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The goal of becoming a strong sports country puts forward higher requirements for the development of China's sports industry and is an important part of the national development strategy. In 2008, Hu Jintao clearly put forward the goal of "promoting China to move forward from a sports power to a sports power" in his speech at the summary and commendation meeting of the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games. In 2014, Xi Jinping stressed again at the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games that "the 'three big balls' should be carried out, which is a symbol of a sports power". This goal is an important part of China's comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society and the realization of the "Chinese Dream", and it is also the strategic design of sports development under the overall concept of realizing a modern socialist power in the middle of the 21st century. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way by 2020 and comprehensively promote socialist modernization. To achieve this grand goal, the development of China's sports industry requires high-level strategic thinking and overall and long-term planning. Regional sports development strategy refers to regional sports research with China's provinces (including autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, the same below) as the main body, and high-level and overall macro planning based on the advantages and conditions of regional sports development, further development requirements and goals. The research on regional sports development strategy not only provides important theoretical reference for the development of sports, but also makes significant contributions to the development of China's sports. The realization of the goal of becoming a strong sports country is inseparable from the support of regional sports development strategies. They are both interdependent and independent of each other; It is both coordinated and mutually supportive. Therefore, studying regional sports development strategies is not only the basis for achieving the goal of a sports power, but also an innovative research that seeks to achieve the goal of a sports power. The project closely grasps the overall goal of China's economic and social development, and relies on the background of China's four major regional economic and social development to carry out research on the regional sports development strategy under the goal of sports power. The project research draws on regional economic theories and examines the regional sports development strategy model against the background of regional economic and social development. Relying on the potential of regional sports development, plan the design of regional sports development strategy; Based on the theory of regional economic development, guide the construction of regional sports development strategy theory; From the perspective of regional sports development differences, explore the development law of regional sports; Take regional sports characteristics as a breakthrough, create regional sports advantages, and actively explore and establish theoretical models for regional sports development. To study China's regional sports development strategy under the goal of a strong sports country, we should first explain the connotation of a strong sports country and the strategic way to achieve the goal of a strong sports country. Secondly, the development of sports should be considered from multiple dimensions such as regional economy, society and culture, and the influencing factors of regional sports development should be selected, and the advantages and potential of regional sports development should be explored. Thirdly, we should draw on the theories of equilibrium and non-equilibrium, gradient and inverse gradient, growth pole, coordinated development, point axis gradual, urban circle and other theories of regional economic development, so as to provide theoretical reference for the formulation of China's regional sports development strategy. Finally, the problems of resource integration, benefit linkage and coordinated development among regional sports development elements should be studied, and a new model of China's regional sports development strategy should be constructed from the multi-dimensional level of regional characteristics. Combining the factors that affect regional sports development within the sports system and outside the sports system, 19 indicators were selected from the five aspects of natural endowment, location conditions, economic input, human resources and social environment, and 19 indicators were determined as 4 common factors after factor analysis, namely, the government's support for sports, the development ability of mass sports, the development strength of competitive sports and the sustainable development of competitive sports. In order to conduct a comprehensive study on the development of sports in China's four major regions, we have also appropriately selected some indicators of the sports industry in order to show the overall picture of China's regional sports development. The topic closely focuses on the strategic background of regional economic development in the east, the development of the west, the revitalization of the northeast and the rise of the central region, and is supported by a large number of literature and statistical data on regional sports development, and analyzes the advantages and potential of regional sports development in China. China's four major regions have their own characteristics in the development of sports, in short, the eastern region has the strongest overall development, and has experience worthy of reference from other regions in all aspects; The central region has developed mediocre itself, and the mission of undertaking the east and west needs to be gradually completed on the basis of its own strong development; The western region is rich in resources, suitable for the development of the sports industry, and mass sports are also quite valued; The advantages of competitive sports development in Northeast China are worthy of reference from all regions, but the shortcomings of mass sports and sports industry should be paid attention to. Based on the current situation and characteristics of China's regional sports development, the project makes full use of regional economic theory, deeply demonstrates the theoretical basis for the formation of China's regional sports development strategy and carries out theoretical innovation, including the principles, strategic subjects, strategic objectives and strategic measures on which the regional sports development strategy is based. For the first time, the theoretical method of optimal allocation of regional economic resources is used to plan the regional sports development strategy, and the role of imbalance theory in the construction of regional sports power under the condition of limited resources is fully affirmed, and it is regarded as the leading development idea in the primary stage, and the balance theory is taken as the leading idea of the regional development strategy in the advanced stage, and the specific application of multiple models of regional economic development is