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Historiography of education reflections on the subject of history of education.The main task of historiography of women's education in the United States is to expound the process and the rules,and explain the relationships between women's education and social,politics,economy,culture,then critically analyze the traditional of American educational historiography under the mainstream male hegemony,finally providing the results for reference and historical thinking in order to melt the crisis and to promote the development and prosperity of educational historiography.American women'educational historiography has broad sense and narrow sense,broadly speaking,all the historiography of education as long as involving women is the broadest sense;in narrow sense,mainly refers that the feminist scholars under the guide of feminism to write the history of women's education for women,the researchers and the research objects are all women.

In fact,this article mainly have two main lines,the dominant line is the whole evaluation for the establishment、development and turning of the historiography of women's education in America,the author defined the time before 1960s as the establishment of the traditional women's education historiography,from the 1960s to the 1990s is defined as developmental phrase of modern women's education historiography,after the 1990s is defined as the postmodern women's education historiography.Hidden line is feminist theories in different historical periods,including liberalism feminism,radical feminism and postmodern feminism,respectively selected the analysis framework of gender、differences and citizenship to study the historical development trajectory,the two lines paralleled in women's education historiography during the entire process of writing.

The full text is divided into three parts,including an introduction,body and conclusion.The body includes five chapters,the first chapter used historical textual approach to focus on the process and main features of American traditional historiography of women's education.The author divides the traditional historiography of American women's education into four stages:infancy period(from 17th Century to the War of Independence),the start-up period(from the Revolutionary War to the Civil War)specialization phase(from the Civil War to the Early 20th Century)and the establishment period(from the Early 20th Century to the 1960s).In colonial period,the puritans wrote the history of women's education to promote and encourage women to be a good wife or a good mother.After the establishment of nation,the historians influenced by patriotic historical tone,focused on the elite women's history and records of women's education in the church history,the most valuable historical wealth during this period is the annual reports of American women's educational association.After the civil war,the professional history of America led the women's education historiography in America under the influence of European women's education historiography and come to specialization,the historiography of female college as an independent form of historiography.At the beginning of the 20th century,the early liberal feminism influenced a group of professional education historian,Goodsell laid the outline of American traditional women's education historiography,and then Thomas woody under his influence,wrote a book of A history of women's education in the United States,which declared the traditional women's education historiography formally established.The second chapter focuses on Thomas Woody and his classic book A History of Women's Education in the United States. Thomas Woody accepted Goodsell's progressive idea of educational historiography,and developed it into a unique idea“conflict,reform and progress”.From the start of the innovative concept of“women's education”,around three arguments“Whether women should receive education”、“Whether men and women have equal intelligence”、“Whether practice coeducation”,Woody explained the influence of women liberation and social development for women's education.Woody explored out a“middle mode”in a transition from the old to the new historiography,he attached importance to economic explanation method,referenced to a large number of official historical data and the second historical data,with one hundred American women education progress and development for the main logical line,built a monumental historiography of women's education in the United States.

The third chapter discusses the postwar American women's education historiography from traditional to modern;the most prominent feature is that the feminist theory went into the field of historiography of education in the United States.The author mainly explains“two paths”:Revisionist historian advocated to abandon the Whig tradition,and denied that the school strengthened the social class,race,gender stratification;they thought that the school not only liberated the humanity but also restricted the humanity.As a result,the development of historiography of women's education is an experience both progressive history and backward history.Radical historian thought that women should be put into the center of the history,emphasized“human agency”,they put women as the initiator rather than the victim.

The fourth chapter researches the representative Barbara Miller Solomon and her classic In Company of Educated WomenA History of Women and Higher Education in America.Solomon used the analysis of the“gender“and“difference”,synthetically described American women fight for access.Solomon adhered to the overall idea of women's education historiography,focusing on the relationship between women's inner desires and external influences.She combined the secondary historical data and the raw materials,put women's history、gender history and the history of institutions together,on the basis of dominant historical records,mined a large amount of hidden historical facts in order to render the outline of the whole educational historiography of American women.

The fifth chapter discusses that the American women's education historiography turns to the new cultural history.With the background ofpostmodernism,new historicism and globalization,Linda Eisenmann led American women education historiography realize the cultural turn and linguistic turn.The author focuses on analyzing the two classics:The Historical Dictionary of Women's Education in the United Statesand Higher Education for Women in Postwar America,1945—1965.Eisenmann's contributions focus on three aspects:First of all,she led“historical dictionary”compilation mode into the historiography of women's education in the United States.The author analysis of the women's education historiography of linguistic turn,according to the analysis framework of Hayden White.Secondly,she researched“competing ideologies”and discussed the cultural turn.Eisenmann points out that woman faced four ideologies:patriotic,economic,cultural and psychological ideologies,which affected the women's choice for university,the setup of curriculum in university,and the ability of women in the professions.Finally,she used the analysis of“female citizenship”,putting forward to developing the educational purpose of female citizens.As a historian with historical sense of mission,Eisenmann also studied the trend of American women's education historiography,and put forward to the alternative explanation frameworks in the future.

In a word,the women's education historiography has academic and political features.The certain enlightenment for our historiography of education includes that historiography of education research need to improve their academic facing academic crisis;the research for educational historiography should seek the goals of freedom,equality and justice;the principle of writing history need grasp well the relationship between historiography and politics.

Key Words:American women's educational historiography;Feminism;Development;Turns;Trends





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