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The Agricultural Change and Mountain Environment of the Border Region Between Fujian,Guangdong and Jiangxi since the Ming and Qing Dynasties


















Fuchang, loyal and honest people, "is sensitive to words and sensitive to deeds", and diligently seeks academics. After graduation, he was assigned to the Agricultural History Laboratory of South China Agricultural University to specialize in agricultural history, focusing on agricultural environmental history, and in 2003, he studied with me for a doctorate degree in regional socio-economic direction specializing in modern and modern Chinese history. Fuchang's extensive knowledge has worked from the Qin and Han dynasties to modern times, which enables him to correctly grasp the context of China's social development and keenly perceive the transformation of traditional society into modern times. After studying for a Ph.D., he returned from his Ph.D. to study quietly behind closed doors, and assiduously studied the classics since the Ming and Qing Dynasties; After continuous thinking, combined with my academic interest in regional socio-economic history research, I finally found a convergence between agricultural environmental history and regional socio-economic history, and completed the doctoral dissertation "Ecology, Society, Community: A Study on the Interaction between Ecology and Society in Fujian, Guangdong, and Gan Border Areas since the Ming and Qing Dynasties". After graduation, based on his doctoral thesis, he applied for the humanities and social science research project of the Ministry of Education and the National Social Science Foundation of China, and was approved. Fuchang put great academic enthusiasm into the improvement of the thesis, and after nearly ten years of unremitting investigation, thinking, enrichment of information, and repeated revision, it was sublimated into today's book entitled "Agricultural Changes and Mountainous Environment in Fujian, Guangdong and Gan since the Ming and Qing Dynasties". Throughout the book, its main achievements are as follows: First, the topic selection has relatively important academic value. Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi provinces bordering Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi is a relatively special area. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the commodity economy in the region has developed significantly, the lease-tenant relationship has become increasingly complicated, the immigration movement in Xiananyang has continued to set off a climax, social turmoil, peasant uprisings, and Soviet revolutions have come, and during the Anti-Japanese War, it has become a rear base for the anti-Japanese war in Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi. These social and historical phenomena are mixed, intertwined and intertwined, very complex, some positive and some negative, but they still promote the socio-economic transformation of Fujian, Guangdong and Ganbian regions. Therefore, this area is an important window for us to observe the socio-economic transformation of southeast China since the Ming and Qing dynasties. Since the Republic of China, the history of this region has attracted the attention of many scholars at home and abroad, the more famous ones are Luo Xianglin, Fu Yiling, (Australian) Liang Zhaoting, (Japanese) Mori Masao, (French) Laugewen, (Japanese) Segawa Changhisa, (Japanese) Kawai Yoshang, Tang Lizong, Chen Zhiping, Cao Shuji, Wen Rui, Bian Li, He Youliang, Huang Daoxuan, Huang Zhifan, Rao Weixin, Xiao Wenping, You Haihua and other research results, which have laid a good academic foundation for research in this field. However, previous research focused on Hakka folklore, social economy, and Soviet revolution, and on this basis, combined with the research methods of regional history and environmental history, this book has made new breakthroughs in research content and observation of problems. Second, it has obvious characteristics of agricultural history. The author has been engaged in agricultural history research in agricultural colleges for a long time, and has extensively involved in botany, zoology, crop cultivation, agricultural geography, agricultural meteorology, soil and fertilizer science, farmland hydraulics, forestry, agroecology, agricultural economics and other disciplines. For example, Chapter 4 takes the classification of animals and plants in the local chronicle chapter as the scripture, and takes the research results of contemporary crop cultivation, zoology and agricultural history as the latitude, and shows the habitat, function, status, collection and utilization and cultivation of various property resources in a piecemeal manner, thus revealing the intrinsic relationship between the agricultural composition of the mountainous areas of Fujian, Guangdong and Ganbian and the rich resources of the mountainous areas. For example, chapters I, IV, and VII make extensive use of data from modern scientific investigation and research to confirm with historical documents, so that some "worthless" dead historical materials that have been ignored by predecessors are revitalized, which not only reflects the characteristics of agricultural history research, but also is more convincing. Third, consciously pay attention to the study of mountain history. China is a mountainous country, and the mountainous areas account for about 70% of the country's area, about 1/3 of the population, and about 2/3 of the arable land. Mountainous areas have played an important role in the development of Chinese history. