and eight pillars" of the socialist system have been established, and there is basic legislation, such as the 1950 Marriage Law, the 1951 Regulations on the Punishment of Counterrevolution, and the 1954 Constitution, the overall characteristics are that there are many laws of dictatorship, few civil and commercial economic laws, and many transplants and borrowing from Soviet legislation, and a one-size-fits-all negative attitude towards traditional Chinese legal culture and Western legal culture. (2) From 1957 to 1966, the construction of the legal system was relatively stagnant. Although in 1961 the central government successively promulgated 70 policies and regulations on industry, 60 on agriculture, 40 on commerce, and 35 on handicrafts, the mistake of "leftism" is also growing. A series of political movements, such as the "Great Leap Forward" and "Anti-Rightist," have stagnated the building of the legal system in the Republic. (3) From 1966 to 1976, the democratic rule of law was completely destroyed. It was also a decade of "lawlessness", which caused great harm to the country, society and citizens. All public procuratorial and judicial organs have been smashed, and the functions and duties of the people's congress and its standing committee have been abolished. With class struggle as the keynote, ultra-"leftist" ideologies and discourses such as "rebellion is justified, revolution is not guilty" and "cultural attack on armed defense" are very popular, but in fact there is neither democracy nor control, and the whole country has experienced great calamities. Since the reform and opening up, it can also be divided into three stages: (1) From 1978 to 1996, the stage of restoring democracy and the legal system. Marked by the enactment of the 1982 Constitution, the General Principles of Civil Law, the Criminal Law and the Criminal Procedure Law, a series of important laws have been formulated, a series of legal reforms have been promoted, the order of social management has been re-established, basic human rights and democracy have been guaranteed, the strategic orientation for establishing a legal system for the socialist market economy has been determined, and the legalization and institutionalization of social governance have been initially realized. (2) From 1997 to 2011, the strategy of governing the country according to law was established and the socialist rule of law was initially developed. The 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China established the "socialist market economy". In 1997, the 15th Congress of the Communist Party of China officially defined "governing the country according to law and building a socialist country ruled by law" as the basic strategy and goal of governing the country. The principles of democracy, human rights protection, judicial independence and procedural fairness of the modern rule of law have begun to be embodied in the legal system, and the authority of the law is increasingly safeguarded and respected by the ruling party and the vast number of organs. With the establishment of governing the country according to law and building a socialist country ruled by law as the basic strategy for governing the country and joining the World Trade Organization, it has opened up a deep-seated reform of the rule of law under the conditions of globalization. Legal values have become an important element of the national spirit and national image, legal authority is increasingly safeguarded and respected by the ruling party and state organs, and the principles of rule of law (such as protecting human rights, limiting public power, procedural fairness, etc.) are reflected in the construction of the legal system and the implementation of the law. (3) Since 2012, in an all-round way to promote the new stage of governing the country according to law and accelerating the construction of a rule-of-law China, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, especially the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, have made comprehensive strategic arrangements for China's legal reform and rule of law construction. In November 2012, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, while laying out the general task of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, called for "comprehensively promoting the rule of law and accelerating the construction of a socialist country under the rule of law". The report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China aims to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, focusing on the issue of comprehensively promoting the rule of law; The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee decided to call for comprehensively deepening reform, expounding the basic contents of promoting the construction of a rule-of-law China from point to point; The Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee scientifically stipulates the basic principles, work layout and key tasks of comprehensively governing the country according to law, from points and lines to areas and bodies; The Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee focused on the basic completion of the rule of law economy, the construction of a rule of law society, especially the rule of law government, from static to dynamic, from overall strategic layout to decomposition of tasks and implementation, and described the specific tasks and road map of the rule of law in the decisive stage of the strategic goal of building a moderately prosperous society. Taken together, these four meetings and the four important documents are highly consistent in spirit and complementary in content, of which comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society is the general goal, comprehensively deepening reform and comprehensively promoting the rule of law are like the two wheels of a car and the two wings of a bird for comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society, and comprehensively promoting the rule of law is an important guarantee for the first two comprehensive construction. The whole constitutes a major breakthrough in the construction and theoretical exploration of the rule of law in contemporary China, and opens a new chapter in the construction of a socialist country under the rule of law. Objectively analyzing the changes in China's political civilization process and legal discourse over the past 60 years since the founding of New China, from the rule of man to the rule of law, from emphasizing dictatorship to emphasizing "governing the country according to law and building a socialist country under the rule of law", highlights the important role of the rule of law as the basic framework of modern national governance, and reflects the profound transformation of contemporary China's national governance concepts and governance methods. The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to "carry forward socialist democracy and improve the socialist legal system", laying a key foundation for the development of the rule of law; The report of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the "rule of law and building a socialist country under the rule of law", which has raised the status of the rule of law to an unprecedented level. In 2012, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made a strategic deployment to comprehensively promote the rule of law, and the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee further regarded "improving and developing the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity" as the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reform, emphasizing that "to build a rule of law China, we must adhere to the rule of law, rule of law, and administration according to law, and adhere to the integrated construction of a country ruled by law, a government ruled by law, and a society ruled by law", which is the third major breakthrough in the history of socialist rule of law construction in contemporary China. It has opened a new chapter in the construction of the rule of law in China. 