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Today's world is in the midst of unprecedented and drastic changes, and China is in a period of important strategic opportunities for the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, a critical period of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and a period of tackling tough problems in reform and opening up. All this provides a rare opportunity for the great prosperity and development of philosophy and social sciences. At present, the development of philosophy and social sciences is facing three favorable conditions: First, the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics provides a broad stage for the field of philosophy and social sciences to make great achievements, and provides a steady stream of resources and materials for the research of philosophy and social sciences. Second, the party and the state attach great importance to and strongly support, which provides a strong guarantee for the prosperity and development of philosophy and social sciences. Third, the implementation of the policy of "a hundred flowers blooming and a hundred schools of thought contending" has created a good environment for the creation of ideas and theoretical innovation in the philosophical and social science circles. The outline of the national "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" clearly states: "Vigorously promote the construction of philosophy and social science innovation system, implement philosophy and social science innovation projects, and prosper and develop philosophy and social sciences." In response to this call, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences launched the Philosophy and Social Sciences Innovation Project. The Philosophy and Social Sciences Innovation Project aims to realize the innovation of the philosophy and social science system guided by Marxism, with academic viewpoints and theoretical innovation, discipline system innovation, scientific research organization and management innovation, scientific research method and means innovation, and employment system innovation as the main content. The purpose of implementing the innovation project is to build an innovation system for philosophy and social sciences, continuously strengthen the research of philosophy and social sciences, produce more high-quality achievements that can stand the test of practice, and produce more high-level talents with correct political direction, clear academic orientation and outstanding scientific research achievements, so as to serve the people, the prosperity and development of advanced socialist civilization, and socialism with Chinese characteristics. An important part of the implementation of the innovation project is to follow the development law of philosophy and social science disciplines, improve the discipline construction mechanism, optimize the discipline structure, and form a discipline layout with Chinese characteristics, reasonable structure, outstanding advantages, and meeting the needs of the country. As a platform for displaying the outstanding achievements of innovative engineering, the writing of the development report of various disciplines of philosophy and social sciences is an important work of both basic and long-term significance for accurately grasping the frontier development of disciplines and actively promoting discipline construction and innovation. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, along with the history of China's socialist revolution, construction, reform and development, the philosophy and social science system with Chinese characteristics has also been formed and developed. Especially since the reform and opening up, with the development of China's economy and society, the research of various disciplines of philosophy and social sciences has been continuously expanded and deepened, and the achievements have been remarkable and attracted worldwide attention. In order to promote the further development of philosophical and social science concepts, methods and systems with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese style, promote China's outstanding achievements and talents in philosophy and social sciences to the world, take the initiative to participate in international academic dialogues, expand the discourse power of Chinese philosophy and social sciences, and enhance the soft power of Chinese culture, we urgently need to sort out the development trajectory of academic thought in various disciplines of contemporary Chinese philosophy and social sciences, and constantly summarize the excellent achievements accumulated in various disciplines, including the proposal and influence of major academic views. The formation and evolution of important academic schools, the writing and publication of important academic works and literature, the emergence and growth of important academic representatives, etc. To this end, China Social Sciences Publishing House organized the compilation of the large-scale continuous publication series of "Report on the Development of Chinese Philosophy and Social Sciences", which is not only a grand event in the academic and publishing circles, but also an important part of the innovation project of philosophy and social sciences. The "Report on the Development of Chinese Philosophy and Social Sciences" is divided into two sub-series: "Annual Review" and "Frontier Report". The Annual Review is published annually according to the first-level disciplines, and the Frontier Report is published every three years, and both are compiled into books and published one after another. The content of the "Annual Review" includes the latest trends in the development of disciplines at home and abroad, important theoretical views and methods, hot issues, representative scholars and representative works; The content of the discipline "Frontier Report" includes the overall situation of the development of the discipline, the frontier trends of disciplines at home and abroad, the latest theoretical views and methods, major theoretical innovations and hot issues, and the main representatives and masterpieces of the frontiers of disciplines at home and abroad in the past three years. Each discipline development report should be a high-level and high-quality research result that reflects the development and evolution of academic thought in important contemporary disciplines; All should be the result of the author's long-term hard work on the discipline; They should reflect the latest development trends of the discipline, accurately grasp the frontier of the discipline, and lead the development direction of the discipline. We believe that the implementation of this publishing project will play an important role in promoting the construction and development of philosophy and social sciences in China, and this series of books will also become an important historical document and teaching material in the academic research field of philosophy and social sciences, and make important contributions to the research of philosophy and social sciences, teaching and talent training in China.(AI翻译)





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