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Belt and Road Initiative









The Silk Road,like a bright tie,has played an important role in maintaining exchanges among the world's ancient civilizations.Amid camel bells,and through massive rocks,wasteland and desert,a silk road was blazed,that runs from the East to the West and connects Europe and Asia.From then on,envoys met each other on the way and merchants came and went in an endless stream.At the same time,the Maritime Silk Road was opened too.Hard-working and brave people traveled over mountains and rivers,leaving an indelible mark on the history of trade and cultural exchanges between the East and the West.

With the passage of time,the ancient Silk Road witnessed tremendous changes and embraced new development opportunities.During his visits to countries in Central Asia and Southeast Asia in 2013,President Xi Jinping proposed the “Silk Road Economic Belt” and “21st-century Maritime Silk Road”,which received positive response from the world,endowed the ancient Silk Road with unprecedented significance and opened a new chapter of a community of shared destiny for mankind.

Globalization,as the objective demand of the development of social productivity and the inevitable outcome of technological advancements,has given strong impetus to economic growth and boosted flows of capitals and commodities and promoted technical and cultural advancement and exchanges among peoples of various countries.However,globalization is a “double-edge sword”,especially during the economic downturn period with various global challenges,when people are eager to settle conflicts,coordinate the order and push forward economic and social development.The whole world is seeking solutions.Thus,deep reflection and adjustment of globalization are needed.

It is imperative to make the process of globalization more vibrant,inclusive and sustainable.To this end,the following three challenges should be overcome:First,there is lack of robust driving forces for global growth.The effect of traditional means is decreasing.Traditional engines are not powerful enough.New growth points have not been formed.Second,global economic governance is backward.The governance system,trade and investment rules and global financial system are in urgent need of improvement.Third,problems of global development imbalance,unequal income distribution and development space imbalance are worsening,which may cause conflicts,regional turmoils and even war.

In such context,China's “Belt and Road Initiative” reflects China's vision for a better world and bright future,the responsibilities for ushering in a new-round of globalization,the construction of a community of shared destiny for mankind,and “Chinese wisdom” to address global challenges.The BRI principle of “wide consultation,joint construction,mutual benefit” embodies a brand-new,non-confrontational cooperation concept based on traditional Chinese culture.Its core is peaceful development and win-win cooperation.The BRI objectives of “policy coordination,facilities connectivity,unimpeded trade,financial integration and people-to-people bonds” determine that the initiative is comprehensive in content,rigorous in structure and meticulous in form.It brings long-term cooperation for future generations.

The BRI bears great significance to optimizing the global governance system and promoting the world economic and social growth.In the current pattern of globalization,power domination and confrontation concepts tend to be at the cost of sacrificing development,thus causing many economic,social,ecological,ethnic and religious problems.The BRI aims to develop a vigorous growth model by sticking to innovation-driven development,to develop an open and win-win cooperation model in joint work through coordination,to develop a just and rational governance model by keeping abreast of the times,and to develop a balanced and fairness and inclusiveness to develop balanced and beneficial-to-all development model by adhering to equity and inclusiveness.The BRI will be more conducive to the positive effect of economic globalization,to the right selection of a path and pace of integration into globalization by a country,to everyone's share of the benefits economic globalization,and to the promotion of developing a new mode of globalization.

However,we must be clearly aware that BRI and the progress of globalization cannot be accomplished at one stroke nor can they move forward without any difficulty.In this process,we will encounter various risks,challenges and difficulties.As the saying goes,to make great achievements,one must overcome difficulties.In this great course,the long march spirit is our ideological incentive and driving source.As pointed out by President Xi Jinping,the long march was a great expedition of ideal and belief,a great expedition to test the truth,a great expedition to awaken people and a great expedition to create a new situation.Reflecting on the past in the light of the present,we can see that today's progress and development of China result from one after another surging long march with great victory after another.

Since the proposing of the BRI,we have forged ahead with determination.More than 100 countries and international organizations have given positive response and support.More than 40 countries and international organizations have signed cooperation agreements with China.Chinese enterprises have invested over USD50 billion in the countries along the route.A series of key projects have been implemented,driving economic development of those countries and creating huge job opportunities.To make trees grow strong,their roots must be consolidated;to make rivers flow far,their sources must be dredged.The BRI as a long march in a new era,has its thoughts shine with ancient Chinese wisdom.It will create a new mode of globalization in the spirit of openness and inclusiveness,re-build China by helping re-build the world,and enable China to ascend to the center of world stage and stand rock-firm in the family of nations.

In 2015,according to the central government's requirements on new-type think tank,CASS established the National Global Strategy Think Tank with resources from the National Institute of International Strategy,CASS.It has participated in the work related to the BRI in the form of projects.The International Think Tank Project of the Research and Development Institute (RDI) is one of them.As an internationalized new-type think tank platform with Chinese characteristics,the RDI pools various resources of Chinese and international political parties,governments,parliaments,think tanks,enterprises,financial institutions,social organization,industrial associations and international organizations.It centers on key international projects to promote research and development,enhance theoretical and methodological innovations,and organize interdisciplinary and multi-perspective research,trying to give profound insights with practical significance and policy influence.The RDI projects are committed to establishing a platform and network for resource integration,for purposes of serving decisions of the central government,supporting Chinese enterprises and promoting the BRI implementation.Since its establishment in April 2015,through great efforts of the Advisory Committee represented by Dr.Baige Zhao,deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Committee of National People's Congress,the RDI has provided many substantial services for active connection of enterprises participating in the BRI development with countries and regions along the route,and made significant progress in promoting cooperation between China and other countries such as Pakistan,Iran and Kazakhstan.

In May this year,China will host in Beijing the BRI Summit Forum for International Cooperation,which aims to discuss ways to boost cooperation,build cooperation platforms and share cooperation outcomes.The forum will also explore ways to address problems facing the global and the regional economy,inject new energy into the realization of chain-reaction development and let the BRI benefit the people of countries involved.To welcome in the forum and share development experience,RDI has specially prepared and published the book entitled BRI:Exploring a New Mode of Globalization,which is based on the research of think tank experts from different institutions such as CASS and Tsinghua University and the experience of leading industrial enterprises participating in the BRI construction.

We believe that the real knowledge and profound insights of experts and scholars as well as the authentic and fresh experience summarized herein will bring new inspirations to our readers,provide references and guidelines to enterprises,and offer beneficial suggestions to relevant policy-making bodies.

Secretary of CPC Leading Group and President of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Weiguang Wang

May 5,2017





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