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On the Politics of People's Livelihood







基金信息: 湖北省社会科学基金项目(立项号2011LZ031)资助 展开

























With the development of economy and society, people's livelihood issues related to the people's life, old age, illness, death, medicine, and learning have increasingly become an important focus in China's political and social life. Since the beginning of the 21st century, attention to social construction and people's livelihood issues has increasingly become an important part of the party's and government's governance and governance, and the focus of social construction is to improve people's livelihood, and people's livelihood issues have become increasingly politicized. However, there are relatively few theoretical and academic studies on people's livelihood issues, especially from the perspective of politics to study people's livelihood issues, to associate people's livelihood with the existing political system, political system, political action, directly put forward the concept of people's livelihood politics or carry out academic exploration on people's livelihood politics, there are not many relevant studies in the academic circles at present. The development of China's economy and society to a higher stage puts forward higher requirements for the political operation mode, further promoting socialist modernization, building a socialist harmonious society, building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and realizing the "Chinese Dream" requires studying people's livelihood politics and promoting people's livelihood politics. Based on this, this book sets the research object as the new social phenomenon and social existence of people's livelihood politics, aiming to summarize and analyze the development trend of politicization of people's livelihood issues in China's social life, use the concept of people's livelihood politics to academically summarize and summarize the relevant phenomena in the real world, and put forward people's livelihood politics as a new political science research framework, as a new angle for observing and thinking about several policy changes and management transformation in China, and interpreting it through public services in the construction of new countryside. This book is a comprehensive and systematic study of people's livelihood politics. People's livelihood politics refers to a political concept and political operation mode that implements the principle of joint construction and common enjoyment, takes social construction as the basis for action, takes the establishment of a harmonious society as the action goal, and focuses on improving the quality of daily life related to the happiness and well-being of ordinary people as the main action process. The proposal of the concept of people's livelihood politics as an academic proposition and the proposal of the relevant analysis framework is conducive to promoting the development of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, guiding and enriching the new changes in real life into the field of Marxist political science, and making this field obtain new research blood; As a practical topic, people's livelihood politics defines a new type of political concept and political operation mode, puts forward the concept of people's livelihood politics in practical work, and raises the issue of people's livelihood to a political height, which is conducive to improving the political sensitivity of party and government cadres at all levels to social construction, improving people's livelihood, improving people's actual living standards, and also conducive to building a benign political culture. The new perspective of the concept of people's livelihood politics is of two significance: first, it is conducive to enhancing the sensitivity, initiative and enthusiasm of party and government cadres at all levels to promote social construction and development and improve people's livelihood politics; Second, it is conducive to building a new type of benign governance culture, realizing the transformation of national construction and comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development. This paper puts forward the research framework of people's livelihood politics, which is conducive to analyzing the new development of Chinese political themes and better understanding the objective trend of China's social and political development process in the new era. Attaching importance to the actual development of people's livelihood politics and analyzing people's livelihood politics in real life is conducive to advocating and promoting political procedures, political concepts and action models that are compatible with the construction of a harmonious socialist society to pay attention to people's livelihood, attach importance to people's livelihood, improve people's livelihood, and develop people's livelihood. The governance procedures shown by people's livelihood politics are the only way for the development of socialist society, and the fairness and justice advocated by people's livelihood politics are also an inevitable part of the core values of socialism. Socialist people's livelihood politics with Chinese characteristics is the specific practice of people's livelihood political concepts and models in contemporary China, and it is also a political concept and political operation mode that should be paid attention to and promoted in the current process of China's economic and social development, and should become an important perspective and analysis way for academic circles to study realpolitik issues. The book has eight chapters. The first chapter is an introduction, which explains the reasons for the topic selection and the significance of the topic selection, and summarizes the current research related to the topic of this book in China in the form of a literature review. At the same time, the research objectives, ideas, theoretical framework and research methods of this book are proposed, the possible innovations and shortcomings of this book are estimated, the content and overall structure of each part of this book are briefly described, and the core ideas of this book are stated. Chapter 2 expounds the concept and theoretical basis of people's livelihood politics, mainly through the connotation and extension of core concepts such as people's livelihood and people's livelihood politics, especially the meaning and development trend of people's livelihood politics in real life, so as to lay a foundation for the academic and practical connotations of people's livelihood politics. The