The catalogue of ancient Chinese books is not limited to the survival and death of the classics of the past dynasties, but also reflects the development and evolution of scholarship throughout the ages, lists the context and source of academic development, and evaluates the character and academic advantages and disadvantages, short and long. The Siku Quanshu General Bibliography, the largest catalogue of ancient ancient books in ancient China, compiled in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, is a fine product of classical culture entering the stage of maturity and summary, which not only contains the trajectory of the generation and flow of ancient Chinese academic culture, but also contains the traditional Chinese academic cultural mentality and the spirit of cultural thought in the early Qing Dynasty, and contains rich academic ideas and academic methods. This book mainly compares and analyzes the manuscripts written by Weng Fanggang, Yao Nai, Shao Jinhan and Yu Ji with the Siku Quanshu General Bibliography, analyzes the historical and academic factors that affect the academic thought and methodology of the Siku Quanshu from the perspective of academic history and intellectual history, reveals and interprets the connotation and essence of the academic thought and methodology of the Siku Quanshu General Bibliography, and explains and evaluates the significance and value of its classical, historiographic, zhuzi and literary theories. This book combines examination and discussion, macro and micro complement each other, and strives to start from the basic materials and draw some new conclusions. The catalogue of ancient Chinese books is not limited to the survival and death of the classics of the past dynasties, but also reflects the development and evolution of scholarship throughout the ages, lists the context and source of academic development, and evaluates the character and academic advantages and disadvantages, short and long. The Siku Quanshu General Bibliography, the largest catalogue of ancient ancient books in ancient China, compiled in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, is a fine product of classical culture entering the stage of maturity and summary, which not only contains the trajectory of the generation and flow of ancient Chinese academic culture, but also contains the traditional Chinese academic cultural mentality and the spirit of cultural thought in the early Qing Dynasty, and contains rich academic ideas and academic methods. This book mainly compares and analyzes the manuscripts written by Weng Fanggang, Yao Nai, Shao Jinhan and Yu Ji with the Siku Quanshu General Bibliography, analyzes the historical and academic factors that affect the academic thought and methodology of the Siku Quanshu from the perspective of academic history and intellectual history, reveals and interprets the connotation and essence of the academic thought and methodology of the Siku Quanshu General Bibliography, and explains and evaluates the significance and value of its classical, historiographic, zhuzi and literary theories. This book combines examination and discussion, macro and micro complement each other, and strives to start from the basic materials and draw some new conclusions.(AI翻译)
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