proposed in a more systematic combination of regional natural resource endowment and economic development stage. The project research is divided into three levels to build China's regional sports development strategy under the goal of a strong sports country. The first level is to construct China's regional sports development strategy based on the overall conditions of regional natural endowment and social and economic development, starting from strategic subjects, strategic objectives and strategic approaches. The second level is to take the four major regions of China's eastern, western, northeast and central regions as the research objects, and build China's four regional sports development strategies from four aspects: strategic thinking, strategic basis, strategic objectives and strategic measures according to the advantages and potential of regional sports development. The third level is to conduct in-depth research on the point axis development theory and growth pole theory in regional economics through the case analysis of regional sports development, use the "point axis circle" development model to plan Shenyang's urban sports life circle, and use the growth pole theory to carry out extended research on the competitive sports advantage project in central Liaoning. The outstanding feature of the project research is to combine the strategy of sports power with the theory of regional development strategy, and carry out the overall planning and design of regional sports development strategy. It not only includes determining the overall framework and phased strategic measures of China's regional sports development strategy based on the differences between regions and internal commonalities, but also contains the sports development strategy plan combining regional economic development strategy and regional sports advantages and potential, which provides a macro basis for provinces to formulate sports development plans to achieve a moderately prosperous society. The project research grasps the coordination between regional sports development and economic and social development, adheres to the coordination of competitive sports with mass sports and sports industry, adheres to the "national system" of Chinese sports characteristics, follows the basic laws of regional sports development, guides the research of regional sports development strategy, and puts forward a regional sports development model with practical significance. The total project was launched in June 2010 and is divided into 3 theoretical writing groups, 4 regional research groups, 1 material group and 1 drafting team, a total of 9 research groups. In August 2010, the theory group completed the writing of the part of "Interpretation of the Goal of Sports Power", and in December 2010, the theory group completed the writing of the part of "The Historical Evolution of China's Regional Sports Development Strategy". In March 2011, the theoretical group completed the writing of "Review of the Application Status of Regional Economic Development Theory", and in August 2011, the research group completed the writing of "Literature Review of Regional Sports Development Status". In June 2012, the research team completed the writing of "Research on the Advantages and Potential of Regional Sports Development", and in July 2012, it went to four regional representative provinces to conduct in-depth research to correct the research conclusions. In September 2012, the research group held a regional research report meeting, in October 2012, the project entered the final summary and summary stage, in November 2012, the project participated in the mid-term inspection of the National Social Science Fund, and in December 2012, the project entered the final draft stage. The phased results of the project research have successively published more than 10 papers in the Journal of Chengdu Institute of Physical Education, Sports Culture Guide, Journal of Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, Journal of Shenyang Institute of Physical Education, Sports and Science, Journal of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, completed 1 manuscript of "Comparative Study of China's Regional Sports Development Strategy", completed 1 manuscript of "China's Regional Sports Development Strategy Choice", completed 1 research report, and some of the research results also participated in various sports academic conferences at all levels in China. The research results related to the topic have been affirmed and praised by the heads of sports bureaus and experts and scholars of many provinces in the process of participating in the national survey, and many opinions and suggestions have played an important guiding role in the research and grasp of the project, and also provided sufficient theoretical basis for the conclusion of the project. The research design, project ideas, interpretation of the goal of sports power, and the historical evolution and content construction of China's regional sports development strategy research were completed by Zou Shi. The theoretical basis and theoretical innovation part of the formation of China's regional sports development strategy were completed by Wang Zhiwen; The research on the differences in provincial sports development in the four major plates of China, and the overall conclusion of the project results were partially completed by Li Anna; The western sports development strategy was partially completed by Shi Yunlong; The eastern sports development strategy was partially completed by Cong Dongmei; The central sports development strategy was partially completed by Zhang Yonggang; The Northeast Sports Development Strategy was partially completed by Zhao Binbin and Qian Jianrong; Yi Changhong, Qian Jianrong and Shang Zhifei participated in the case analysis and the writing and proofreading of some results. The final project was reviewed and completed by Zou Shi, Li Anna, and Wang Zhiwen. In view of the fact that the subject research is based on the perspective of the macro development strategy of sports, the content and region involved are relatively broad, and only some provinces can be investigated, so the scope of the investigation and research is slightly insufficient. The design and conception of regional sports development strategies are more principled descriptions from the direction of regional sports development strategies. The research results of the project are also limited to the guidance of increasing regional sports, while the sports of provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) are only based on the research of large regional background, mainly at the macro guidance level. The research focuses on objective analysis in the construction of strategic thinking, including the collection and use of a large number of data and materials to support it, thus placing more emphasis on feasibility argumentation. Due to time constraints, in terms of information feedback, only some provincial sports government departments and units have received feedback from them, which needs to be further compared and analyzed and verified by practice. "Research on China's Regional Sports Development Strategy under the Goal of Sports Power", May 2014(AI翻译)





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