theoretical basis of people's livelihood politics is mainly sorted out, mainly including Marxist theory of the essence of the state and functional theory, modern political science government theory and public goods theory, which are important frameworks for subsequent argumentation. It also sorts out the ideas on people's livelihood in ancient and modern China and abroad, in order to understand the people's livelihood propositions in human society as a whole, which are also the ideological basis for subsequent discussions. Chapter 3 is devoted to the politics of people's livelihood as an academic proposition. It focuses on how to view issues related to people's livelihood from a political perspective, and forms a set of academic frameworks for analyzing and researching current issues of people's livelihood in China. To this end, it is necessary to construct a theoretical and logical system of people's livelihood politics. This system consists of three primordial hypotheses, five pairs of core variable relationships, and four basic propositions. That is, under the guidance of political values such as fairness and justice, on the basis of the antagonistic and unified relationship between the principles of efficiency and fairness, individual rationality and collective interests, management functions and service functions, democratic choice and elite decision-making, unitary dominance and pluralistic cooperation, etc., and based on the different interests and preferences of the state, the government, the people and government officials, the functions of modern government, especially the current functions of the Chinese government are governments that aim at good governance. The rational distinction between management and service is the necessary premise of modern government management, and it systematically demonstrates the four basic propositions that people's livelihood politics is the new development of China's political theme, people's livelihood politics is the new driving force for social construction, people's livelihood politics is a new growth point for political legitimacy, and people's livelihood politics is the new realization of fair and just political values. Chapter 4 is devoted to the politics of socialist people's livelihood with Chinese characteristics. After revealing the people's livelihood politics propositions of the previous leading collectives of the Communist Party of China, the macroscopic and theoretical analysis of the connection between people's livelihood politics and socialism with Chinese characteristics, the connotation and characteristics, main contents and realization paths of socialist people's livelihood politics with Chinese characteristics were analyzed. Socialist people's livelihood politics with Chinese characteristics refers to a political concept and political operation mode in which the issue of people's livelihood has increasingly become an important political concern related to the consolidation of political power, economic development and people's happiness in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, so it needs to be paid attention to and solved from a political height. Socialist people's livelihood politics with Chinese characteristics is a phased manifestation of people's livelihood politics, a specific form, which is the same as people's livelihood politics in terms of basic connotation and essential characteristics. However, socialist people's livelihood politics with Chinese characteristics has basic characteristics that are different from people's livelihood politics in the general sense: immediate, unbalanced, and diachronic nature. The main content of the people's livelihood politics of socialism with Chinese characteristics is all issues related to people's livelihood in the overall layout of the five-in-one socialism with Chinese characteristics. At present, the whole of China is in a period of social transformation and contradictions, in order to effectively promote the socialist politics of people's livelihood with Chinese characteristics, we must take reform as the general grasp and start from the following aspects: promote the reform and innovation of social undertakings, and consolidate the institutional foundation of people's livelihood politics; Effectively expand public services and consolidate the material foundation of people's livelihood politics; Innovate and improve social management and create a harmonious political environment for people's livelihood. Chapter 5 is devoted to people's livelihood politics as a practical issue. By describing the actual course of people's livelihood construction since the founding of New China, this paper summarizes the achievements and existing problems of China's current people's livelihood construction, and points out that if we want to further promote people's livelihood construction, it is necessary to take people's livelihood politics as an important political topic, implement the three basic principles of the universality of people's livelihood rights and interests, the equalization of public services, and the orderliness of the development process, formulate and vigorously publicize and learn the concept of people's livelihood politics, and explore the institutional innovation and supply in the field of people's livelihood politics in an all-round way. Several action plans, such as formulating an overall plan for people's livelihood construction and implementing it step by step, reforming the official evaluation system, and giving greater weight to people's livelihood politics, have been solidly promoted. Chapter 6 discusses the concrete embodiment of people's livelihood politics in practice. Taking social construction and the five main contents of social construction, national education, labor and employment, urban and rural residents' income, social security, and medical and health care as the objects, this paper comprehensively and specifically discusses the specific performance of socialist people's livelihood politics with Chinese characteristics in contemporary China's practice. Theoretically, the relationship between people's livelihood politics as a political proposition and social construction as a practical work is clarified. From the perspective of people's livelihood politics, we observe social construction, and on the basis of summarizing achievements, we point out the outstanding contradictions and problems that still exist, and put forward countermeasures, suggestions and measures to solve them. Chapter 7 is devoted to the issue of people's livelihood in the "three rural areas" issue. From the perspective