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the contradiction between people and land has become prominent, coupled with the introduction of new crops, the mountain reclamation movement has become increasingly powerful, and the development of mountainous areas has become an important means to solve the shortage of arable land at that time. Fu Yiling paid attention to the study of mountain history earlier, and once put forward the academic view that the germination of agricultural capitalism "developed from mountains to plains". In recent years, Zhang Jianmin has also begun to pay attention to the study of mountain history, and published the book "Resource Development and Environmental Evolution in Mountainous Areas in the Yangtze River Basin of the Ming and Qing Dynasties: Centered on the Qinling-Daba Mountain Area". On the whole, however, there have been few results of conscious research in mountainous areas by the academic community. This book selects the typical mountainous area of Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi provinces, Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi, and makes breakthroughs on the basis of the relevant achievements of predecessors, which is somewhat innovative. Fourth, some new viewpoints and new issues have been raised. This book puts forward some new insights and new questions because it chooses the research perspective of combining regional history, mountain history and environmental history that has been paid less attention to in the past, and makes more use of the theoretical methods of agronomy. The introduction begins with a clear meaning, proposing to reintegrate nature and society into the same community, that is, the "natural society composite network", which has been consciously or unconsciously separated from academia in the past, and runs this concept throughout the book. The agriculture and mountain environment in the mountainous areas of Fujian, Guangdong and Ganbian are constantly and rhythmically interacting, changing and metabolizing within this overall "natural social composite network". The first chapter starts from the concept of the integration of man and nature and from the perspective of overall history, first discusses the historical overview of the natural ecology and human environment in the mountainous areas of Fujian, Guangdong and Ganbian Province, and proposes that a "natural social composite network" with specific structures and functions was formed in the mountainous areas of Fujian, Guangdong and Ganbian around the middle of the Ming Dynasty. Then, the mountainous areas of Fujian, Guangdong and Ganbian are placed in the general trend of changes in the central area in Chinese history, and it is believed that this area has the characteristics of "southeast border area". The second section of Chapter 2 refers to the relevant achievements of Du Zanqi, and argues that the "construction of state power" implemented in the mountainous areas of Fujian, Guangdong and Ganbian during the Republican period promoted the development of mountain agriculture to a certain extent. However, in the process of the rapid penetration of state power into grassroots society, due to the expansion of "profit-making brokers" and the "involution of state power", it led to the withering of mountain agriculture. Chapter 3 mainly studies the migration movement and the formation of Hakka in the mountainous areas of Fujian and Guangdong and Ganbian through the statistical analysis of typical cases from the perspective of human-land relations, combined with ethnic identity and cultural ecology theory, and divides the migration movement in this area into two stages: "inward" and "outward", and "spontaneous" and "conscious". These generalizations and refinements are clearly original. In addition, chapters 4, 7 and 8 systematically discuss the utilization of agricultural products, agricultural production technology, improvement of mountain environment, ecological knowledge and nature protection of mountain people in the mountainous areas of Fujian, Guangdong and Ganbian Province, which are all problems that have not been paid enough attention by predecessors, and to a certain extent, fill the gap in research in this area in this area. Chapters 5, 6 and 9 look at major issues such as commercialization, tenancy relations, and public land in mountainous areas that have been studied a lot in the past, but the author does not follow the crowd, but puts these problems in the framework of the integration of man and nature, and the interaction of agriculture and ecology in the overall "natural social composite network", and puts forward unique insights and enlightenment. In view of the above outstanding academic achievements, I am happy to recommend this book to the academic community, and hope that Fuchang will continue to work hard and continue to achieve new academic achievements. is the order. Tang Lixing, July 25, 2015(AI翻译)





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