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基金信息: 基金支持:2009年教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目基金《我国农业保险政府补贴问题研究》(项目号:09YJA790059)资助;2011年河北省社会科学基金项目《我国农业巨灾风险管理制度创新研究》(项目号:HB2011QR43)资助;河北经贸大学学术出版基金资助 展开


















This book is the main content of the final results of the 2009 Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Science Research General Project Fund "Research on the Government Subsidy of Agricultural Insurance in China" (project number: 09YJA790059), and it is also one of the phased results of the 2011 Hebei Provincial Social Science Foundation project "Research on the Innovation of China's Agricultural Catastrophe Risk Management System" (project number: HB2011QR43), and was also funded by the Academic Publishing Fund of Hebei University of Economics and Business. The publication of this book aims to provide some information for the improvement of China's agricultural insurance subsidy system. Agricultural insurance is one of the three pillars of modern agricultural development, and is one of the "green box policies" that the WTO allows countries to support agriculture, which has strong welfare effects, credit support effects and policy effects on agriculture and national economic development. However, due to the insurability of agricultural risks, the complexity of agricultural insurance demand determination, the serious systemic risks and information asymmetry problems faced by agricultural insurance supply, and the characteristics of "double positive externalities" in agricultural insurance supply and demand, Chinese and foreign academics have basically reached a consensus: agricultural insurance is a policy insurance, which needs government subsidies to increase participation rate and achieve government policy goals. In the practice of agricultural insurance, the United States, Canada and other countries have implemented subsidy policies for agricultural insurance for many years. In 2007, China's central government began to carry out the pilot of premium subsidy for agricultural insurance, which opened the prelude to the rapid development of agricultural insurance. From 2007 to 2010, the agricultural insurance premium income was 5.184 billion yuan, 11.07 billion yuan, 13.39 billion yuan and 13.57 billion yuan, respectively, which was 6.13 times, 13.09 times, 15.83 times and 16.04 times that of 2006 when the subsidy policy was not implemented. Obviously, government subsidies are an important booster for the development of agricultural insurance in China. But at the same time, many problems have emerged in China's agricultural insurance subsidy pilot: subsidies lack legislative norms, lack of stability and continuity of policy support; The scale of subsidies has increased year after year, but it is still insufficient compared with the added value of agriculture and the importance of agriculture in China. The scope of agricultural insurance subsidies is narrow, and many important crops and breeding animals have not yet been included in the scope of subsidies; The subsidy method is relatively single, there is only one way of premium subsidy, and the subsidy methods such as operation and management cost subsidies, reinsurance subsidies and tax incentives have not yet been used; The proportion of premium subsidies is high, but the subsidy efficiency is not ideal; In the practice of agricultural insurance subsidies, various moral hazard behaviors of policyholders, insurers and grassroots governments began to appear, resulting in the consumption of subsidy funds. There are many government levels of premium subsidies, and the limited financial resources of grassroots governments have become an important bottleneck in the implementation of agricultural insurance subsidy policies, and so on. This book intends to solve these agricultural insurance subsidy problems as the starting point, and systematically study the theoretical and practical issues of agricultural insurance subsidies such as "why supplements", "what is the role of supplementation", "how to make up", "what to supplement", "how much to supplement", "how efficient to make up" and "how to make up better". The main views and research conclusions of this book are: First, for the question of "why subsidize agricultural insurance", this book analyzes from the perspectives of welfare economics, market failure theory, game theory, agricultural protection theory and risk insurability theory, and comes to the same conclusion: agricultural insurance is a policy insurance, pure commercial operation is unsustainable, and the government should subsidize agricultural insurance. Second, on the question of "what is the role of agricultural insurance subsidies", this book believes that government subsidies for agricultural insurance can produce the effects of stimulating the demand for agricultural insurance, stimulating the supply of agricultural insurance, strengthening farmers' awareness of insurance, promoting social welfare, and realizing agricultural protection. Third, on the question of "how to subsidize agricultural insurance", this book compares the agricultural insurance subsidy legislation of the United States, Japan, the Philippines and France, and concludes that the supply of agricultural insurance subsidy system should be based on the premise and basis of perfect agricultural insurance legislation, establish a long-term mechanism for agricultural insurance subsidies, and prevent the uncertainty and arbitrariness of agricultural insurance subsidies. In addition, this book also