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With the intensifying of the competition situation among destinations and the deepening of the understanding of the value of tourists,how to influence tourists'destination choice behavior using the means of branding has become a key issue related to destinations'sustainable competitive advantage,and an increasing concern in the tourism industry and academia.However,in the past,most study on destination choice is from the single point of view of destination marketing organizations or tourists'psychology,ignoring some important features of destination products delivery and consumer behavior:There are a lot of contact surface between tourists and destinations in the process of products delivery and destination branding,and the relationship quality formed in this interaction will has a important impact on tourists'destination choice.In order to serving the practice of destination branding better and enriching relevant theories,this dissertation choose brand relationship as a relatively new perspective to explore tourists'destination choice behavior.

Compared with previous research,themost important feature of brand relationship is that it reveals the interaction between consumers and brands,and has the two-way and dynamic characteristic.So,it can facilitate more comprehensive and continuous investigation of the relationship between tourists and the brands.In addition,different from some previous study exploring destination choice behavior in general terms,this dissertation takes study of consumer behavior in differentmarket segments,especially in differentmotivations of tourists.Considering the stronger intension of developing relationship with destinations,andmore likely to be enhanced loyalty,holidaymakers'destination choice behavior is selected eventually to be the study object.

This dissertation uses qualitative research methods as well as quantitative research methods.The former ismainly used to build the theoretical basis,and the latter serves for the conduct of empirical research.On the basis of literature review,and through the analyzing of the theoretical basis and theworkingmechanism of brand relationship in the process of destination choice,this dissertation builds the brand relationship based destination choicemodel for holidaymakers. And then,it tests the conceptualmodel and assumptions through empirical research,which demonstrates the relationship among variables of“brand relationship quality”,“customer perceived value”,“customer satisfaction”and“customer loyalty”,and reveals the impact of the brand relationship as an important psychological variable in holidaymakers'destination choice behavior.

Specifically,themain conclusions and contributions of this dissertation can be summarized as below:

(1)Themore comprehensive answer to the particularity of applying branding theory to destinations,which makes the research of destination branding more significant.Although there has been a lot of previous study on destination branding,most of them did not pay attention to or illustrate this particularity of destination branding.This dissertation argues that it is the multi-dimensions characteristic of destination and the emotional experience characteristics of tourists'consumption behavior thatmakes destination branding special.At the same time of drawing general principles of branding into destinations,the DMOs must establish theirmarketing ideas of their own needs,aiming at their product characteristics and consumers need for them.They should be adhering to the consumer-oriented marketing,make branding the means to hear the sound of tourists,communicate and try to achieve positive interaction with them.In the process of destination branding,DMOs should change the fragmented branding communication into integrated one,and pay highly attention to the relationship between tourists and brands.It is the particularity of applying branding to destinations thatmakes the key issues of destination branding effectiveness and the research foothold of this dissertation.

(2)The interaction law revealed by the holidaymakers'destination choice model based on the perspective of brand relationship.Modern brand research has shown that sticking to the product attributes will show the limitations of companies'brand strategy.However the brand relationship theory,which is developed on the theory of brand personality and interpersonal interaction model,not only enriches the meaning of brand,but also provides a new interpretation perspective for consumer behavior research.Accordingly,this dissertation draws the main line of“Customer Value-Customer Satisfaction-Customer Loyalty”in the research area of servicemarketing,and puts forward a holidaymakers'destination choicemodel based on the perspective of brand relationship.This dissertation argues that this relationship between holidaymakers and destinations brands is interactive,personalized,and of long standing.It will not only increase the perceived value of holidaymakers,but also enhance the emotion between holidaymakers and destinations,deepen trust and commitment to create high-quality tourists'satisfaction and loyalty.

(3)The conceptualmodel and assumptions supported by the empirical research on the path of brand relationship affecting holidaymakers'destination choice behavior.Based on the theoretical analysis,this dissertation extracts an empirical research model,and clarifies the measurement indicator and dimensions of it through depth interview.Through the pre-survey,the questionnaire is tested andmodified;and through the formal research,the conceptualmodel and hypotheses is tested.The final conclusion is that:The brand relationship quality as themeasurement indicator of brand relationship is a four-dimensional variable,including the dimensions of trust,commitment,self-concept association and partnership quality;Brand relationship is an important psychological variable affecting holidaymakers'destination choice behavior.It has not only a positive directeffect on customer perceived value and customer satisfaction,butalso has an indirect positive effect on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction.

In addition,this dissertation also provides inspiration for the practice of destination branding.The DMOs should take further efforts to strengthen the emotional connection with tourists focusing on the branding strategy,and strive to create high-quality brand relationship.Destinationmarketing should focus on the studying and cultivating of the perceived value of the targetmarkets.

Key Words:destination choice;destination branding;brand relationship; tourism consumer behavior





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