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With the rapid development of the economy, the ecological environment to economic development hindering role is becoming more and more obvious, and the ecological environment problems closely related to economic development have attracted more and more attention, in a certain sense, the rapid development of the economy and the increase of material enjoyment, to a large extent at the expense of the environment and consumption of resources, which will produce a variety of ecological problems, the future sustainable development of human beings has caused a serious crisis. In the process of economic development, reducing the damage to the ecological environment as much as possible, improving the ecological environment, and seeking the coordinated development of economic development and ecological environment have become the eternal theme of contemporary human concern. The coordinated development of ecology and economy is to adopt production and lifestyle with less pollution and less damage to the ecological environment as much as possible in the moderate development of the economy, and control the impact of economic development on the ecological environment within the carrying capacity of the ecological environment, so as to achieve sustainable economic development, and at the same time cannot restrict economic development due to the protection of the ecological environment. According to the requirements of the central government, the implementation of the "Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone Plan" is to thoroughly implement the scientific outlook on development, promote the coordinated development of ecology and economy as the main line, take institutional innovation and scientific and technological progress as the driving force, transform the development mode, innovate the development path, accelerate the pace of development, and strive to build the Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone into a demonstration area for the coordination and unity of ecological civilization and economic and social development, and the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. As Su Rong, Secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, elaborated: "The construction of the Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone is characterized by ecology, the core is development, the key is to transform the development mode, and the goal is to explore and embark on a road of scientific development and green rise." "The essence of Jiangxi's construction of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone and the road of coordinated development of ecology and economy is to build the economic construction of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone on the basis of the affordability of the ecological environment, expand economic reproduction under the premise of ensuring natural reproduction, so as to achieve a "win-win" of economic development and ecological protection, and establish a composite ecological economic zone with a virtuous cycle of economy, society and nature, so as to drive the entire Jiangxi to catch up and rise green." The model of coordinated ecological and economic development of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone is to take ecological environment construction and social and economic development as the core, follow ecological principles and economic laws, organically combine the ecological construction, environmental protection, rational utilization of natural resources, ecological restoration of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone with the social and economic development and urban and rural construction of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone, cultivate an ecological environment of blue sky, clean water, green land and beautiful scenery through unified planning and comprehensive construction, and guide an integrated, harmonious, open and civilized ecological culture. Incubate efficient and low-consumption modern ecological industries, establish an ecological community where man and nature coexist in harmony, and realize the sustainable development and high unity of economic, social and ecological benefits of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone. The coordinated development of ecology and economy in Poyang Lake Ecological Region needs to grasp the characteristics of four aspects: (1) Development should reflect the unity of quality and quantity. The development of various parts of the Poyang Lake Eco-Economic Zone is not only a change in quantity and scale, but also a change in quality. Population development includes both changes in quantity and scale, as well as improvements in the quality and capacity of the population. The same is true for material and energy consumption, ecological and environmental development. (2) Development should reflect environmentally friendly behavior. Reducing pollution, protecting the environment, etc. are in line with the requirements of sustainable development and are environmentally friendly behaviors, and the more such behaviors, the higher the degree of sustainable development of society. Therefore, the development of indicator systems reflecting such activities should be promoted. (3) Development should highlight the carrying capacity of natural resources. Natural resources are limited, therefore, the development of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone attaches great importance to various natural resources and their carrying capacity, especially emphasizing the carrying capacity of total resources and environmental capacity. (4) Material consumption and energy consumption in development not only emphasize the flow, but also pay attention to its stock. Flow and stock are a pair of categories, flow limited to stock is its dynamic manifestation, ignoring the stock, you may lose the flow. Although the economy of Jiangxi Province is underdeveloped, it has the advantages of ecological environment and has full conditions to play a role in the coordinated development of ecology and economy. To this end, Jiangxi should follow the principle of comparative advantage in economics, make full use of the comparative advantages of the ecological environment, implement the coordinated development strategy of ecology and economy, transform the advantages of the ecological environment into industrial advantages, establish a new modern ecological industrial system, and form an industrial layout, development mode and consumption mode that give play to regional resource advantages and protect the ecological environment. This is not only conducive to coordinating the protection and development of Poyang Lake and the surrounding lake area, realizing the organic unity of Jiangxi's "ecological province" and "accelerated development", but also conducive to forming a regional economic growth pole and driving the economic and social development of the entire Jiangxi. The construction of modern ecological industrial system in Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone should take circular economy as the core. The first is to establish a circular concept, explore effective ways of circular economy, and promote the transformation of the traditional model composed of "resources-products-pollution emissions" to the circular economy model composed of "resources-products-renewable resources". The second is to actively develop modern ecological agriculture, modern ecological industry, modern ecological service industry, and ecological strategic emerging industries, vigorously advocate green consumption, promote the transformation of the development model from pollution first and then treatment to ecological affinity, and change the growth mode from high consumption and high pollution to resource conservation and ecological environmental protection, so that ecological industry will gradually occupy a dominant position in the national economy and form an ecological economic pattern with Jiangxi characteristics. In this book, we have conducted