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梁颖 教授、博士生导师,现任广西壮族自治区第十二届人民代表大会教育科学文化卫生委员会副主任委员、广西大学中国—东盟研究院院长、广西社会科学联合会副主席、“211工程”四期重点学科群——中国—东盟经贸合作与发展研究学科群负责人。主要从事历史学、行政管理学、中国—东盟问题、党建等领域的研究。出版《中国早期国家形成的道路与形态研究》等11部论著,在《史学理论研究》《史学集刊》《人民日报》《光明日报》《亚太经济》等权威报刊及核心期刊发表论文40多篇。

范祚军 经济学博士,广西大学商学院二级教授、博士生导师,广西大学社会科学处处长、中国—东盟研究院常务副院长、东南亚研究中心主任。国家级百千万人才工程人选、国家级有突出贡献的中青年专家、教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划创新团队带头人、教育部新世纪优秀人才资助计划人选、广西壮族自治区“八桂学者”。在《经济研究》《管理世界》等期刊发表论文近80篇。

陆建人 经济学博士,广西大学中国—东盟研究院首席研究员,中国社会科学院亚太与全球战略研究院研究员。长期研究亚太、东亚和东南亚经济及东盟问题。出版《90年代的亚太经济》《亚太经合组织与中国》《东盟的今天与明天》等专著,发表大量学术论文。现被中国外交部聘为“东盟地区论坛”专家名人小组中方专家名人,被中国国际贸易促进会聘为东亚商务理事会中国理事。

岳桂宁 广西大学中国—东盟研究院泰国研究所、广西大学商学院教授,硕士生导师,主要研究领域为国际金融。现已出版《东盟各国金融体制和货币政策实践》《泰国投资环境分析》等著作,在国内发表论文30余篇。

秦建文 管理学博士,广西大学商学院教授、博士生导师,广西大学审计处处长、中国—东盟研究院中国—东盟财政金融政策研究中心研究员、南宁市政府专家咨询委员会委员,主要研究领域为金融机构与金融市场、北部湾发展。在《国际金融研究》等核心期刊发表论文30余篇。

李红 管理学博士,广西大学中国—东盟研究院国际关系研究所所长,广西大学商学院教授,博士生导师,主要研究领域为地缘经济。现已出版《中国—东盟合作:从2.0走向3.0?》《国际文化合作的经济分析——以中国—东盟区域为例》等著作,在国内外发表论文60余篇。

王玉主 经济学博士,中国社会科学院亚太与全球战略研究院研究员,博士生导师,广西大学中国—东盟研究院客座研究员,主要研究领域为亚太区域合作、东盟问题、中国与东盟关系。现已出版《东盟40年》等著作,在国内外发表学术论文多篇。

刘亚萍 理学(生态学)博士,广西大学商学院教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为旅游经济、生态经济和东盟问题。现已在SSCI、CSSCI刊物上发表相关学术论文60余篇,出版专著《生态文化与旅游续发展》《柬埔寨投资分析研究报告》等4部。

黄爱莲 法学博士,广西大学中国—东盟研究院缅甸研究所所长,广西大学商学院教授,硕士生导师,主要研究领域为中国—东盟旅游合作、中缅问题,现已出版《缅甸投资环境分析报告》《限制与突破:北部湾区域旅游合作》等著作,在国内外刊物发表论文50余篇。

金丹 经济学博士,广西大学中国—东盟研究院副研究员、越南研究所所长,硕士生导师,主要从事东盟经济、越南问题研究。现已出版著作《社会资本与区域经济增长》,在国家核心期刊上发表论文多篇。

