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在家庭行为研究领域,美国芝加哥大学教授加里·贝克尔(Gary Beker)是最早把经济学理论引入家庭行为分析的经济学家。贝克尔关于家庭人力资本投资、生育、婚姻等方面的研究不仅开拓了微观经济学研究的新领域,而且他的研究成果也成为家庭经济行为研究的经典文献。纵观以舒尔茨、贝克尔等人为代表的人力资本投资(主要是教育投资)理论,其核心内容是教育投资的成本—收益分析。该理论的基本观点是:个人教育投资收益率是个人教育投资决策的主要依据,个人教育投资行为也像消费者和企业的经济行为一样,是一种追求个人收益(效用)最大化的理性行为。而我国农村的现实是:许多家庭收入远低于教育投资要求,不具备教育投资能力;由于环境的不确定、信息的不完全以及个人认识能力的有限性,农村家庭的教育投资行为并非是完全的理性行为,家庭教育投资可能存在较大的系统性风险。因此,基于理性假设的教育投资理论对教育投资能力不足、风险较大情况下的家庭教育投资行为缺乏解释力。





Families have a long history of spending on their children's education, but the family education expenditure behavior with the nature of investment is gradually produced in the process of changing the national education investment system. Since the 70s of the 20th century, the Western education investment system has shown a market-oriented tendency, and the main body of investment in the non-compulsory education stage has been borne by the government independently to shared by the government and individuals. Under the influence of the reform trend of the world's education investment system, China's education investment system has also changed, and the investment subject is tilted towards individuals. The introduction of a higher education cost-sharing and compensation system in the mid-1980s led to the gradual formation of family education investment. China is a typical country with a dual economic structure, with a relatively backward level of agricultural productivity and slow growth of farmers' income. Under the background of changes in the education investment system, many rural households face serious monetary constraints in their education investment behavior, and their education investment capacity is obviously insufficient. If this problem is not effectively addressed, the channels for rural children to improve their economic and social status through education may be blocked, and differences in the ability to invest in education may lead to unequal access to education, thereby jeopardizing the principle of educational equity. Not only that, the low-income level of households may also be continued through the transmission mechanism of education, and the income of rural residents will hover at a low level for a long time. In the long run, education problems will spill over into income divergence and equity. Therefore, the insufficient investment capacity of rural families in education is not only a "small difficulty" encountered by a certain family or individual, but also a "big problem" related to the national economy and people's livelihood. This book is a monograph specializing in the investment behavior of rural families in China, involving economics, sociology, education and other disciplines, and is a window for a comprehensive understanding of the changes in the rural education investment system in the past 30 years of reform and opening up. In the field of family behavior research, Gary Beker, a professor at the University of Chicago, was the first economist to introduce economic theory into family behavior analysis. Becker's research on family human capital investment, childbirth, marriage, etc. has not only opened up new fields of microeconomic research, but his research results have also become classic literature in the study of family economic behavior. Looking at the theory of human capital investment (mainly education investment) represented by Schultz, Becker and others, its core content is the cost-benefit analysis of education investment. The basic point of view of the theory is that the rate of return on personal education investment is the main basis for personal education investment decisions, and personal education investment behavior, like the economic behavior of consumers and enterprises, is a rational behavior that pursues the maximization of personal returns (utility). The reality in China's rural areas is that many families have incomes far below the requirements for investment in education and do not have the ability to invest in education; Due to the uncertainty of the environment, incomplete information and limited personal cognitive ability, rural families' education investment behavior is not completely rational, and family education investment may have greater systemic risks. Therefore, the education investment theory based on rational assumptions lacks explanatory power for family education investment behavior under the condition of insufficient education investment ability and greater risk. In contrast, domestic research on family education investment mainly focuses on the rate of return on individual education investment (Li Shi et al., 1994), the influencing factors of family education investment behavior, such as the gender, age and even birth order of children (Gong Jihong et al., 2005; Li Min et al., 2006), education cost compensation and student loans. Among them, the research on the education cost compensation and sharing system and the student loan system have covered the ability of college students' families to pay. With the gradual prominence of the employment problem of college students, the research on the difficulty of college students' employment is also increasing. At present, the extensive research perspective in China also fully shows that the factors affecting the education investment behavior of rural families are multifaceted, with their own reasons, as well as social, cultural and institutional reasons. Therefore, the research on family education investment behavior should not only be studied from the perspective of traditional rate of return, but also face up to the behavioral decision-makers-the economic affordability, relevant information collection ability and decision-making ability of rural family members. Since the founding of New China, the long-term urban-rural dual system arrangement has left agriculture lacking the ability to accumulate itself, and peasants lacking the necessary educational opportunities and the ability to find employment outside agriculture. From the perspective of the causes of China's rural family education investment dilemma, the problem of insufficient investment capacity and increased risk in family education is not only the result of the low cultural quality of farmers themselves, but also the result of the long-term exclusion of China's social system. Therefore, it is more valuable to study the investment behavior of family education in the context of changes in the social system. Regarding the research on institutional change and economic behavior, more people pay attention to the relationship between institutional change and government behavior, and fewer people study the evolution and law of household economic behavior in institutional change. From the perspective of institutional change, this book comprehensively analyzes the impact of China's education investment system, distribution system and employment system on family education investment behavior by using small-scale peasant economic theory, institutional economic theory, education investment theory, investment risk theory, etc., and strives to grasp the institutional factors and development laws of family education investment behavior change, so as to provide theoretical support for the government to improve the education financial system and funding system, improve government efficiency, and ultimately improve rural family education investment capacity and rural human capital stock. In the research, the author tries to break through the traditional paradigm of family behavior analysis, and uses new institutional economic research methods such as "limited rationality" and "altruistic behavior" among family members to conduct a more in-depth analysis of the "herd effect" of rural family education investment behavior, the resolution of conflicts in the allocation of scarce family resources, and the emerging phenomena such as "school choice style" and "new reading is useless", hoping to broaden the horizon of family economic behavior research through this book. It provides a practical and theoretical basis for fundamentally lifting the institutional constraints on rural family education investment in China, increasing the supply of rural education, and building urban-rural harmony. This book is based on the author's doctoral dissertation. This paper has been unanimously praised by "blind evaluation" experts inside and outside the university, which is an affirmation of the author's hard work in the past four years, and it is the best reward for the hard work of my doctoral supervisor, Professor Luo Jianchao and many supervisors of Northwest A&F University, and it is also the result of the help of leaders and colleagues of Xi'an University of Finance and Economics. Due to the limitations of many factors such as knowledge structure, research ability, practical experience and scientific research funding, this book still has insufficient research on the investment behavior of rural families' education. In this regard, the author will continue to conduct in-depth research in future teaching research to make up for it. Some of the views or expositions in the article may also be inappropriate, and the relevant experts and colleagues in the actual work department are kindly requested to criticize and correct.(AI翻译)





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