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基金信息: 本书为国家社会科学基金青年项目“我国农民工政治参与研究”(08CZZ001)和黑龙江省社会科学院一般项目“中国转型时期的农民工政治参与”的成果,同时得到黑龙江省社会科学院行政学、政治学省级领军人才梯队的出版资助。 展开



The political participation of migrant workers is of great significance because of political stability and social harmony. There are currently more than 200 million migrant workers in China, and this group has gradually grown in the process of reform and opening up. The historical process of their migration to cities to work is not only a history of economic income growth and broadening of horizons, but also a history of improving political rights and broadening channels for expressing interests. As a growing new social strata, peasant work has played a huge role in promoting China's economic development and has become the mainstay of urban and rural prosperity and progress. But their impact on China's public life falls far short, presenting an imbalance between economic and political influence. The political resources enjoyed by migrant workers are quite scarce, and their political demands cannot become public issues in a timely and effective manner, and more often, the interests of this group can only be expressed through performative actions, showing the real power of being a "weapon of the weak". In fact, the lack of political discourse power is one of the reasons for the imbalance between value creation and income in economic life, and its so-called economic influence is limited to passively promoting the development of China's economy, and has no discourse power related to its own well-being. Specific to the issue of political participation, migrant workers have long been separated from political life, and are actually in a state of political exclusion, which hinders the protection of migrant workers' political rights, the improvement of economic life, the reform of China's political system and the promotion of political civilization. Modern politics seeks equality of rights and a fair distribution of benefits among all members of the community. From the perspective of members of society, the equal and effective participation of migrant workers in political life is not only an effective way to improve and enhance their economic life, but also to affirm and respect their political status and citizenship. From the national level, long-term disregard for the political rights and interests of a certain social group is not in line with the basic values of modern politics, and it is inevitable to bear unnecessary political risks in reality. If China's more than 200 million migrant workers collectively lose their voice in the political field, it will undoubtedly have a potentially huge impact on the construction of a harmonious society and normal social order. The current political participation of migrant workers is in a relatively special situation, although the channels within the system have gradually formed, but the proportion of migrant workers' real political participation in the system is not high. On the contrary, there are many cases of non-institutionalized participation prohibited by Party and government policies and regulations. The author argues that the institutional environment for migrant workers' political participation delineates the basic boundaries of their political participation. The real enjoyment of the democratic rights of migrant workers and the degree of development of their political participation are closely related to the healthy development of the political participation institutional environment. In China, the participation system composed of the people's congress system, the democratic consultation system, the public hearing system, the petition system, and the grassroots mass autonomy system is incompatible with the actual political participation process of migrant workers, and there is a defect that the system is vacant. The channels of political participation within the system are superficial because of their lack of safeguards. In today's social process with economic construction as the core, the improvement of economic development speed is the eternal theme of governments at all levels. As long as social stability and political order are not affected, and a large number of mass incidents of migrant workers gathering do not occur, the government will not pay attention to the expression of democratic rights and the improvement of mechanisms to protect the democratic rights of migrant workers. As a result, although a participatory system exists and builds a platform for migrant workers' political participation in the macro field, it fails to enable most migrant workers to express their interests freely and equally in this institutional environment. Through empirical research and analysis of questionnaire survey results, the author of this book shows that in terms of political common sense and political attitude of migrant workers, migrant workers have a relatively lack of basic international and domestic political knowledge, lack basic political literacy training, and lack a platform for knowledge and skill training. At the same time, migrant workers' perception of the value of their own political participation activities is relatively vague, political concern is mixed, their sense of political participation is weak, and their political trust in the party and government is high. It is also the key to studying and formulating strategies for migrant workers' participation in politics. Elections are one of the important ways for migrant workers to participate in politics. The results of the questionnaire survey show that the electoral political participation of migrant workers shows the dual marginality of outflow and inflow. The reasons for not participating in elections are: no opportunity, no qualifications, no time, no economic strength, no interest, which makes this group's basic rights such as the right to vote and the right to be elected invisibly lost. Among the limited political participation of migrant workers, the utilitarian and unbalanced nature of political participation, and the low intensity of political participation are also obvious. Due to the obstruction of the political participation channels of migrant workers in the design of the institutional environment, they also encounter a strong need to express their interests in real life, which can affect the policy process and results. This misalignment between the demand for