盛玉雪 经济学博士,广西大学中国—东盟研究院助理研究员,主要研究领域为空间经济、区域经济合作,现已在SSCI、CSSCI刊物上发表相关学术论文多篇。

Professor Liang Ying is currently the vice chairman of the Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee of the 12th People's Congress of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the dean of the China-ASEAN Research Institute of Guangxi University, the vice chairman of the Guangxi Federation of Social Sciences, and the person in charge of the research discipline group of China-ASEAN economic and trade cooperation and development in the fourth phase of the "211 Project". Mainly engaged in the research of history, administrative management, China-ASEAN issues, party building and other fields. He has published 11 books such as "Research on the Road and Form of Early State Formation in China", and published more than 40 papers in authoritative newspapers and core journals such as "Research on Historical Theory", "Historical Collection", "People's Daily", "Guangming Daily", "Asia-Pacific Economy" and so on. Fan Zuojun, Ph.D. in Economics, is a second-level professor and doctoral supervisor of the Business School of Guangxi University, Director of the Division of Social Sciences of Guangxi University, Executive Vice President of the China-ASEAN Research Institute, and Director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies. Candidate of the National Millions of Talents Project, young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions at the National Level, Leader of the Innovation Team of the Ministry of Education Jiang Scholar and Innovation Team Development Plan, Candidate of the New Century Excellent Talent Funding Program of the Ministry of Education, and "Bagui Scholar" of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. He has published nearly 80 papers in journals such as Economic Research and Management World. Lu Jianren, Ph.D. in Economics, is the chief researcher of the China-ASEAN Institute of Guangxi University, and the researcher of the Institute of Asia-Pacific and Global Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Long-term research on Asia-Pacific, East and Southeast Asian economies and ASEAN issues. He has published monographs such as "Asia-Pacific Economy in the 90s", "APEC and China", "ASEAN Today and Tomorrow", and published a large number of academic papers. He is currently employed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China as a Chinese expert and celebrity member of the "ASEAN Regional Forum" Expert and Celebrity Group, and is employed by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade as a member of the East Asia Business Council China. Yue Guining is a professor at the Institute of Thailand, China-ASEAN Research Institute, Guangxi University, and the Business School of Guangxi University, specializing in international finance. He has published books such as "Financial System and Monetary Policy Practice in ASEAN Countries" and "Analysis of Thailand's Investment Environment", and has published more than 30 papers in China. Qin Jianwen, Ph.D. in Management, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Business School of Guangxi University, Director of Audit Office of Guangxi University, Researcher of China-ASEAN Fiscal and Financial Policy Research Center of China-ASEAN Research Institute, Member of Nanning Municipal Government Expert Advisory Committee, his main research areas are financial institutions and financial markets, Beibu Gulf development. He has published more than 30 papers in core journals such as International Finance Research. Li Hong, Ph.D. in Management, Director of the Institute of International Relations, China-ASEAN Studies, Guangxi University, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Business School of Guangxi University, his main research area is geoeconomics. China-ASEAN Cooperation: From 2.0 to 3.0? He has published more than 60 papers at home and abroad. Yuzhu Wang, Ph.D. in Economics, is a researcher and doctoral supervisor of the Institute of Asia-Pacific and Global Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and a visiting researcher of the China-ASEAN Institute of Guangxi University, focusing on Asia-Pacific regional cooperation, ASEAN issues, and China-ASEAN relations. He has published books such as "40 Years of ASEAN" and many academic papers at home and abroad. Yaping Liu, Ph.D. in Ecology, is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the Business School of Guangxi University, focusing on tourism economy, ecological economy and ASEAN issues. At present, he has published more than 60 relevant academic papers in SSCI and CSSCI journals, and published 4 monographs such as "Eco-culture and Tourism Sustainable Development" and "Cambodia Investment Analysis Research Report". Huang Ailian Doctor of Law, Director of the Institute of Myanmar Studies of China-ASEAN Studies of Guangxi University, Professor of Business School of Guangxi University, Master Supervisor, the main research areas are China-ASEAN tourism cooperation, China-Myanmar issues, has published "Myanmar Investment Environment Analysis Report", "Restrictions and Breakthroughs: Beibu Gulf Regional Tourism Cooperation" and other works, published more than 50 papers in domestic and foreign journals. Jin Dan, Ph.D. in Economics, is an associate researcher at the China-ASEAN Institute of Guangxi University, director of the Vietnam Institute, and a master's supervisor, mainly engaged in the research of ASEAN economy and Vietnam issues. He has published the book "Social Capital and Regional Economic Growth" and published many papers in national core journals. Sheng Yuxue, Ph.D. in Economics, is an assistant researcher at the China-ASEAN Research Institute of Guangxi University, focusing on spatial economy and regional economic cooperation, and has published many related academic papers in SSCI and CSSCI journals.(AI翻译)





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