in-depth research on the industrial system of the Poyang Lake area, and formed some valuable research results, some of which have been adopted by the relevant departments of Jiangxi Province. (1) The Poyang Lake Economic Zone should vigorously develop modern ecological industry. On the basis of further integrating various industrial parks, we will promote the ecological transformation of industrial parks. Through optimization and integration, we will promote the centralized distribution of pollution projects, centralized treatment, and discharge standards, and comprehensively strengthen the ecological environment construction of development zones and industrial parks. According to the organic connection of the industrial chain and supply chain, gradually realize the step-by-step transmission of upstream, midstream and downstream materials and capabilities, resource recycling, and pollutant emission reduction. Actively promote cleaner production, promote resource conservation and comprehensive utilization, and develop and expand the environmental protection industry. Relying on existing industrial parks, optimize the combination. Accelerate the ecological construction of industrial parks, increase the transformation of park infrastructure, and increase the technological transformation and upgrading of the original basic industry, heavy chemical industry and machinery manufacturing industry. Let the industrial park not only be a business park, but also become an ecological park for recycling industry, energy conservation and emission reduction, centralized sewage discharge and pollution control, and realize the recycling of reclaimed water. (2) The Poyang Lake Economic Zone should actively develop modern ecological agriculture. Give play to the role of the Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone as a large-scale commercial grain base and further consolidate the status of Jiangxi Province as a major grain-producing area. Accelerate the construction of a large-scale high-quality grain base in Poyang Lake, pay attention to improving quality, increase efficiency, and implement the project of industrialization of high-quality grain. Start the construction of ecological agriculture demonstration counties, build a number of green food and organic food production bases, and vigorously develop green animal husbandry with livestock and poultry ecological breeding demonstration as the starting point. Highlight the development of green famous and high-quality agricultural products that meet the needs of domestic and foreign markets, and realize high-quality quality, intensive production, product safety and scientific management. Establish a green certification system for the production and processing of agricultural products, turn "green barriers" into green power, and expand the export of green agricultural products. (3) The Poyang Lake Economic Zone should strive to strengthen modern eco-tourism. The Poyang Lake area is extremely rich in natural resources and cultural and historical resources, with a good foundation of industry, agriculture and tourism, famous mountains and waters, famous towns and famous buildings (including temples and colleges), and the characteristics and charm of Gan Po culture are all in it. For example, the well-known porcelain culture, copper culture, tea culture, academy culture, religious culture, opera culture, migratory bird culture, etc., have strong development potential and advantages. It is necessary to further tap and integrate ecotourism resources, and plan, design and launch a number of ecotourism products. Adhere to the synchronous planning and implementation of tourism development and ecological environment construction and historical and cultural heritage protection, and integrate ecological concepts and ecological culture into all aspects of tourism. Build a number of themed eco-tourism zones to make eco-tourism an important brand of Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone and promote the improvement of the overall level of tourism in the province. (4) The Poyang Lake Economic Zone should accelerate the development of modern ecological service industries. Actively develop the modern logistics industry, accelerate the construction of modern logistics bases and distribution centers, and carry out cross-industry, cross-regional and cross-ownership modern logistics and distribution business. Build a number of modern large-scale commercial service centers and wholesale trade centers, rationally distribute points, build commercial outlets of different service levels, and gradually form a multi-level, professional and standardized modern logistics network integrating information, warehousing, processing and distribution. Transform the existing commercial centers in the urban area, and build modern shopping malls integrating shopping, entertainment and catering services and some large-scale high-end commercial centers in the new urban area. Accelerate the development of the financial industry. Introduce domestic and foreign financial institutions, especially foreign-funded financial institutions that have settled in coastal areas, to set up offices or branches in Nanchang. Guide the investment orientation of ecological industry with financial means, and focus on supporting the development of environmental protection and cleaning industries and ecological protection projects. (5) The Poyang Lake Economic Zone should highlight the development of ecological strategic emerging industries. Grasping the development of strategic emerging industries is the fundamental hope and main path for Jiangxi to achieve scientific development, overtaking and green rise. It is necessary to take the construction of ecological strategic emerging industries into leading industries in Jiangxi's economy in the future as the general goal, seize projects as the main line, focus on attracting investment and strengthening and enlarging enterprises, take the combination of relevant departments of districted cities and provincial governments as the main way, and coordinate and organize industrial cooperation promotion meetings as the main platform, and guide and promote the development of Jiangxi's ecological strategic emerging industries through policy guidance, increasing investment, starting construction projects, changing consumption concepts, and cultivating consumer markets. "Research on the Industrial System of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone" is a research project funded by the World Bank and a new work on Jiangxi's regional economic development collectively completed by the academic team under my chairmanship. The selection of topics, the formulation of the outline, the writing, revision, and drafting of the main chapters of this book were completed by me. Dr. Dai Shuyan, Dr. Fu Zhi and Dr. Wang Yong of Nanchang University participated in the research and writing of this book; Professor Xie Fengjun and Associate Professor Yang Haijun, Nanchang Aeronautical Technology University; Teachers Qiu Wenwen, Chen Meihua, Xie Fei, etc. of Nanchang University. Dr. Lili Zhao, Master Cui Li and Master Dalin Wang also participated in data collection and English translation. Professor Wang Jiyang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Chen Dongsheng, senior professor of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, gave specific guidance on the research of this topic, and Professor Guo Xibao of the Economic Development Research Center of Wuhan University put forward constructive guidance on the research outline. In the process of research, we received strong support from Wu Xiaojun, Deputy Director of Jiangxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Director Li Qinghong, relevant counties and cities in Poyang Lake area, and Mr. Lu Xiaosheng, China Social Sciences Press, and expressed my heartfelt thanks. Limited to the level, errors and omissions in this book are inevitable, please criticize and correct readers. Huang Xinjian, December 26, 2011(AI翻译)





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