3. From China's rule of law to rule of law, "rule of law China" is an upgraded and innovative version of a country ruled by law. It is not only a profound summary of the past experience in the construction of the rule of law, but also a scientific positioning of the future goal of the construction of the rule of law. It not only respects the universal law of the development of the rule of law, but also links with the actual national conditions and public opinion, and is the product of the creative transformation of the rule of law path, rule of law theory and rule of law system after the general principle of rule of law and the practice of rule of law in China. In this expression, "rule of law" is a universal concept and "China" is a special concept, and the combination of the two reflects the profoundness and complexity of the theory and practice of building a "socialist country under the rule of law with Chinese characteristics". It places special emphasis on solving China's current practical problems, emphasizing the awareness and subjectivity of deeply understanding China's national conditions, emphasizing the Chinese model and Chinese experience of modernization, and emphasizing the theoretical self-confidence, institutional self-confidence and road self-confidence in building socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is of far-reaching significance to building China's rule of law model, exploring the path of rule of law, inspiring China's spirit, enhancing national cohesion, and creating a new situation in China's rule of law construction. The British philosopher Bertrand Russell said in his 1928 book Skepticism: "China is the exception to all rules. Hegel was also paraphrased as saying: "China is the exception of all exceptions, and Western logic will not work as soon as it reaches China." "Regardless of whether he is deliberately belittling China, he at least reminds us that the difficulty of building the rule of law in China is not the difficulty of building a Western-style rule of law." Due to the "exceptions" of the problem, context and context, it is neither necessary nor possible for China to build a Western-style rule of law, but only a Chinese-style rule of law, that is, a rule of law in China. The construction of a rule of law in China contains the historical responsibility and sacred mission of striving for the realization of the Chinese dream of rule of law, and is an urgent requirement for realizing the ideal of democracy and rule of law that generations have Chinese been determined to pursue. Although it faces many difficulties and challenges, and the specific content will increase with the development of the times, it will inevitably reflect the essential requirements of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the requirements of the times of reform, opening up and modernization, the requirements of the national conditions that are internally unified and multi-layered, the cultural requirements of inheriting the excellent traditions of Chinese legal culture and drawing on the achievements of human legal civilization, and the development requirements of dynamic, open and advancing with the times. It embodies the goals and requirements of consolidating the country's long-term peace and stability, ensuring that the people live and work in peace and contentment, safeguarding social fairness and justice, and building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. The construction of rule of law in China is based on the premise of abandoning the spirit of good law and good governance, and integrating the core socialist values into the rule of law system, which is conducive to realizing the fundamental transformation from management to governance, so that the level of governance and the status of a major country are simultaneously improved, and reform and development are promoted in a stable and coordinated manner. The rule of law is the carrier, method and necessary element of governance, and the pursuit of good law values contained in the rule of law complements governance. Whether it is party governance, government governance, or social governance, the rule of law plays an irreplaceable and important function. It is in this sense that China under the rule of law and a prosperous and strong China, a democratic China, a civilized China, a harmonious China, a beautiful China, and a safe China complement each other, and jointly weave a beautiful vision of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. In today's ever-changing social environment, facing modernization, facing the world, and facing the future, every small progress in the construction of the rule of law will drive the entire society to make great strides, and our overall institutional framework, in this process, will also become more scientific and stable, and achieve scientific development of the social economy. The responsibility of unremittingly promoting the progress of democracy and the rule of law, and unswervingly building a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, and harmonious modern socialist country falls on the shoulders of all the people under the leadership of the Party. Comprehensively promoting the rule of law will certainly continue to play a greater role in ensuring social stability and harmony. The ancients said: "If the law is good under the world, the world will rule; If the law is good in one country, it is governed by one country. Interpreting this sentence today means that under the strong leadership of the Party, we can adhere to the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, continuously improve the socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics, and finally build a rule of law China, so that it not only embodies the universal values of human democracy and rule of law, but also has Chinese historical and cultural characteristics; It not only embodies the character of "good law", but also contains the essence of "good governance", realizes the modernization and rule of law of national governance, and ultimately is trusted by all countries in the world, yearned for by the people, and has advanced, civilized and referenceable nature, so that it can be invincible in national competition and let the Chinese nation stand proudly among the nations of the world in the future. Looking ahead, we are indeed more hopeful!(AI翻译)





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