of people's livelihood politics, this paper focuses on the "three rural issues", and discusses the issues of people's livelihood in rural areas, especially taking public services in the construction of new rural areas as a specific case to interpret how people's livelihood politics promotes and develops progress in practice. According to the political issues of people's livelihood, this paper evaluates the new measures of people's livelihood politics - the issue of public services going to the countryside, studies the logical relationship between public service and people's livelihood politics, and discusses the rural problems in promoting the construction of new rural areas - rural problems in the "three rural areas" problem, accelerating agricultural modernization - agricultural problems in the "three rural areas" problem, and protecting the rights and interests of farmers - the peasant problems in the "three rural areas" problem from the perspective of public service system construction. Chapter 8 is the conclusion, which runs through the main points of each chapter to arrive at the core point. With the progress of China's socialist modernization construction and economic and social reform and development, whether from academic research or practical work, it is necessary to put forward a new type of people's livelihood politics proposition that is different from traditional political power politics and productivity politics, and use the concept of people's livelihood politics to interpret, command and strengthen people's livelihood issues in socialist social construction, ecological civilization construction and other construction fields, improve people's livelihood, build a harmonious society, and build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. The political issues of people's livelihood in real life are the inevitable product of the development of economic, political and social undertakings in New China, and also reflect the tortuous process of the development of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics. At present, in order to promote the development of people's livelihood politics, we must correctly understand the relationship between productive forces politics and people's livelihood politics, broaden the scope of government functions, correctly distinguish between management and services, and make public services an important part of government administration at all levels. Public services in the construction of new rural areas are evidence of the continuous development of people's livelihood politics. Therefore, it is necessary to observe social construction, the "three rural issues" and public services to the countryside with a more comprehensive people's livelihood political system, so as to provide more powerful knowledge guarantee and intellectual resources for promoting people's livelihood work, building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and realizing the "Chinese Dream". Guided by Marxism, the book uses the method of combining normative and empirical, deductive and inductive, comprehensively uses Marxist state theory and modern political science government theory, and conducts a more comprehensive study on the basic theoretical system and practical development of people's livelihood politics, trying to put forward the concept of people's livelihood politics more systematically, refining and exploring the theoretical elements of people's livelihood politics and their internal logical connections, and trying to promote the original research of people's livelihood politics as a whole; At the same time, it tries to use the interactive annotation between theory and practice between new historical facts such as social construction, the "three rural issues", and the rural areas of public services and the political logic system of people's livelihood, so as to help deepen the understanding and understanding of new phenomena and problems in the current process of China's economic and social development on the whole, and put forward relevant opinions and suggestions. This book is based on my doctoral dissertation. Thanks to my doctoral supervisor, Professor Tang Ming, the whole process of writing this book was carefully guided and enthusiastically helped by the supervisor. His profound knowledge, rigorous scholarship, optimism and open-mindedness, humility, integrity and generosity deeply infected and inspired me all the time, urging me to forge ahead. Master Grace is unforgettable! My master's supervisor, Professor Hu Zongshan, has always cared about me. In the process of writing this book, he helped me collect materials, revise manuscripts, enlighten ideas, give theoretical guidance, and poured a lot of effort into making the whole book more perfect. This spirit of learning and the demeanor of being a teacher make me sincerely admire and be grateful! Thanks to the National Office of Philosophy and Social Science Planning, in particular the Research Office. Thank you to the judges of the "National Social Science Foundation Later Funding Project" for their hard work and pertinent suggestions. Thanks to China Social Sciences Press, and especially to Ren Ming, who put a lot of effort into the publication of this book. I would like to thank the School of Marxism of Hubei University of Science and Technology, where I teach, and the support of the Scientific Research Office of the university. I would like to thank my teacher, Professor Shang Wenbin, for his care and love for me. I would like to thank Professor Wei Zitao for his support and help. There are many other experts, teachers, and colleagues who helped me in the writing of this book, and I would like to express my heartfelt thanks. Thanks to my wife and daughter, their uncomplaining dedication and support over the years is my eternal motivation. In addition to the support of the National Social Science Foundation of China (project approval number: 13FZZ001), this book has also been funded by the Hubei Provincial Social Science Foundation (project number: 2011LZ031). Some of these achievements have been published in CSSCI source journals such as "Socialist Research", "Journal of Wuhan University", "Hubei Social Sciences", and academic journals such as "Journal of Hubei Institute of Science and Technology". Due to my academic level, there must be problems and omissions of one kind or another in the book, so please criticize and correct all experts, fans, and readers. Tian Xinwen in the spring of 2015 at Hubei University of Science and Technology on the shore of Lanyue Lake(AI翻译)





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