political participation and the supply of the political participation system has created a situation in which migrant workers seek a way out outside the system. In the Internet era, many migrant workers are good at using increasingly complete information resources, dare to protect their legitimate rights and interests, and express their interests in a non-institutionalized form, which in turn affects the process of policy introduction. In the real social life, where class interests are increasingly conflicting, there are many incidents in which the rights and interests of migrant workers have been seriously damaged, and the frequent occurrence of mass incidents of migrant workers that affect social stability is a clear proof of this. The non-institutionalized political participation of migrant workers is also easily related and infiltrated with violent activities of illegal and criminal activities, which poses new challenges to political stability and social integration. The degree of development and form of political participation of migrant workers are generally constrained by the country's economic, political, cultural and social development level and specific national conditions. It is generally believed that the influencing factors of political participation can be summarized into economic development, political culture, social environment, political mechanism, and the behavior preferences of individual citizens. Over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, under the background of the deepening of the socialist market economy, migrant workers are not only important participants in economic activities, but also urgently need to play their due role in the political field. At the same time, with the continuous improvement of the overall cultural level of migrant workers in China, especially the emergence of the new generation of migrant workers, they have a considerable understanding of the functions of various government departments and the process of making public policies, and have a relatively clear understanding of their own rights and obligations, as well as the status and role of citizens in national policy-making activities. Migrant workers' awareness of safeguarding their own interests has increased. Whether vulnerable groups, mainly migrant workers, can effectively participate in public life has become an important indicator to measure the degree and level of democratization in modern society. Generally speaking, along with the development of China's social, political and economic development, the political participation of migrant workers has also entered a new period of development, and there are possibilities and institutional arrangements for participation. Factors such as institutional mechanisms, degree of organization, cost of participation, quality and ability of participants, and government action have had a significant impact on the direction of migrant workers' political participation. Through various forms of political participation, migrant workers influence the government's policy process, express their political rights aspirations and demands, reduce the government's policy mistakes, and make the whole process of government operation consistent with "public will". This is conducive to maintaining the legitimacy and orderliness of the political process. Specifically, on the one hand, this is conducive to ensuring social stability and harmony and ensuring the realization of citizens' rights, on the other hand, it can improve the political quality of migrant workers, promote China's political development, promote the process of democratization and legalization of China's public decision-making, promote China's solution to the "three rural issues" and promote the process of governing the country according to law. In terms of how to effectively solve the problems existing in the political participation of migrant workers, the author of this book puts forward the following views: First, it is necessary to establish the spirit of citizenship, and start from the institutional arrangement to solve the problem of social integration and political participation of migrant workers. The second is to reform and innovate the system and mechanism for the political participation of migrant workers and expand the channels for participation. Third, the government vigorously cultivates the healthy development of migrant workers' social organizations, improves their self-organization ability, and realizes consultative democracy in the public sphere, while strengthening quality education for migrant workers, such as cultural education, legal education, political skills education, democratic awareness education, etc., so as to enhance the political quality and political participation ability of migrant workers. The author, Gao Honggui, is a doctoral student under my supervision, and he is an associate researcher at the Heilongjiang Academy of Social Sciences. As a part-time doctoral student, he is both excellent in character, sincere, diligent and studious, simple in his academic style, and has a solid research foundation, and has published nearly ten relevant results during his doctoral studies, and his doctoral dissertation has also received praise from peer experts. This book is his first academic monograph, based on his doctoral dissertation. I have high expectations for his academic career, so I would love to write the foreword to this book. At the same time, the author's research direction is relatively close to my research field, political development and civic political participation are inseparable, the impact of migrant workers' political participation on China's political development has been revealed, and the theoretical value and practical significance of the topics selected in this book are self-evident. On the basis of extensively reading a large number of relevant literature at home and abroad, the author used the first-hand data obtained from his own research to initially construct his own theoretical framework, forming a family statement, and putting forward many unique insights in the book. It is hoped that in the future research process, the author can continue to pay attention to the issue of migrant workers' political participation, and make further progress in this research field. is the order. Wang Caibo at Jilin University on July 15, 2014(AI翻译)





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