systematically analyzes six ways of agricultural insurance subsidies, namely capital support, premium subsidies, operating and management expense subsidies, reinsurance subsidies, tax incentives and agricultural catastrophe risk reserve funds, and puts forward which subsidy methods should be adopted first in China. Fourth, for the question of "what to supplement agricultural insurance subsidies", this book compares and studies the insurance subjects and insurance responsibilities of agricultural insurance subsidies in other countries, believes that the scope of agricultural insurance subsidies in China is relatively narrow, and suggests that the scope of varieties of financial subsidies for agricultural insurance should be appropriately expanded, and the provinces should be granted the authority to flexibly determine subsidized varieties according to local actual conditions, such as referring to Zhejiang's experience in the planting industry to adopt N (basic varieties) + X (other varieties, each province can choose its own) method, so as to plant a large area in various places. Cash crops and facility vegetables that are important for promoting the development of modern agriculture, livestock and poultry that are of great significance to stabilizing the people's vegetable basket project and increasing farmers' income, etc. are included in the scope of subsidies. Fifth, for the question of "how much agricultural insurance subsidies are subsidized", this book believes that China's agricultural insurance subsidy standards or subsidy ratios (the proportion of government subsidies to premiums) have reached an average of 80% or even higher, which has reached the highest level in the world, and there is no room for further improvement. However, due to the narrow scope of agricultural insurance subsidies in China and the low level of protection (only the cost of insurance), although the subsidy ratio is high, the total subsidy scale is not large. According to the empirical ratio of total agricultural insurance subsidies in the United States to 3.4% of agricultural GDP, China's agricultural insurance subsidies in 2010 should be 137.690 billion yuan. In 2010, the amount of agricultural insurance subsidies provided by the central government in China was only 10.32 billion yuan, which is still seriously insufficient in comparison. Sixth, for the question of "how effective is the agricultural insurance subsidy supplement", this book believes that the role of premium subsidies in increasing the participation rate of agricultural insurance is limited, although China's agricultural insurance subsidy ratio has reached the highest in the world, but the coverage of agricultural insurance is not ideal, and the subsidy efficiency is not satisfactory. In addition, in the practice of agricultural insurance subsidies, various moral hazard behaviors of policyholders, insurance companies and grassroots governments have begun to appear, resulting in the consumption of government financial funds. Seventh, on the question of "how to make up for agricultural insurance subsidies better", this book puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions on the basis of analyzing the existing problems of agricultural insurance subsidies in China: accelerate legislation and legalize agricultural insurance subsidies; Clarify the competent authorities for agricultural insurance and establish inter-departmental cooperation mechanisms; Strengthen the publicity of agricultural insurance and raise farmers' awareness of insurance; reducing the government hierarchy of agricultural insurance subsidies; Establish an efficient way of circulating financial subsidy funds; Expand the scope of agricultural insurance subsidies according to local conditions; Trial implementation of subsidies for agricultural insurance operation and management costs; strengthening tax incentives for agricultural insurance; Accelerate the establishment of financially supported agricultural catastrophe risk diversification mechanisms; Adopt a variety of ways to prevent moral hazard and adverse selection; Increase agricultural insurance coverage through non-subsidized measures. The writing of this book is the result of collective creation, and the authors are Feng Wenli, Su Xiaopeng, Zhang Huapeng and Hao Jie. Among them, Feng Wenli is responsible for writing the introduction, chapter 3, chapter 7, chapter 10, chapter 13 and the overall manuscript, and Su Xiaopeng is responsible for writing chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 9, chapter 11 and chapter 12, responsible for sorting out references, appendix 1 and appendix 2; Zhang Huapeng is responsible for writing Chapter 8; Hao Jie was responsible for designing the Appendix 3 questionnaire. In the process of writing this book, we have consulted the previous research results of many experts and scholars; Professor Yu Guozhu, an expert in agricultural insurance, demonstrated the important points of this book; Shi Yan, the 2008 insurance class of Hebei University of Economics and Business, and other students used the social practice of summer vacation to investigate relevant issues for this book; Master student Hao Jie collected and sorted out some information; Ms. Gong Jinglei from China Social Sciences Press provided great help and valuable suggestions for the publication of this book. Thank you all sincerely! Due to the lack of time, the book is insufficient, so please criticize and correct it. Feng Wenli, September 2, 2011(AI翻译)





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